Biden Criminality


PREMO Member

The political pressure on Biden family corruption is working — keep it up

For any normal citizen, the Justice Department will release a written copy of the plea agreement before a judge signs off on it. That didn’t happen here. In fact, the Justice Department still has not released the written plea agreement, and it is only thanks to media leaks that the public can see what is in it.

And it is very alarming, which is why Judge Noreika refused to sign it. Plea deals are contracts, and like any other contract they outline what each side is getting in the bargain. But that was not true of Hunter Biden’s plea deal. His only outlined what the government was getting, a guilty plea on two misdemeanor tax charges.

What Hunter Biden was getting in exchange was buried in the 15th paragraph of a separate Diversion Agreement. Asked if he was aware of any Diversion Agreement that included a promise not to prosecute crimes in other agreements, the Justice Department said “no.” In other words, it was unprecedented — not what other citizens get, but something that no other citizen has received.

Not only was it unprecedented for agreement not to prosecute to be hidden in a separate document, but the judge also asked the Justice Department lawyer to identify any precedent for the breadth of the agreement not to prosecute. Again the Justice Department lawyers said no. Unprecedented again.

Essentially the plain reading of what was submitted to the court would have given Hunter Biden a get-out-of-jail-free card for all illegal conduct committed from 2017-2019. By the Justice Department’s own admission, the breadth of this immunity was previously unheard of.

The Justice Department lawyer then asked the judge to take his word that the Justice Department was not bound by the broad language of the written plea agreement, and would instead maintain the right to prosecute Hunter Biden for other wrongdoing, including violations of the Foreign Agents Registration Act. The judge had raised this possibility earlier in the hearing. To her credit, Judge Noreika refused to take the lawyer’s word as gospel and asked him to put the agreement in writing.

A wise decision.

Early in the hearing, Judge Noreika asked both sets of lawyers, “If there were a failure in the investigation or the charges brought were inappropriate, how would that get addressed in our form of government?”

“Through the political process,” the Biden Justice Department lawyer correctly answered.

Exactly. The Biden Justice Department is trying to dispose of the illegal behavior of Hunter Biden and his relationship with his father and other family members as quietly as possible. They don’t want to show the public how the Biden Justice Department is treating Hunter Biden with far more leniency than any other citizen.


PREMO Member

The fix was in for Hunter Biden — until a hero judge stepped up

In every normal criminal case, in every legitimate investigation, you have adversarial parties — the defense looking out for the accused’s interest and, critically, the Justice Department looking out for the public interest.

That means government attorneys are appropriately aggressive in prosecuting lawbreakers.

In fact, Justice Department plea-bargain standards generally call for requiring the defendant to plead guilty to, at a minimum, the most serious, readily provable charge.

The Biden investigation is continuing — even expanding — but we already know the Justice Department could have readily proved serious tax felonies (involving more than $10 million in income) and a gun offense carrying a potential 10-year sentence.

Alas, there’s nothing standard about the Hunter Biden case.

That’s because the parties are not adversaries.

They are in cahoots.

Thus did the president’s son and the president’s Justice Department conspire to orchestrate a plea deal that would (a) allow Hunter Biden to escape prison and be given immunity from future prosecution over the Biden family business of cashing in on President Biden’s political influence, and (b) allow the Biden administration to pretend that, with independence and integrity, the president had allowed his Justice Department to prosecute his own son.

On the egregious facts already known about Hunter’s conduct and the Biden family business, there would have been no way to consummate such a deal unless the judge was in on the scheme.


PREMO Member

Hunter Biden plea deal wording proves it: DOJ sought to protect JOE

And everything to do with protecting his dad.

Think about it: The reason the judge called the deal “nonstandard” — and why Wise couldn’t provide any precedent — is that no normal defendant ever gets such a sweetheart deal.

Yet with further prosecutions for past crimes ruled out, the DOJ and FBI officials needn’t even look for them — allowing them to stay clear of anything that might implicate the prez.

Meanwhile, they pretend there’s nonetheless an “ongoing” investigation — so they can use that as an excuse to avoid questions from Congress.

Obviously, if prosecutors and agents did want to uncover Biden family corruption, they wouldn’t have precluded additional charges.

But despite enormous evidence — millions of dollars in alleged bribes to Joe and his family, Mafia-like threats and apparent Watergate-level coverups — don’t expect the Biden DOJ to ever launch a serious probe. Not with Joe in office, anyway.


PREMO Member
Federal prosecutors were prepared to let Hunter plead out to two of the least consequential charges — with virtually no punishment — in exchange for blanket immunity for a slew of serious potential offenses, including tax, gun and drug crimes, a failure to register as a foreign agent and who knows what else.

