Biden Criminality


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Five most significant allegations against the Bidens in FBI FD-1023 form

"Both" Joe and Hunter Biden advised Burisma CEO to keep Hunter on the board

Hunter said he would help end criminal investigation into Burisma "through his dad"

The Bidens ‘pushed’ Burisma CEO Zlochevsky to pay them

Burisma CEO did not pay 'the Big Guy' directly

The source warned Zlochevsky in a 2019 conversation that he "might have difficulty explaining suspicious wire transfers that may evidence any (illicit) payments to the Bidens."

"Zlochevsky responded he did not send any funds directly to the ‘Big Guy’ (which CHS understood was a reference to Joe Biden)," the form states.

The form says that the confidential source asked Zlochevsky how many companies and bank accounts he controlled, to which he responded that it would "take them (investigators) 10 years to find the records (i.e., illicit payments to Joe Biden)."

Burisma CEO has audio recordings, text messages, wire transfer statements as ‘proof’ of arrangement
And yet Scumdog Jamie Raskin says this was already invested years ago and nothing wrong was found.


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🔥 Yesterday, Fox News ran a story headlined, “Five Most Significant Allegations Against the Bidens in FBI FD-1023 Form.” The sub-headline explained, “Sen. Chuck Grassley made public an unclassified version of the FD-1023 containing the bribery allegations.”

On Thursday, Senator Charles Grassley (R-IA), 89, released a nearly completely unredacted version of the FBI’s previously ultra-top-secret FD-1023 witness form, which described how Burisma founder and Ukrainian oligarch Mykola Zlochevsky paid $5,000,000 each to then-Vice President Joe Biden and Hunter Biden, as a bribe to get Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin fired.

Cash captured by Ukrainian law enforcement right around the time Joe Biden was helping Ukrainian oligarchs get out of legal trouble
Look at all the evidence that the FBI has long held in its redaction-inkstained hands:

— Biden spectacularly arranged for Shokin to be immediately fired, without the prosecutor ever being accused of any wrongdoing, and using a U.S. aid package as leverage, which together is evidence of an official government act that appears to support no other legitimate U.S. interest.

— At the time, prosecutor Shokin had just issued an order to seize all of Burisma founder and bribemaster Zlochevsky’s property in Kiev, so there’s a clear motive.

— The FD-1023 confidential source form revealed evidence that the FBI has covered up for years, which describes in very specific and confirmable detail a substantial bribe connected with an official act by Biden.

— There is also plenty of after-the-fact evidence that money flowed to Hunter Biden consistent with the alleged deal, such as when Hunter was put on Burisma’s “board” with a million-dollar salary, for not doing any work. It appears the “board” was made up of Zlochevsky and Hunter. That’s it.

— According to the FBI’s source, Zlochevsky once remarked that Hunter was dumber than his dog. So crack-addled Hunter clearly wasn’t on the two-man “board” because of his brains.

— Hunter insisted that his dad, Joe, get free mint chip ice cream for life whenever he was in Kiev on a hair-sniffing expedition. (Okay, I made that one up.)

The rest of the list is as serious a catalogue of damning evidence as it ever gets, and we haven’t even seen all of the evidence yet. More is expected to be released in hearings this week. But in spite of how bad things are looking, corporate media has been completely silent about this story. Not one single word about the unredacted 1023 form graced the websites of the Wall Street Journal, Reuters, the Associated Press, the New York Times, or the Washington Post.

It’s almost like the Biden Administration has complete control over corporate media or something.

Fox News reported that a former DOJ intelligence chief agrees with me, that the evidence is more than strong enough to call for a complete criminal investigation and probably a special counsel appointment. We obviously can’t trust the FBI to do it.

Here’s how the Fox story played out on Hannity:

Compare and contrast the way the FBI buried-and-forgot the Biden Bribery evidence against the way it promptly convened a massive, all-hands-on-deck investigation into the ridiculous allegations against President Trump in Hilary Clinton’s obviously-fabricated Steele dossier, an investigation bursting with agents and completed with official wiretapping, honeypotting, embedding, and scads of FISA searches.

Now rationally explain to me why the two situations were treated so differently. I bet even Zlochevsky’s dog could see there’s no difference at all. Actually, the Biden Bribery case seems to be more like Schroedinger’s Cat than Zlochevsky’s dog, because corporate media seems to think it only exists if someone becomes aware of it.

You can read the four-page FBI form for yourself here, and you probably should:



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Devon Archer’s testimony proves it: Hunter’s a grifter — and Joe’s a damn liar

The White House sharply changed its tune on Monday, saying that Joe Biden “was never in business” with his son.

