Biden Criminality


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Lately, there has been much commotion surrounding the Hunter and Joe Biden business scandal. On Monday afternoon, Hunter’s former best friend and business partner, Devon Archer, showed up on Capitol Hill to speak with members of Congress about Hunter and Joe’s shenanigans — all behind closed doors. Devon seemed quite cheerful upon arrival:

Could that smile be concealing ulterior motives? Hunter and Joe should probably be concerned, as Devon may be seeking some revenge. After all, it was Obama and Joe’s admin that had Devon arrested while Hunter got away without facing consequences.

Here’s what Chantel Rion from OANN had to say about that:

Hunter Biden’s best friend, partner, and jail-bound Devon Archer is set to talk to congress behind closed doors.
He can’t be a happy camper – he gets jail time, Hunter Biden doesn’t.
Devon Archer to Hunter: “Why did your dad’s admin and appointees arrest me and put me in jail? … why would they try and ruin my family and destroy my kids and no one from your family’s side step in and at least try to help me. I don’t get it. And I’m depressed.”

Here’s a closeup of the text:

devon archer hunter text

And speaking of Hunter’s friends, that leads us to the new bombshell story from the investigative team at the Washington Examiner, who delved into the matter and uncovered a million-dollar question for Hunter and Obama’s DOJ: Why were associates of Hunter forced to register under FARA for doing the exact same work as Hunter was doing at Burisma while he was exempt from doing so?



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Everything the left said about Trump and Russia was a complete lie. Today John Durham confirmed this. Unfortunately, no one was held to account so we can expect more and more of this corruption, criminal activiy and lies from our government in the years ahead.

On Monday we found out who was really colluding with Russia. It was Joe and Hunter Biden.

LAST YEAR: Karine Jean-Pierre refused to say why Biden didn’t sanction Russian billionaire Elena Baturina — nor if Biden met with her in Georgetown while he was Vice President.

Today Hunter Biden’s best friend and business associate, Devon Archer, testified that Joe Biden met with Russia’s Yelena Baturina who later invested into $40 million into Hunter Biden’s real estate ventures. And she also paid Hunter Biden $3.5 million in consulting fees.

Yelena Baturina,
the billionaire widow of a corrupt Moscow mayor, was left off of Biden’s Sanctions list.



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FLASHBACK: Joe Biden Called President Trump “A Clown” During Presidential Debate for Pointing out Hunter Biden’s $3.5 Million Donation from Moscow Mayor’s Wife

Back in September 2020, President Trump confronted Joe Biden at the first presidential debate stage about his son Hunter’s $3.5 million bribe from the Mayor of Moscow’s wife.

President Trump: China ate your lunch, Joe. And no wonder your son goes in and he takes out, he takes out billions of dollars. Takes out billions of dollars to manage. He makes millions of dollars. And also while we’re at it, why is it just out of curiosity, the mayor of Moscow’s wife gave your son three and a half million dollars. What did he do to deserve it? What did he do with Burisma to deserve $180,000?

Joe Biden lied in response,

Joe Biden: “None of that is true. None of that is true.”

Hack reporter Chris Wallace then interrupted Trump and jumped in to assist Joe Biden offering him the stage.

Chris Wallace: Now, Mr. President. Mr. President, please, you asked a question.

Joe Biden then lied to the country.

Joe Biden: Totally discredited… That is not true… He doesn’t want me to answer because he knows I have the truth. His position has been totally thoroughly discredited… by the media, by our allies by the World Bank… by everyone… It’s hard to get any word in with this clown.

Chris Wallace then shut down the discussion.

Via The Washington Post‘s Glenn Kessler in 2022.

Less than 50 days before the 2020 presidential election, the Republican staff of the Senate Finance and Homeland Security committees issued a joint report with a startling claim — that Joe Biden’s son Hunter had received a $3.5 million wire transfer from Elena Baturina, a Russian billionaire and the widow of the former mayor of Moscow.