All this, even though Hunter is still purportedly under investigation.

The government didn’t release the text of the plea agreement — it usually does — but a leaked copy shows that the wide-ranging, intentionally vague promise of immunity for crimes committed from 2014 to 2019 was curiously buried on paragraph 15 of the Pre-Trial Diversion Agreement.

On numerous occasions during the hearing, Noreika asked the government prosecutors if they knew of any precedent for a plea deal that offered immunity for “crimes in a different case.” Every time, the answer was no. In one instance, a federal lawyer admitted Hunter’s immunity was “crafted to suit the facts and circumstances.”

Indeed, the “circumstances” are that every aspect of a genuine investigation into Hunter Biden would, sooner or later, lead to Joe.

How could the FBI properly scrutinize Hunter’s tax evasion and influence peddling without talking to the president? Hunter’s laptop was teeming with texts and emails in which the son referenced his dad’s role in securing payments and taking a cut. In one email, a Burisma exec thanks Hunter for setting up a meeting with his dad.

These are private correspondences that Hunter and others never thought would be made public. Why would anyone lie in them?

Hunter’s former business partner Tony Bobulinski also contends Joe was involved in the family business. He’s said he’s willing to say so under oath. The same goes for Hunter’s close friend Devon Archer, who is reportedly going to testify that the president made at least 24 calls for the Biden family business.

A trusted FBI informant contends Biden was pressuring — “bribing” — foreign companies to send millions to the family business. The man says he has recordings of Joe. That seems important.

Two IRS whistleblowers in charge of investigating Hunter’s tax case also testified under oath not only that Joe Biden was present at least one business meeting but that the Justice Department wouldn’t let the agency investigate. They were “handcuffed,” “hamstrung,” “marginalized” and ultimately stopped. Why should anyone believe other aspects of the Biden investigation would be conducted any less corruptly?



PREMO Member

Multiple Banks Filed Over 170 Suspicious Activity Reports on the Bidens

BREAKING🚨 Rep. James Comer says six banks, including JP Morgan, Bank of America, and Wells Fargo, submitted over 170 suspicious activity reports to the Treasury Department regarding the Biden family, alleging their involvement in money laundering, human trafficking, and tax fraud.
The American banks also raised concerns about wire transfers received by the Bidens from foreign state-owned entities, notably from the Chinese government, allegedly for the purpose of money laundering and tax evasion.
The foreign wires were found to be directed towards Biden's business associates before being funneled through 20 shell companies associated with the Bidens. Subsequently, the funds were distributed among various Biden family members.

Comer and Cruz also discussed a name we've been hearing about for months, Rob Walker, the first account that Comer said the Committee subpoenaed. He was an associate of the Bidens who funneled money from China and Romania that was laundered. Although he's doing business with the Bidens, Comer doesn't know what that is. Those business dealings have been particularly concerning, though, as was actually only further highlighted during an exchange between Rep. Dan Goldman (D-NY) and IRS whistleblowers during an Oversight Committee hearing earlier this month.

Not only was there a $3 million wire from China one day, it came "out of the blue," for an account Comer said didn't have much activity otherwise over the course of 10 tears and maintained a balance of about $40,000 or $50,000. There had never been a foreign wire before.

The deposit needs to be in the bank for 24 hours so as to clear, but after 24 hours and 2 minutes, Comer detailed, incremental payments were wired to different Biden shell companies.

As the tweet explains about Walker and just 1 of the 170 SARs created by Joe or Biden, in addition to them being the subject of 100 SARs, which Comer has read:

Rep. Comer highlighted one specific SAR linked to a $3 million wire from China to Biden's business partner, Rob Walker. This money was received in an inactive account that had maintained a $50,000 balance for ten years before the significant wire transaction from China.
Within just 24 hours of receiving the wire, Walker initiated incremental payments to several Biden shell companies, eventually disbursing funds to four different Biden family members.
Comer explained that concealing the source of money through the use of shell companies to deceive the IRS is considered money laundering and racketeering.
He noted that if the funds were intended for legitimate purposes, they could have been wired directly to Hunter Biden, but instead, they were routed through business partners and various companies with no clear legitimate purpose.

These were Banks which Cruz reminded were big, well-known banks who had lawyers who knew what they were doing, and knew that the Bidens were "politically exposed." As Comer explained, the banks "suspected some of these wires were coming from state owned entities." Cruz confirmed that means "the Chinese Communist government was sending the money." The banks serve as the whistleblowers then, with Cruz and Comer confirming the banks are headed by Democrats, "reliable political donors to the Democrats," as Cruz reminded.