For nearly three years, the president has insisted that he didn’t know anything at all about Hunter’s dodgy foreign grift, let alone do business with him.

Why the change of tune? Because the lies are finally starting to fall apart.

On Monday, The Post revealed upcoming bombshell testimony from Hunter Biden’s ex-biz partner Devon Archer, who says the first son threw his then-VP dad on speaker during shady business calls as many as two dozen times just in Archer’s presence.

Archer says the president didn’t always realize he was on speakerphone.

Even that’s dubious, but assuming it’s true, Biden — a sitting vice president — surely knew what Hunter was doing generally and did nothing to stop it.

Hunter Biden put then-VP dad Joe on the phone with business associates at least 2 dozen times, ex-partner Devon Archer to testify

Hunter Biden would dial in his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, on speakerphone into meetings with his overseas business partners, according to testimony expected before Congress this week from Devon Archer, the first son’s former best friend.

Archer, 48, who is facing jail for his role in a $60 million bond fraud, is scheduled to testify to the House Oversight Committee about meetings he witnessed that were attended by Joe Biden either in person or via speakerphone when Hunter would call his father and introduce him to foreign business partners or prospective investors.

“We are looking forward very much to hearing from Devon Archer about all the times he has witnessed Joe Biden meeting with Hunter Biden’s overseas business partners when he was vice president, including on speakerphone,” said Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.), the committee chairman.

One such meeting was in Dubai late in the evening of Friday, Dec. 4, 2015, after a board meeting of the Ukrainian energy company Burisma, which was paying Hunter $83,000 a month as a director.

Devon Archer to Appear Before House Next Week, Has Already Testified Before Grand Jury

A close associate of Archer’s said that he was testifying because he believes it is his “civic duty.”

He has “nothing to hide, no revenge to enact nor anyone to protect other than his family and he feels he has been handcuffed by the absurdly bogus [fraud] case into remaining silent. In a forum where he has immunity, he can at least start to speak truth.”
Since news broke that Archer would testify before the Republican-controlled committee, his family has been receiving death threats and warnings to “keep your mouth shut.”

That’s more than a little concerning when you have a witness being threatened, so hopefully, he’s getting adequate protection.

But in addition to the Oversight interview, what’s intriguing here is the revelation that Archer has been before the federal grand jury and “answered similar questions.” That raises questions if there is something ongoing in the Biden matter or if this was just regarding the tax case against Hunter Biden. If it’s regarding these questions, i.e. Joe Biden’s involvement, it might suggest that indeed this area was/is being pursued, that it’s not just the tax matters. I hesitate to hope for anything when we’ve seen how badly the FBI and the DOJ have handled everything. But that is an interesting bit of news, and we’ll let you know if we get more clarification on that.


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Zelensky Associate Was Present at Biden Bribery Meetings – Then Went to Work for President Zelensky Who Now Is Holding Blackmail Information Against Joe Biden (VIDEO)

Ukrainian President Zelensky has a top official who was sitting in on meetings where they talked about bribing the Bidens.

Schweizer suggests Zelensky is using this as leverage over the Biden regime for weapons and billions in US dollars.

Peter Schweizer: We’ve been at this since 2018.
** They initially said there were no foreign deals.
** Then they shifted and said there were. There might have been foreign deals, but the Bidens made no money.
** Then it became Joe Biden didn’t know about any of the deals.
** Then it became Joe Biden didn’t participate in any of the deals.
** And now it’s that he was not in business with his son.
Look, the implications for this are huge, Jesse.


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Judge Sets ‘Conditions of Release’ For Hunter Biden – Orders Him to Get a Job, Submit to Drug Testing – READ THE FULL LIST HERE

Prosecutors tried to quietly slip immunity into Hunter’s plea deal so the deal blew up on Wednesday.

Hunter pleaded not guilty to the charges so the case is ongoing.

Delaware judge Maryellen Noreika, a Trump appointee, set new ‘conditions of release’ for Hunter Biden.

If Hunter does not comply with any part of the judge’s order, he can be arrested.


1) NOT possess a firearm
2) NOT use or possess any controlled substances (including marijuana) unless prescribed
3) Submit to full federal supervision
4) NO use of alcohol AT ALL
5) Seek active employment
6) Submit to testing for prohibited substances
7) Participate in substance abuse therapy


1) Immediate issuance of an arrest warrant
2) Revocation of release
3) Forfeiture of bond
4) Prosecution for contempt of court




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What, is Hunter Biden's legal team high or something?