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New Revelations From DeVon Archer Make Things Even Worse for the Bidens

Why was Biden personally writing a letter to his son’s business partner if he says he never took part in or was affiliated with Hunter’s business dealings?

Seems kind of strange.

Archer spoke about the letter during his interview with Carlson.

“What was he thanking you for?” Carlson asked Archer, referring to Biden’s letter.

“First of all, it’s a lovely letter,” Archer answered. “Listen, it was kind of the beginning of our partnership and he was thanking me and thanking Hunter, I think, at the end of the day for bringing this idea of this government-regulatory-strategic-advisory business into the private equity world. And I think he was excited for the prospects for Hunter and he was just thanking [me], and I think it was a nice gesture.”

“It was a nice gesture for sure. Very polite. It gets a 10 on the etiquette scale,” Carlson agreed, saying: “But he’s vice president of the United States and he’s talking about foreign business deals with you and thanking you for that.”


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Democrat Rep. Dan Goldman claimed mere minutes after House GOP investigators heard Archer’s testimony on Tuesday that Joe simply phoned into his son’s business meetings to discuss the “weather.” This proved to be a strong pivot from Democrats’ insistence that Joe, as he repeated in 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023, had nothing to do with Hunter’s foreign business dealings. Goldman’s claims were also strongly contradicted by Archer’s confirmation that Joe’s phone calls did influence the people in Hunter’s meetings.

“To be completely clear on the calls, I don’t know if it was an orchestrated call or not. It certainly was powerful, though, because if you’re sitting with a foreign business person and you hear the vice president’s voice, that’s prized enough. That’s pretty impactful stuff for anyone,” Archer confessed.

At the time, Archer appreciated the leg up he and Hunter’s company had because of its close relationship with the VP. But he later admitted that “In the rearview, it’s an abuse of soft power.”

“The power to have that access in that conversation, and it’s not in a scheduled conference call, and it’s a part of your family, that’s like the pinnacle of power in DC,” Archer said.

Phone calls weren’t the only means Joe used to contact Biden family associates. In addition to meeting Archer at least “20 times,” Joe penned the businessman a letter thanking him for partnering with Hunter.



PREMO Member
🔥 The New York Post ran a revealing story yesterday headlined, “Joe Biden wrote letter to Hunter biz partner Devon Archer after 2011 China lunch — despite claims of never discussing son’s business.”

Drip, drip!

In January 2011, after Devon Archer and Hunter Biden formed shady Rosemont Seneca Partners with John Kerry’s son, then vice-president Joe Biden sent Devon a polite thank-you note mentioning the new partnership:


During a recent interview with Tucker Carlson, Archer explained that Rosemont Seneca involved on “helping clients navigate the U.S. regulatory environment.” Specifically, Archer said, “Understanding a regulatory environment means selling access, at the end of the day, and I think that’s how I think the most people working on Wall Street, whether they admit it or not, interpret it.”

That’s how it works for the politically elite. You make your money off government. Why take the risk of inventing something when selling access is a sure thing?

According to the Post, Hunter and Archer were scheming up international ventures ahead of the 2011 lunch with Chinese president Hu, and Hunter specifically recommended that his new partner Archer be invited to the luncheon, according to FOIA emails released in May by the National Archives.

In other words, Hunter and Archer were coincidentally there to talk access with the same president Hu that Biden complained he had trouble getting away from.

Before that, in April 2010, Hunter and Archer flew to Beijing — accompanied by Secret Service agents — for three days of meetings with some of China’s most powerful state-run financial institutions. By 2013, Hunter would start yet another “investment” firm, BHR Partners, including some of the Chinese officials from the April 2010 meetings.

Despite his personal failings and various distractions, you have to admit Hunter has been a very busy boy.

It was in the context of all these access meetings that that Hunter Biden put his father on speakerphone at least 20 times, according to Archer.

Happy coincidences

Because corrupt officials usually never admit they took a bribe for a political favor, the way bribery cases are normally proven is by establishing the ‘quid pro quo.’ In other words, you have to show the transfer to the politician of the money, gifts, or favors, followed by a favorable official action by the politician benefiting the person or company who transferred the valuable property.