Ferguson, who has a legal background, emphasized he was "in shock" over how "an American bank is writing that 'we believe a wire transfer coming into the Biden family is coming from the Chinese Communist government, not an entity... and we're saying it's money laundering on top of coming from the Chinese Communist government.'"
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PREMO Member

Biden 'Clearly Lied' - Turley Explains Why Congress Is Obligated to Launch Impeachment Inquiry

George Washington University law school professor Jonathan Turley has now added his name to the list of the folks that Congress is now obligated to launch an impeachment inquiry, given Biden “clearly lied” about his involvement in the Biden family foreign business dealings scandal. First, Turley discussed the question of pardoning Hunter and then he talked about what would have happened normally if a defendant backed out of a plea deal, as Hunter Biden did — that he’d be hit with maximum jail time. They spoke about that blanket immunity part of the agreement that you can see here. The impeachment part starts at about 4:20.

Turley said that all these questions “cannot go unanswered.”

We often talk about the powers of Congress and not its obligations. What is the House supposed to do? You know, you have a president who has clearly lied, lied for years, lied to the American people, lied through his representatives at the White House during his presidency. He obviously did know about these deals. He had involvement with some of these meetings. There was money that went to China.
And then you’ve got IRS agents saying that the fix was in, that this case was actively managed to avoid serious charges for the president’s son. You have millions of dollars moving through a labyrinth of accounts. You have a trusted source saying that there was a bribery allegation. The crime that is the second one mentioned in the impeachment clause.
So what are you supposed to do about that? And the answer is you have to investigate. And an impeachment inquiry gives the House that ability. It doesn’t mean they’re going to impeach. It means they’re taking the responsibility seriously no matter what the administration may want out of this. The one thing the House cannot allow is for these questions to go unanswered.

That’s the thing here — if Biden gets special treatment or is not pursued, that greatly harms our system.


PREMO Member

Corrupt DOJ Requests Court to Order Devon Archer’s Surrender for Imprisonment PRIOR to Testimony on Biden Crime Family

The letter requests Judge Ronnie Abrams to set a date and time for Archer to report to a facility chosen by the Bureau of Prisons.

“In light of the foregoing, the Government respectfully requests that the defendant be ordered to surrender, at a date and time determined by the Court, to a facility designated by the Bureau of Prisons to commence his term of imprisonment,” the letter read.

“The Government has conferred with counsel for the defendant about this request and asked that counsel propose a date for the defendant’s surrender,” it added.

Hunter Biden investigation: Why the Devon Archer testimony is so important

Archer’s attorney told the Washington Free Beacon last week that his client has already spoken with federal investigators and a grand jury looking into the Biden family.

Archer is expected to tell congressional investigators that Hunter Biden frequently put his father on speakerphone to talk to Burisma officials at the height of his lobbying work for the Ukrainian company.

At the time, Hunter Biden and Archer were working to stop an investigation into Mykola Zlochevsky, the head of Burisma, that was being led by Viktor Shokin, then the top prosecutor in Ukraine.

Devon Archer’s Legal Counsel Responds to DOJ Intimidation – Will Attend Monday’s Hearing as Planned

Biden sits on Delaware beach as DOJ tries to JAIL Hunter's best friend Devon Archer BEFORE his closed-door testimony - in which he will implicate Joe in First Son's foreign business schemes

  • Archer plans to testify that Hunter allegedly had then-Vice President Joe Biden on speakerphone during meetings with his foreign business partners
  • reported exclusively that Archer is now 'in hiding' after receiving 'threats' leading up to his bombshell testimony
  • DOJ sent a letter Saturday urging an expedited sentencing for Archer - in a last-minute attempt to stave off his testimony

Oversight Chair James Comer accuses Biden's DOJ of 'INTIMIDATING' witness in Hunter Biden foreign business probe

  • DOJ sent a letter to a judge Saturday urging an expedited sentencing for former Hunter business associate Devon Archer
  • Comes as GOP Oversight members prepare to interview Archer on Monday
  • Comer claims DOJ is trying to stop witnesses from cooperating with the probe

DOJ Forced to Clarify Letter on Archer's Jail Time Just Before Meeting With House Oversight

The New York Post's Miranda Devine tweeted out an update on early Monday morning, in the form of a letter from the Southern District of New York (SDNY) making clear that they don't expect Archer to surrender before his Monday testimony before the House Oversight Committee. Writing to U.S. District Judge Ronnie Abrams, U.S. Attorney Damian Williams noted that "[t]o be clear, the Government does not request (and has never requested) that the defendant surrender before his Congressional testimony." The letter also added that the process involved "can take several weeks or months after the Court sets a surrender date."