Let us focus for a moment on Wednesday's legal proceedings. The original plea deal brokered by Biden's team would have Hunter skirt jail time by pleading guilty to tax fraud and completing a diversionary program to erase a gun charge. While Hunter's defenders claimed that most civilians would never actually be charged for these crimes, Hunter took the unusual step of bragging about these crimes (and others, if you include his serial drug and alcohol abuse and solicitation of prostitutes in potential violation of international human trafficking law) in his memoir.

But like Icarus flying too close to the sun, the hubris of the Biden bunch ultimately got the best of Hunter. After discovering that the plea deal would not protect Biden from further prosecution for acting as a foreign agent, Biden's attorney blew up the deal, telling the prosecutor to "just rip it up." In the end, the prosecutors did, after one failed attempt to craft a replacement deal. The judge worried that the gun diversion program, which was offered in lieu of jail time in the original deal, was not even constitutional. When prosecutor Leo Wise was asked whether there was any precedent for the diversion program workaround, Wise said there was not.

Hunter, who evidently did not understand the details of his own plea deal, ended the day reversing course and pleading not guilty.

One would never expect Hunter Biden, the most flagrant failson of a dynasty of dilettante drunks, to prove himself a worthy or competent defendant. But Biden's legal team somehow blew a 3-1 lead. Perhaps the affair of the paintings may provide an explanation as to why.

Remember at the start of his father's presidency, Hunter launched his third act (as well as this third wife) as a professional artist. Despite zero previous experience in the craft, Biden scored a debut opening at the prestigious Georges Berges Gallery in SoHo.

At the time, the White House promised that neither Joe nor Hunter would be learning who exactly would purchase the latter's paintings. Although Berges selling Hunter's work said he would be expected to attend his own opening, the White House asserted that "the president has established the highest ethical standards of any administration in American history."

Alas, no.


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DOJ Plea Deal With Hunter Biden Falls Apart as Federal Judge Infers DOJ Motive to Structure Immunity for Future Charges as DOJ Admits Ongoing Investigation

At the core, we see U.S. District Court Judge Maryellen Noreika noting the terms of the current DOJ plea deal appeared structured to provide immunity to Hunter Biden for any future crimes identified in the ongoing investigation on other matters; so, Noreika asked the DOJ directly. In essence, Judge Noreika called out the DOJ and directly asked them if this was their intent.


Here’s the non-pretending version. The corrupt U.S. attorney’s office organized, coordinated and colluded with the Hunter Biden team to structure a deal that would provide cover for Hunter Biden for any further crimes. This is corrupt as hell. The judge sniffed this motive and asked the DOJ directly. The DOJ could not make that admission for obvious reasons and denied this intent. Thus, the Hunter defense team then had to say without the previously agreed future immunity, the deal was off.


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Federal Judge Maryellen Noreika is suddenly in the spotlight. Today she refused to approve Hunter Biden’s plea agreement, as we have discussed in several previous posts. Liberals immediately denounced Judge Noreika as a Trump appointee. All of which raises the question: who is she?

A useful source of information is the form she filled out when she was nominated to the federal bench in late 2017. This is a standard questionnaire that is responded to by all federal judicial nominees. It covers her education, her experience, and potential conflicts of interest, among other things.


Wikipedia thinks that Maryellen Noreika is a Democrat, and that could be true, although I haven’t seen an explanation for that characterization. In any event, she was vetted and approved by Delaware’s two Democratic senators, a traditional part of the process of becoming a district court judge.

My impression is that Judge Noreika is smart and confident. Unlike some judges these days, she didn’t get her first glimpse of a courtroom from the bench, and she is accustomed to high-stakes litigation. All of which suggests that she is a good person to preside over the Hunter Biden prosecution. Until now, that investigation and prosecution–real or faux–has taken place among Washington insiders, behind closed doors. No one seriously doubts that Hunter has gotten kid gloves treatment from the prosecutors. As events now begin to unroll within public view, my sense is that Maryellen Noreika is well above the average we might expect as a presiding judge.


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Judge Demands Explanation From Hunter Biden’s Lawyers Over Alleged Lie to Court Clerk

A member of Mr. Biden’s legal team is accused of falsely identifying herself while requesting the removal of amicus materials. According to the court clerk, Jessica Bengels, a New York-based Latham and Watkins litigation services director, contacted the clerk and asked to have the information kept confidential.