If you can prove that much, it then becomes the accused official’s burden to prove that the beneficial action was not a quid-pro-quo, but was purely coincidental and had nothing at all to do with the valuable property.

So far, widely-available information shows at least two clear cases of an apparent quid-pro-quo involving White House Resident Joseph R. Biden:

(1) Devon Archer testified that Hunter was hired onto the Burisma board for a million dollars a year because Burisma thought it would lead to the Ukraininan prosecutor would be fired. The FBI’s whistleblower told them at the time that Burisma believed it was asked by Joe Biden to pay $10M to get Viktor Shokin fired. A few days later, as Biden himself admitted on camera, Biden then pressured Ukraine’s government to fire Shokin “immediately.”

It is worth noting that democrats and Mitt Romney impeached Trump because allegedly, there was “no good reason” for Trump to ask Ukraine to investigate the Biden-Burisma connection except politics. Obviously, at this point it is clear to the meanest intelligence that President Trump had plenty of good reasons to seek the investigation.

When does Trump get his apology?

(2) Next, Hunter and Archer met with Moscow’s ex-mayor and billionaire oligarch Vladimir Yevtushenkov in New York in 2012. Emails on Hunter’s laptop describe a dinner with the ex-mayor that Joe Biden was also supposed to attend. Released documents show the billionaire wired Hunter’s Rosemont Seneca firm over $100 million for “real estate investments.” Subsequently, Yevtushenkov and his wife Yelena Baturina have always been excluded from Russian sanctions. (Yevtushenkov died in 2019, but Yelena continues to run the family’s business empire.)

According to the Post, the State Department and the White House refused to explain why Yevtushenkov and Baturina are exempt from the Russia sanctions.


Finally, it’s also worth remembering that Hunter owned 50% of Metabiota, a biological research company with labs in Ukraine, which coincidentally in 2019 was working on bat coronaviruses, which Russia claims was the origin of the covid-19 pandemic.

image 2.png

Here’s an OAN clip (8 minutes) explaining how the U.S. got into the Ukrainian biolab business:

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In April 2014, Metabiota official Mary Guttieri wrote a memo to Hunter outlining how the bio-research company could help "assert Ukraine's cultural and economic independence from Russia." Which if you think about it, “independence from Russia” is an unusual goal for a DOD contractor specializing in pandemic-causing pathogens.

image 4.png

All Ukrainian roads lead to the Bidens’ greasy fingers. A March, 2022 Daily Mail UK article linked Metabiota to the natural gas company Burisma, regarding a 'science project' involving high biosafety labs in Ukraine. Not natural gas. The same article also reported that, after Hunter Biden became involved in Metabiota, the DOD grants in the millions began flowing to that company.

Hunter Biden helped secure millions for biotech research Ukraine

Can you imagine where this story would be right now if Biden were a Republican?

Uncle Lunchbox Joe is a LYING SACK OF SHITE


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Washington Post Gives Joe Biden ‘Four Pinocchios’ for Saying Hunter Never Made Money in China

In a September 29, 2020, debate, Trump told Biden, “Once you became vice president [Hunter Biden] made a fortune in Ukraine, in China, in Moscow and various other places,” to which Biden responded, “That’s not true.”

Kessler wrote:

But now, nearly three years later, Biden’s assertions have been directly rebutted by Hunter himself. In court testimony last week, the younger Biden acknowledged that he in fact had been paid substantial sums in China — the first official confirmation that this was the case.

He added, “What is clear is that Hunter Biden did receive ‘a dollar from China.'”

Kessler noted that Hunter’s admission came “shortly before” lawmakers were due to interview his former business partner, Devon Archer.

Kessler also reviewed what he said were the “facts” about Hunter’s past business dealings in China.

He noted that Hunter flew on his father’s Air Force aircraft when the then-vice president was on an official trip to China in 2013, and that by Hunter’s own admission, he used the trip to connect with a Chinese business partner, and even introduced the partner to his father.


