Biden Criminality


PREMO Member

Bidens Owned over 20 Shell Companies to Hide Payments, Launder Money

After reviewing Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) at the Treasury and subpoenaing banks and individuals, Comer posted on Twitter that the Biden family created more than 20 entities to accept, forward, and collect payment from a wide range of business associates.

“We found all these shell companies that make absolutely no sense,” Comer told Fox News. “I don’t believe they have paid a penny of revenue, a penny of taxes on most of the millions of dollars they received from our adversaries around the world.”

In March, the committee revealed the Biden family business over the course of several years received over $10 million from business schemes in Romania and China in return for what appears to be influence peddling.

For instance, SARs obtained by the committee revealed a Biden associate, Rob Walker, received a $3 million wire transfer from CEFC China Energy Co. In turn, four Biden family members — Hunter, James, Hallie, and an unidentified “Biden” — received a collective $1.3 million cut from the $3 million wire transfer.

Breitbart News reported the Biden family business received a total of $5.1 million within days of Hunter Biden’s messages to CEFC through multiple accounts, including Owasco and Hudson West III LLC.

“How did they list this on their taxes?” Comer questioned. “Is it a service they provided?”

Moving forward, Comer’s committee is set to begin deposing Biden family business associates in the coming weeks and months. Comer said in early July that Devon Archer, one of Hunter Biden’s top associates, will be the first member deposed to unravel the family’s international business schemes.


Well-Known Member
Well: It is criminal that the Congress has to do the job of the Justice Department , the IRS and the FBI.
The criminals who refuse to do their job should be fired without pension.

There was no way Biden could sell influence without the knowledge and consent and probably the sharing of the benefits by the then President, --------------OBAMA.
You don't get 4 mansions honestly by writing a shtty book.


PREMO Member
"The night before the interview of Hunter Biden, both Secret Service headquarters and the Biden transition team were tipped off about the planned interview," Comer explained. "On the day of the Hunter Biden interview, federal agents were told to stand by and could not approach Hunter Biden – they had to wait for his call. As a result of the change in plans, IRS and FBI criminal investigators never got to interview Hunter Biden as part of the investigation."

In his testimony to the House Ways and Means Committee back in May, Shapley described how the tipoff around Dec. 7-8, 2020, was a major setback for the investigation, and one of several instances in which political favoritism and interference occurred.

"I was informed that FBI headquarters had notified Secret Service headquarters and the transition team about the planned actions the following day," Shapley testified.

You can read Shapley's complete interview with lawmakers here.



PREMO Member

IRS Whistleblower Gives Jaw Dropping Answer On If Joe Biden Benefitted From Son’s Business Deals

Ziegler said that he wanted to interview Hunter Biden’s adult children because “a lot of the business deductions, expenses, [were] related to the adult children.”

When asked whether he got approval to ask, he said, “We never received the approvals to talk to those people” because he was told by the Assistant U.S. Attorney that doing so was going to get them “into hot water.”

“Is that in the IRS handbook, avoiding hot water?” Herridge asked.

“No, but I mean, I was asking to do these certain things and roadblock after roadblock was put up in front of me,” he said.



PREMO Member

IRS Whistleblowers Claim DOJ Obstructed Hunter Biden Investigation

Politics, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, Whistleblower, Department Of Justice, Internal Revenue Service, House Oversight And Accountability Committee

AllSides Summary​

The House Oversight and Accountability Committee heard testimonies from two whistleblowers formerly involved in the agency’s investigation into Hunter Biden.

Details: IRS agents Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler made a number of claims during their testimonies, including claiming that the IRS investigation into Hunter Biden’s taxes was slowed and obstructed by the Department of Justice and the Biden Administration, that agents were blocked from probing potential connections to President Biden, that agents were blocked from questioning Hunter Biden’s adult children, and more. In June, Hunter Biden reached a plea deal with federal prosecutors over unpaid income tax and a gun-related charge that would avoid prison time.