In a July 25 letter, Theodore Kittila informed Delaware Judge Maryellen Noreika of the alleged trick, and that the clerk’s office had “advised that someone contacted the court representing that they worked with my office and that they were asking the court to remove this from the docket.”

Judge Noreika gave Mr. Biden’s lawyers until 9 p.m. on Tuesday to provide an explanation from their perspective.

“The Court has discussed the matter with the relevant individuals in the Clerk’s Office and has been informed that the caller, Ms. Jessica Bengels, represented that she worked with Mr. Kittila and requested the amicus materials be taken down because they contained sensitive grand jury, taxpayer and social security information,” the order reads.

Judge Noreika noted that “the caller misrepresented her identity and who she worked for in an attempt to improperly convince the clerk’s office to remove the amicus materials from the docket.”


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A Courtroom Perspective: GOP Hero Julianne Murray Weighs in On the Hunter Biden Court Fiasco from Inside the Delaware Courtroom (AUDIO)

On Sunday, Delaware Republican Party Chair Julianne Murray spoke with The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft about the Hunter Biden case and court date this week in Delaware.

Julianne announced that on Monday, she will file an Amicus Brief with the Delaware Court.

Julianne told The Gateway Pundit, “What is triggering this Amicus Brief is what has happened since the plea came out, since the details were released on the plea… What has happened is David Weiss has made statements that now contradict earlier statements. ‘I was independent, now I wasn’t so independent.’ The Attorney General himself has made statements that now don’t make sense or are misleading when you take in the IRS whistleblowers that testified.

The case is still developing and Julianne was going to be certain that the judge and the court knew about it.

Julianne then told TGP about her Monday filing, “We’re going to actually file a brief tomorrow… What is triggering this amicus brief is what has happened since the plea came out.”


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Former Biden Lawyer Served with Assistant Delaware Prosecutor Who Allegedly Froze ‘Big Guy’ Probe

Former deputy counsel to then-Vice President Joe Biden, Alexander Mackler, served as an assistant United States attorney of Delaware alongside Assistant U.S. Attorney Lesley Wolf, who worked on the criminal probe into Hunter Biden and allegedly prevented investigators from asking about “the big guy.”

Mackler’s relationship with Hunter Biden is noteworthy because Mackler served with Wolf at the Delaware Department of Justice during the probe into Hunter Biden. They also worked a drug and firearm case together. But at this time, there is no direct link that Mackler interfered in the Hunter Biden probe.

However, IRS agent whistleblowers allege Wolf refused to allow investigators to ask about Joe Biden being “the big guy.” They also claim Wolf cautioned the investigation team from searching Joe Biden’s guest house in Delaware for evidence against Hunter Biden because of “optics.”

They also contend the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) violations were a part of the Hunter Biden criminal probe, warranting a special counsel, but that Attorney General Merrick Garland refused to name one, preventing a degree of separation between Joe Biden and his DOJ.


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🔥 After a madcap “misunderstanding” involving Hunter Biden’s lawyers impersonating the Republican House Committee’s lawyers in a phone call to the court, Hunter’s plea deal experienced a rapid unscheduled disassembly in the courtroom yesterday. The New York Times reported the story with the headline, “How Hunter Biden’s Judge Came to Have Doubts on the Deal.”

image 3.png

Indeed. Now Judge Noreika’s even with the rest of us who already had “doubts on the deal.”

As it turned out, there was another misunderstanding, which became painfully obvious yesterday during the hearing to approve the carefully-negotiated plea deal. The Times’ sub-headline explained, “In just a few hours, Judge Maryellen Noreika exposed a gulf in understanding between the president’s son and prosecutors on an agreement they had spent weeks hashing out.”

Oh, sorry! It wasn’t a “misunderstanding.” It was a “gulf in understanding.”

The controversy centered on Hunter’s undeniable FARA violations. FARA is the Foreign Agents Registration Act, a process felony the Obama/Biden DOJ has been wielding against Republicans ever since Trump took office. For example, they prosecuted General Flynn under FARA for a single phone call. Similarly, the DOJ is pursuing Biden Bribery whistleblower Gal Luft over an alleged FARA violation, also for a single phone call.

Meanwhile, even people who live in Portland know Hunter has been hauling in millions from foreign actors, for years and years, not just with one phone call, but with many calls, meetups, tweets, handoffs, and WhatApps, and who knows what other unsanitary forms of communication, in exchange for explicit help getting the foreigners’ policies advanced in the U.S.

It’s not even in dispute.