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House Oversight Committee Releases Transcript of Devon Archer Testimony About Joe and Hunter Biden Business Deals​

August 3, 2023 | Sundance | 139 Comments

Hunter Biden’s business partner at Burisma, Devon Archer, testified about the nature of the business construct and the flow of payments to the Biden family. The House Oversight Committee has released the 141-page transcript [READ HERE].

Within the transcript, when Democrat representative and lawyer Daniel Goldman questioned Mr. Archer about the exact value of having the Biden family as part of the Burisma Holdings organization, Archer informed Goldman the intent of the partnership was for the Biden family to keep the legal inquiry about the business operation under control.

Various foreign businesses contracted with Hunter Biden and Devon Archer, specifically because Joe Biden could address their interests and influence government, both in the USA and abroad. [House Link HERE]



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Text messages given to FBI: Chinese wanted Biden family name to help acquire U.S. energy assets

Text messages provided to the FBI show that a Chinese energy conglomerate that struck a controversial deal in 2017 with Hunter Biden began its pursuit of a relationship with the future first family back in late 2015 when Joe Biden was still vice president, hoping to seize on the name of one of America’s most famous political dynasties to provide cover for its ambitious plan to buy up energy assets inside the United States.

“There will be a deal between one of the most prominent families from US and them (China) constructed by me,” Hunter Biden's business partner James Gilliar texted future partner Tony Bobulinski on Christmas Eve 2015, shortly after Hunter Biden had been alerted to CEFC China Energy's overture and its wealthy leader Ye Jianming.

“I think this will then be a great addition to their portfolios as it will give them a profile base in NYC, then LA, etc,” Gilliar added in the text message obtained by Just the News. “For me it's a no brainer but culturally they are different, but smart so let’s see. … Any entry ticket is small for them. Easier and better demographic than Arabs who are little anti US after trump,” Gilliar wrote.

You can view that text message here:



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Hunter Biden's lottery email captures Biden corruption mindset

As Hunter explained in an email to Devon Archer (who supplied damaging evidence this week to the House on the Biden influence peddling efforts): "I don't believe in lottery tickets anymore, but I do believe in the super chairman."

The "Super" is Che Feng, a Chinese businessman with close ties to the Chinese government and someone under criminal investigation for corruption. Lotteries are for suckers. Influence peddling, however, was a sure thing for the Bidens.

For Hunter Biden, the "Super" was Mega Millions and Powerball combined. Hunter explained once they were made "owners of a CIC super chairman backed fund I think the sky's the limit."


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Devon Archer torpedoes Biden camp's defense of controversial dinner with Burisma exec

Devon Archer told investigators that the elder Biden "had dinner" with him and several others, including "Vadym P. from Burisma." When Biden arrived, Archer said Biden "shook everybody's hand" and joined their conversation.

In 2020, the New York Post reported an explosive story about Hunter Biden introducing his then-vice president father to a top executive at Ukrainian energy firm Burisma, where Hunter had served on its board and reportedly collected more than $50,000 per month.

The story set off a firestorm and rejections from Biden's close aides. Andrew Bates, who is now a White House spokesperson but at the time worked on the communication team of Biden's 2020 campaign, roundly denied the meeting ever happened.


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IRS agent whistleblowers allege Wolf refused to allow investigators to ask about Joe Biden being “the big guy.” They also claim Wolf cautioned the investigation team against searching Joe Biden’s guest house in Delaware for evidence against Hunter Biden because of “optics.”

“It appears that AUSA Lesley Wolf actively obstructed the FBI from properly investigating Hunter Biden as well as any possible wrongdoing by President Joe Biden,” Cruz wrote Weiss on Tuesday.

“These allegations are particularly troubling given the nature of AUSA Wolf’s close relationship with Alexander Mackler, a known Biden loyalist,” Cruz continued.

Mackler’s history with Joe Biden includes being the campaign manager for Beau Biden in his successful 2010 run for Delaware Attorney General. Joe Biden then appointed Mackler deputy counsel to the vice president, a position he held from September 2014 to August 2016, according to his LinkedIn profile.