Key Quotes: In his opening statement, Ziegler said “assigned prosecutors did not appear to follow the normal investigative process, slow-walked the investigation, and put in place unnecessary approvals and roadblocks from effectively and efficiently investigating the case.” Rep. James Comer (R-KY), chairman of the House Oversight and Accountability Committee, vowed to “continue to follow the money trail” by investigating the international business dealings of the president’s son. Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD), the leading Democrat on the committee, called the hearing “a theater of the absurd.”

How the Media Covered It: Right-rated media covered the hearing most prominently. Left- and center-rated media covered the hearing mildly. Some left-rated outlets covered the hearing but only focused on one moment where Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green (R-GA) showed a leaked image of Hunter Biden engaging in a sexual act, drawing backlash from Democratic committee members.


PREMO Member

Release of FBI Document Boosts Case for Biden Impeachment Inquiry

These allegations were made in June 2020, and date back several years. They are similar to allegations first raised in 2018 when then-former Vice President Biden bragged about having Shokin fired in 2015.

President Donald Trump asked Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate in 2019, which led to his impeachment by Democrats, who denied all along that there had been anything untoward about the Bidens and Burisma.

The FD-1023 suggests that Hunter Biden was hired, despite being allegedly “not smart,” to “protect us, through his dad, from all kinds of problems.” Joe Biden denied the allegations, and claimed in 2019 that he had never discussed his son’s or his family’s business interests with them — a claim that has since been shown to be a lie, one that Democrats have all but admitted as they attempt to argue that he knew, but did not participate.

Democrats impeached Trump over the obscure and constitutionally-questionable question of whether he had damaged U.S. foreign policy by withholding security funds from Ukraine until the investigation took place (the funds were ultimately delivered and did not impact the shipment of aid, such as Javelin anti-tank missiles). But “bribery” is specifically mentioned in the U.S. Constitution as an impeachable offense, along with treason.


PREMO Member

The FBI is furious Chuck Grassley released an internal document that makes unverified claims about Hunter and Joe Biden accepting bribes

Grassley's office disputed the bureau's claim that the release could endanger the confidential informant.

" Democrats and the media sought to link the FD-1023 to the Bidens' activity in Ukraine long before this document became public, citing information that only the FBI and DOJ could have known," Grassley spokesperson Taylor Foy said in a statement to Insider. "The FBI can't cite risks to sources while thwarting congressional oversight in one breath and leak selective information to the news media in another."

The release of the FBI document come days after former President Donald Trump, the 2024 GOP frontrunner, got a letter informing him that he's a target in the DOJ's investigation into the January 6, 2021 Capitol riot.


PREMO Member

Biden $10M bribe file released: Burisma chief said he was ‘coerced’ to pay Joe, ‘stupid’ Hunter in bombshell allegations

Key quotes from FBI's Biden family informant file​

Excerpts from the FBI’s confidential informant file on the Bidens, describing conversations between the informant and officials from the Ukrainian gas company Burisma:

In late 2015 or early 2016, the informant met with Vadym Pozharsky, chief financial officer of Burisma, who bragged about having Hunter Biden on the board.

“They hired Hunter Biden to ‘protect us, through his dad, from all kinds or problems.’ “

In 2016, the informant met with Mykola Zlochevsky, head of Burisma, shortly after Joe Biden had made a public statement about Ukraine Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin being corrupt, and that he should be removed from office. Asked about Shokin’s investigation into Burisma:

Zlochevsky replied something to the effect of, ‘Don’t worry Hunter will take care of all of those issues through his dad.’ [The informant] did not ask any further questions about what that specifically meant.

The informant suggested Zlochevsky hire some attorney for $50,000 to ligate the case. Zlockevsky said:

“It costs 5 (million) to pay one Biden, and 5 (million) to another Biden.”

The informant asked Zlochevsky why he didn’t hire some normal US oil and gas advisers:

“Zlochevsky made some comment that although ‘Hunter Biden was stupid, and his dog was smarter,’ Zlochevsky needed to keep Hunter Biden (on the board) ‘so everything will be okay.’ “

The Bidens pressured him, Zlochevsky said.

“Zlochevsky stated he didn’t want to pay the Bidens and he was ‘pushed to pay’ them. . . . he [said] has many text messages and ‘recordings’ that show that he was coerced to make such payments.”