"Nonetheless, for the avoidance of all doubt, the Government requests that any surrender date, should the Court order one, be scheduled to occur after the defendant's Congressional testimony is completed," the letter also read, with added emphasis.

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PREMO Member

Joe Biden’s Defense ‘I’m Not Corrupt, I’m Just A Horrible Father!’

Now that people are beginning to notice and ask questions about things like how he got so rich, Joe has defaulted to the only defense left for him: He’s not corrupt, he’s just a horrible parent and brother.

It's an odd case to make, but it’s all Joe Biden has left. The evidence is mounting that he got huge sums of money from his degenerate son Hunter, who has no skills and offers zero in the way of goods or services for the pay. The only marketable thing the Biden family has ever had was Joe’s position in government, and they’ve milked that cow to the bone.

When asked about his involvement with the family business, Joe Biden has defaulted to what is not only the least believable answer – that he never talked to anyone in his family about their businesses – but also the answer that makes him look like the most enormous pile of garbage father ever.

“I have never discussed with my son or brother or anyone else anything having to do with their businesses, period,” Joe said many times. He then went on to say he went this “never” extreme to prevent even the appearance of a conflict of interest. “That’s why I never talked with my son or my brother or anyone else, even distant family, about their business interests, period,” he’s repeatedly said.

Does that pass the smell test? Of course not. But he’s reduced to arguing he’s a horrible father and brother, taking zero interest in the lives of his own family members so he can avoid what must be assumed to be the temptation to use his position in government to help make them money, right? That’s the only way to hear it.


PREMO Member

5 People Referenced Joe Biden as the ‘Big Guy’

Overwhelming evidence suggests the “big guy” is a monicker that represents President Joe Biden.

The monicker appears in an FBI informant form, text messages, and emails between Biden business associates. It also reportedly formed a part of the grand jury investigation into Hunter Biden, which IRS whistleblowers claim was politically influenced to protect the Bidens.

When questioned if he is the identity behind the monicker, Joe Biden snapped: “Why do you ask such a dumb question?”

At least five individuals involved in the family business referenced Joe Biden as the ‘big guy.”


PREMO Member

Timeline of Feds’ Relationship with Biden Family Business

Law enforcement had knowledge of the Biden family business and alleged wronging for years before the FBI obtained Hunter Biden’s laptop. Despite the warnings of whistleblowers and lawmakers, government agencies appeared uninterested in pursuing any suspicious evidence. Even years later, government agencies appear uninspired by the mounting evidence.


PREMO Member
Biden Impeachment Inquiry Is Well-Earned

Every member of Congress takes an oath to support and defend the Constitution, as does the President. This obligates the former to act when the latter flouts the nation’s founding document. The framers constrained the exercise of presidential power by creating two additional coequal branches of the government — Congress and the Judiciary. Biden routinely ignores pesky laws passed by the former and publicly excoriates the latter when rulings displease him. The primary constitutional mechanism available to Congress for controlling a lawless president is impeachment. If the House refuses to use that tool, it is equally guilty of flouting the Constitution. As Jonathan Turley told Fox News on Friday:

We often talk about the powers of Congress and not its obligations … You have a trusted source saying that there was a bribery allegation. The crime that is the second one mentioned in the impeachment clause. So what are you supposed to do about that? And the answer is you have to investigate. And an impeachment inquiry gives the House that ability. It doesn’t mean they’re going to impeach. It means they’re taking the responsibility seriously no matter what the administration may want. The one thing the House cannot allow is for these questions to go unanswered.


PREMO Member

Devon Archer Testifies Burisma Holdings Would Have Gone Under Without Joe Biden

Archer testified that in December 2015, co-founder of Burisma Mykola Zlochevsky and Vadym Pozharski, an executive of Burisma, put pressure on Hunter Biden to get help from Washington, DC, regarding the Ukrainian prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, who was investigating Burisma for corruption.

In 2018, Joe Biden bragged about the firing of prosecutor Viktor Shokin during an official visit to Ukraine in 2015. During the visit, he met with former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko in Kiev about Ukraine’s corruption.

Four months after the meeting, Poroshenko fired Shokin.

An FBI informant alleges Joe and Hunter Biden accepted a $5 million bribe from Zlochevsky.

Archer said that Hunter Biden, along with Zlochevsky and Pozharski, “called D.C.” to speak about the legal situation. “Biden, Zlochevsky, and Pozharski stepped away to take make the call.”


PREMO Member

Are The DOJ And Hunter Biden Attempting To Commit Fraud In Federal Court?