According to corporate media, Hunter’s plea deal was supposedly always only about his income tax problem and his gun possession charge. But ever since the story broke, I’ve predicted it would somehow wind up with Hunter getting complete immunity for everything, including his much more serious FARA problems (especially serious in light of how assiduously the DOJ has been applying FARA to the eensiest contact between any Republican and a foreign citizen).

It was a three hour hearing. The simple version is that, while the judge was preparing to approve Hunter’s deal, she discovered — buried deeply in the fine print, so deeply it would have been trivially easy to miss — a lone citation to an odd statute number of a much broader type of release, a statute so broad and so universal that it is almost never ever used. As a result, the judge variously described the proposed Hunter plea deal as “not standard, not what I normally see,” possibly “unconstitutional,” without legal precedent, and maybe even “not worth the paper it is printed on.”

Since nobody could seem to agree, Judge Noreika asked the government to state on the record whether or not the single reference to the global release statute would give Hunter complete immunity from all possible crimes. She specifically mentions as an example any potential FARA violations. The Judge also asked the DOJ’s lawyers whether there were any ongoing investigations that might be affected by the release.

Curtly admitting only that “yes,” some kind of investigation continued, the DOJ lawyers explained the government did not intend for Hunter to get a complete release. They said their deal was only for a limited release as to just the tax issues and the gun charge.

That’s when the S.S. Hunter Biden capsized.

According to the Times, right after the government insisted FARA wasn’t included in the release — in spite of the way the deal had been written — Hunter (who should have let his lawyers talk) broke his silence, angrily snapping at the judge that he would never agree to a deal without broad immunity. Around the same time, his lawyer was jumping up and barking that the deal was now off, “null and void.” Hunter’s lawyer said the deal was not only for the tax and gun issues, but insisted the agreement was also for all other potential crimes related to Hunter’s financially-rewarding “consulting deals” with foreign companies in Ukraine, China and Romania.

A chaotic courtroom scene ensued, delighting the 30-odd reporters in the gallery, who’d been hoping for some kind of fireworks, but never dreamed of a courtroom field event like this. All the involved parties were upset. The DOJ lawyers were upset their sly trickery was exposed. Hunter and his lawyers were upset that they lost their sweetheart deal. And the Judge was upset that the DOJ and Hunter tried to fool her into making a giant error.

At the end of the day, Hunter formally withdrew his “guilty” plea and pleaded “not guilty” instead. Then Judge Noreika entered a sensational pretrial release agreement ordering Hunter to comply with a bunch of standards requirements like reporting international travel plans, avoiding drugs and alcohol, and getting a job. This is the kind of thing that can happen after the judge starts to hate you for impersonating the other side and involving the court in a fraud.

Still, it could have been worse. But not much worse. Hunter and the DOJ attorneys will now try to reboot the plea deal into something the Judge will accept. There’s no way they will ever try this case.



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According to the Times, right after the government insisted FARA wasn’t included in the release — in spite of the way the deal had been written — Hunter (who should have let his lawyers talk) broke his silence, angrily snapping at the judge that he would never agree to a deal without broad immunity. Around the same time, his lawyer was jumping up and barking that the deal was now off, “null and void.” Hunter’s lawyer said the deal was not only for the tax and gun issues, but insisted the agreement was also for all other potential crimes related to Hunter’s financially-rewarding “consulting deals” with foreign companies in Ukraine, China and Romania.

Sounds like all hell broke loose. Kinda reminds me of the courtroom scene at the end of The Untouchables when the judge swaps juries.


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Julianne Murray, lawyer for the Heritage Foundation and Delaware GOP chair, told the Daily Caller News Foundation the statement of facts would have favored Hunter Biden by providing him immunity for any crimes it encompasses if the judge had accepted the diversion agreement.

“It’s talking about income from Chinese partners, Ukraine, Romania—there’s a lot of information in there,” she told the DCNF. “I do think the statement of facts was broad and favored the defense.”

Former federal prosecutor and Missouri Attorney General candidate Will Scharf wrote for the Federalist Thursday that the facts were “purposely written to include his foreign influence peddling operations in China, Ukraine, and elsewhere.”

“In an apparent effort to shield Hunter from a new administration, which might try to throw out the pretrial diversion agreement by claiming that Hunter had violated his probation terms, they included a provision — which they admitted was entirely novel, with no precedent — stating that the government could not deem Hunter to have violated the agreement without first proving up violations in front of the judge,” Scharf wrote, referring to the DOJ’s proposed agreement.