Asked whether Hunter Biden or Joe Biden told Zlochevsky he should retain Hunter Biden; Zlochevsky replied:

“They both did.”

Asked if he had any proof that he’d be “pressured” to pay the Bidens:

“Zlochevsky said he had a total of ‘17 recordings’ involving the Bidens; two of the recordings included Joe Biden, and the remaining 15 recordings only included Hunter Biden. [The informant] reiterated that, per Zlochevsky, these recordings evidence Zlochevsky was somehow coerced into paying the Bidens to ensure Ukraine Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin was fired.”

Asked about payments:

“Zlochevsky responded he did not send any funds directly to the ‘Big Guy’ (which [the informant] understood was a reference to Joe Biden). . . . Zlochevsky responded it would take them (investigators) 10 years to find the records (i.e. illicit payments to Joe Biden).”

The informant thought the story of the Burisma officials was credible.

“Given the pervasive necessity to bribe government officials in Ukraine and Russia, [the informant] did not perceive Pozharsky or Zlochevsky’s statements to be unusual, self-serving, or pretextual.”


PREMO Member

Revelations About Biden’s $10 Million Ukraine Bribery Scheme Warrant Impeachment

The document is damning. If there wasn’t enough evidence for the GOP-controlled House to open impeachment proceedings against Biden before, there certainly is now. Recall that former President Donald Trump was impeached by Democrats just for asking the Ukrainian President about the Biden bribery scheme on a phone call in 2019.

Now we know there was good reason for Trump to be asking about it. We also know there’s far more evidence Biden engaged in impeachable (and possibly criminal) offenses than there ever was against Trump. When Democrats first impeached Trump at the end of 2019, they claimed he had solicited foreign interference in the 2020 election by asking Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky about the Biden bribery scheme. His questions now appear to be well-founded. They’re questions the FBI and Justice Department should have been asking back in 2017 when the informant first told the FBI what he knew.

What we’ve now learned from the four-page document — an unclassified FD-1023 form, which is used by the FBI to record credible reports and information from trusted confidential sources — is that Burisma allegedly paid $10 million in bribes to the Biden family so that Joe Biden, who at the time was vice president, would make the company’s legal problems in Ukraine disappear. Biden later bragged about how he pressured Ukrainian authorities to fire Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin, who was investigating Burisma, by threatening to withhold aid to the country. At the time, Biden claimed Shokin was “corrupt.”

But if what the FBI informant says is even partially true, it’s Biden who is corrupt — and on a grand scale. According to the document, a top Burisma executive said the only reason the firm hired Hunter Biden (for a mind-boggling $83,000 a month) was “to protect us, through his dad, from all kinds of problems,” and that even though Hunter “was stupid,” they needed him “so everything will be okay.” What’s more, the firm was apparently told by both Hunter and Joe Biden that it needed to hire Hunter for this “protection.”

Keep in mind this isn’t some third-hand reporting, or some obviously fake dossier cooked up by the RNC and passed off to credulous journalists to smear Biden. This is what a trusted FBI informant says he was told directly by Ukrainian oligarch Mykola Zlochevsky, the founder and CEO of Burisma.


PREMO Member

Explosive FD-1023 Exposes More Biden Bribery Dirt — And Teases Damning Evidence To Come

Beyond putting the already known details in black-and-white for the public to read, such as Zlochevsky’s representation that he had 17 recordings of the Bidens and had never paid the “Big Guy” directly, the release of the FD-1023 is significant for another reason: The American public now knows the many details the FBI could have and should have investigated.

For instance, did Burisma or any other related entity purchase a Texas-based oil and gas company for approximately $20-$30 million during the relevant time period? Were the CHS and his business partner in Kiev in the 2015 and 2016 time period? Did the CHS’s U.S. business partner confirm the details of the meeting? Was the CHS in London during the relevant time in 2019? And did the FBI ever ask the CHS to record his conversations with Zlochevsky or attempt to turn Zlochevsky into an asset?

According to the FD-1023 report, in 2019, the CHS had offered to assist Zlochevsky if he wanted to speak to the U.S. government about the Bidens and what Zlochevsky claimed was their coercion of Burisma to pay the bribes. Did anyone ever ask the CHS to contact Zlochevsky? If not, why not?