Mackler moved on to serve as an Assistant United States Attorney AUSA of Delaware alongside Wolf from 2016 to 2019. During those years, Mackler and Hunter Biden remained in close communication, according to the “Laptop from Hell.”



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Former Ukrainian Prosecutor Viktor Shokin Responds to Biden’s Corruption Accusations and Reveals Shocking Details about His Dismissal and Burisma Investigation

Shokin’s video addressed a variety of points, from accusations that the investigation into Burisma was dormant to allegations of his corruption and his eventual removal as prosecutor.

In a lengthy, detailed response, Shokin refuted the notion that his investigations were “dormant” and explained how they were active, even leading to seizures of assets from Burisma’s owner, Mykola Zlochevsky.

Viktor Shokin was removed as Ukraine’s Prosecutor General in 2016 due to pressure from Western governments (Joe Biden) and allegedly international institutions like the EU and IMF. His dismissal was part of a “larger anti-corruption effort,” as Shokin’s office had been criticized for not “adequately pursuing corruption investigations.”

“As for the assertion that these investigations were supposedly “dormant,” then I can give very striking examples, namely our actions after the ban on 23 million Zlochevsky was lifted in the UK,” said Shokin.

“I appointed an internal investigation, opened a criminal investigation into how-and why- the money that been seized was released in the UK. What is more, 10-12 days before my resignation, on February 2, 2016, the court seized assets, his personal savings, property, cars, and so on,” he added.

Shokin said that the U.S. intelligence agencies had been closely watching the investigation process, and he was confident that Biden was aware of the progress. Shokin added that he believed Biden acted behind the scenes to have him removed, fearing that the investigation could negatively affect his son and others close to him.


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Crystal clear that Joe Biden was involved in Hunter’s business

According to designated Democratic apologist Rep. Dan Goldman (D-NY), Joe Biden had no idea who was on the speakerphone in Paris or Dubai or Lake Como, or wherever it was that Hunter introduced his father to shady foreigners who were showering him with millions of dollars and lavish gifts like a $50,000 Hublot watch, which Archer says Hunter got from the Ukrainians.

No, the VP would just talk about “the weather” after Hunter introduced him to “Vadym” or “Nikolai” or whoever. He wasn’t talking about balance sheets or where to place the oil rigs, so that makes it quite OK.

Seriously, whom does Goldman think he’s kidding?

Archer was careful choosing his words to the Oversight Committee on Monday and in a subsequent interview with former Fox News host Tucker Carlson. Facing a one-year prison sentence over a fraud conviction, Archer has been bombarded with death threats since news broke that he was cooperating with congressional investigators. The father of three has tried to tell the truth while trying to survive at the center of a brutal tug-of-war between Congress and the White House.


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Trump Was Right Again And Again About The Biden Family’s Foreign Business Dealings

Former President Donald Trump’s assertions during the 2020 presidential campaign about the Biden family’s foreign business dealings have proven to be accurate.

Trump routinely criticized then-Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden about his son’s dealings with Ukrainian, Russian and Chinese associates when he was on the campaign trail, most notably at the presidential debates leading up to the November 2020 election.

“China ate your lunch, Joe. And no wonder your son goes in and, wha—, he takes out billions of dollars. He takes out billions of dollars to manage. He makes millions of dollars. And also, while we’re at it, why is it — just out of curiosity — the mayor of Moscow’s wife gave your son three and a half million dollars,” Trump said to Biden during a September 2020 presidential debate, according to an official transcript from the Commission on Presidential Debates.

“That is not true,” Biden retorted.

“What did he do to deserve it? What did he do with Burisma?” Trump pressed.

“None of that is true,” Biden shot back.

“My son did nothing wrong at Burisma,” Biden said later in the debate.

” I think he did,” Trump retorted.

“He doesn’t want to let me answer, because he knows I have the truth. His position has been totally thoroughly discredited,” Biden claimed.

“By who?” Trump asked.

“By everybody. Well, by the media, by our allies,” Biden answered.