Of course, President Biden’s DOJ didn’t tell that to Judge Noreika nor provide her any evidence related to the $1 million payment. Instead, the DOJ declared the payment was for “legal fees,” and Hunter’s legal team enthusiastically nodded. But that’s not what the evidence indicates.

First, there’s the problem that the $1 million payment on March 22, 2018, was made not to Hunter Biden’s law firm, Owasco PC, but to Owasco LLC. And if you are going to pay $1 million for legal representation, you kinda want to pay the law firm supposedly providing those services.

Second, not only did Ho not pay Hunter’s law firm, Owasco PC, Ho didn’t even pay Owasco LLC. Rather, Ho paid Hudson West III LLC $1 million on Nov. 2, 2017 — mere weeks before federal prosecutors charged Ho with bribing foreign officials to advantage the Chinese communist energy company CEFC. Then on March 22, 2018, Hudson West III LLC transferred that $1 million to Owasco LLC with a notation that it was for “Dr Patrick Ho Chi Ping Representation.”

According to a U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs finance report, Hunter “Biden stated that the incoming wire amounting to $1MM on 11/2/2017 from CEFC Limited foundation should have gone to Owasco LLC, however, he provided the wrong wire instructions, and due to the large amount the transaction was not corrected until 3/22/2018, which consisted of an outgoing wire for the same amount benefiting Owasco LLC.”

The Senate report further explained that Biden had stated that “Boies Schiller Flexner is co-counsel for Dr. Patrick Ho’s case. Hudson West III LLC has no involvement with Patrick Ho Chi Ping[’s] case and won[’t] expect further transaction related to Dr. Patrick Ho Chi Ping trail [sic] for Hudson West III LLC. Owasco LLC and co-Counsel Boies Schiller Flexner will represent Dr. Patrick Ho Chi Ping [at] trial.”


Well-Known Member
One of the biggest takeaways I have from all this is something that was staring us all in the face and we didn't see it.

Biden didn't get Shokin fired to protect his son - his son was THERE to make sure JOE would protect BURISMA.


PREMO Member

Ashley Biden Recording CONFIRMS That the Infamous Diary Is Hers, and Sick Joe May Have to Head to the Showers

An audio recording of the woman who called Project Veritas’s tip line on Sept. 3, 2020, said her family knew the people who rented out the house and that Ashley Biden stayed in one of the bedrooms and left behind a diary. On the voicemail, the unidentified woman said, “The diary is pretty crazy. I think it’s worth taking a look at. It’s not a joke, it’s real. I’d love to get it in your hands.”

It sure was “crazy.” Ashley Biden suffered from sexual and drug addictions and wrote in her diary that her dad would often take showers with her. She also wrote that she would wait until late at night to take showers to avoid her dad slipping into the shower with her.

Project Veritas talked with Ashley Biden, who confirmed that the diary and all the belongings she left behind were verifiably hers (see the video below). She left behind the “diary, clothes, luggage, pills…” and verified that they were all hers. This is the first time the news outlet has divulged the audio recordings.

Ashley Biden’s voice is on an audio recording confirming the items were hers. “I don’t want to have to get the Secret Service involved at this point, right, because it just isn’t, it’s a whole process,” she told the reporter. “I am Ashley Biden; it is my stuff. I know you sent a picture to my husband with a camera and a few other things that are mine as well.”

The reporter asked her, “There’s also this bag with luggage tags on it as well. Is that bag yours too, Ashley?” She responded, “Yeah, it is.”


PREMO Member

Are More Hunter Biden Associates About to Blab?

A full transcript of Archer’s testimony is expected later this week, but this may not be the end of Joe Biden’s problems. According to a report from The Post Millennial, there’s still plenty more to happen in the investigation into Joe Biden’s influence peddling. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) told the outlet there even more of Hunter Biden’s business partners are expected to be deposed — although she would not reveal who they are.

“While influence peddling is not necessarily a crime in a lot of circles, like say with celebrities, for example,” Greene said, “influence peddling is a massive crime when it comes to someone that is vice president or president or a member of Congress or Senate or anyone in power to make very important policy decisions.”

According to Greene, Archer testified that Joe Biden was referred to as “the brand” and that the reason for Joe Biden’s participation in the phone calls with Hunter’s associates was to leverage Joe Biden’s influence and power for Hunter’s business ventures. “They made Joe Biden the actual product they were selling,” Greene explained, “and that means they were selling the Vice Presidency of the United States.”

If more witnesses corroborate Archer’s testimony, Biden might face significant pressure to end his campaign or face impeachment.