The public release of the FD-1023 is significant now for a third reason: It comes on the heels of the IRS whistleblowers’ testimony Wednesday before the House Oversight Committee that suggested the CHS’s reporting corroborates other evidence.


PREMO Member

Five most significant allegations against the Bidens in FBI FD-1023 form

"Both" Joe and Hunter Biden advised Burisma CEO to keep Hunter on the board

Hunter said he would help end criminal investigation into Burisma "through his dad"

The Bidens ‘pushed’ Burisma CEO Zlochevsky to pay them

Burisma CEO did not pay 'the Big Guy' directly

The source warned Zlochevsky in a 2019 conversation that he "might have difficulty explaining suspicious wire transfers that may evidence any (illicit) payments to the Bidens."

"Zlochevsky responded he did not send any funds directly to the ‘Big Guy’ (which CHS understood was a reference to Joe Biden)," the form states.

The form says that the confidential source asked Zlochevsky how many companies and bank accounts he controlled, to which he responded that it would "take them (investigators) 10 years to find the records (i.e., illicit payments to Joe Biden)."

Burisma CEO has audio recordings, text messages, wire transfer statements as ‘proof’ of arrangement


PREMO Member

Investigators Obtain Biden Financial Records Showing ‘Transactions From Ukraine And Russia’: Oversight Chairman

“I want to know what countries so far you can name for sure,” said Ferguson. “And there’s one country that hasn’t been talked about a lot — and that’s Russia.”

“Stay tuned,” Comer responded.

Cruz quickly interjected, “Stay tuned? You want to break news, but this a podcast, you gotta, you gotta show a little leg here, James.”

“We have more bank records that we’ve received,” Comer responded. “We’re working on a third memorandum. They will show transactions from Ukraine and Russia.”


PREMO Member

It's Increasingly Clear the Feds Were Protecting Joe Biden, Not Hunter

Sure, it’s fun to talk about salacious parts of the Hunter case, but the far bigger concern should be finding out why companies operating in authoritarian nations sent the Bidens $17 million. It would be a fair question even if there had been no criminal investigation.

Now, I’m not saying the feds were covering up proof of Joe Biden’s illegality — though circumstantial evidence and common sense say the family business couldn’t function without his participation. I’m saying it’s increasingly clear the Justice Department didn’t want to find out if there was any evidence. No one wanted a replay of the Hillary illegal server scandal. And that’s how Hunter got his sweet deal.

“Any time we potentially wanted to go down the road of asking questions related to the president, it was, ‘That’s gonna take too much approvals. We can’t ask those questions,'” Ziegler told CBS News. “And I mean, it created an environment that was very hard to deal with.”

Gary Shapley, the second whistleblower, also testified that every time prosecutors wanted to talk to Joe’s grown grandchildren or others who were receiving payments from foreign companies connected to the “big guy,” investigators shut them down. Shapley told the committee that every step of the way “decisions were made that benefited the subject of this investigation.” That included the Justice Department stretching out the investigation to allow the statute of limitations to expire.

Shapley says a U.S. attorney for D.C. appointed by Joe Biden was the one who had the final call on whether felony charges were brought against Hunter. U.S. Attorney David Weiss, he testified under oath, told a room filled with five other senior FBI and IRS agents that he was “not the deciding person on whether charges are filed.” Maybe Congress should get everyone else under oath and find out?


PREMO Member

FBI Source Provided Allegations That Joe Biden, Hunter Biden Received Bribes: Document

A confidential source provided information to the FBI in 2020 alleging that then-presidential candidate Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden were bribed to pressure Ukraine to remove a prosecutor investigating Burisma, the Ukrainian company that employed the younger Mr. Biden, according to a document made public on July 20.

The source said he traveled to Burisma’s office in Ukraine in 2015 or 2016 with a man named Oleksandr Ostapenko. During the meeting, Vadim Pojarskii, chief financial officer of Burisma, told the source that the company hired Mr. Hunter Biden “to protect [the company], through his dad, from all kinds of problems.”

Burisma contacted the source to seek assistance in buying a U.S. company to merge with in the hope that it could go public in the United States.
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