Biden Criminality


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The ‘Loving Father’ Excuse For Joe Biden’s Role In Pay-For-Play Biz Is Gross

“We should put this in context; this is the time when Beau Biden, the president’s other son, was ill and then dying and then passed away. So perhaps he was not as attentive to what he should have been,” Lemire said.

“We know how important family is to the president,” Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson agreed. “Do you hang up on your son?”


The excuse is obviously irrelevant. Loving your family members doesn’t give you a pass to help them commit murder, nor does working through grief mean you can freely steal all the tubs of Blue Bell from your local grocer. It’s a gross insult to Americans’ sensibilities, asking them to wave away serious allegations of compromising criminal behavior with the conclusion that Biden’s only crime was being too compassionate.

But the excuse also fundamentally misunderstands what real familial love looks like. The most loving way to treat a wayward family member isn’t to take advantage of his vulnerability by exploiting his dirty work for your own financial benefit. (Recall the text found on Hunter’s laptop suggesting “Pop” made Hunter “give [him] half [Hunter’s] salary.”) That would be like encouraging your drug dealer son in his life of crime so you could take a cut of his profits, then defending your behavior as an act of love and concern for his wellbeing. You don’t have to be Father of the Year to understand that enabling your son’s crippling lifestyle for your own enrichment isn’t the same thing as compassion.

Normal people — whom the Bidens are not, for all the condescending schticks of Scranton Joe — also don’t deal with grief by selling out their country. Where I come from, we bring casseroles and swap nostalgic stories and rejoice in the hope of Heaven. But I guess someone had better tell all those schmucks who’ve been arrested for selling secrets to our global enemies the news: “Not guilty by reason of bereavement” is our legal system’s hottest new plea!

This ridiculous excuse-making for the Bidens is all the more brazen, of course, when you remember that it’s running concurrently with a news cycle about how Joe and Hunter, along with the rest of the family, spent four years denying the existence of Hunter’s young daughter Navy, whom he conceived with Lunden Roberts in 2018. Joe Biden is such a loving and compassionate family guy that he iced out his innocent 4-year-old granddaughter until the bad press outweighed the nuisance of having to acknowledge her.

Its implications for the country aside, a father-son influence-peddling scheme is about as unhealthy a way to cope with tragedy as you can get. The only thing that might be more toxic would be if Hunter dealt with his brother’s untimely death by sleeping with his widow.


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'Dear Devon': Jim Jordan says bombshell letter from Biden to Archer proves 'connections' to Hunter dealings

On "The Story" Thursday, anchor Martha MacCallum read from the note, obtained by the New York Post, that Joe Biden said he regretted being unable to speak with Archer at an event where he was hosting then-Chinese President Hu Jintao.

"I apologize for not getting a chance to talk to you at the luncheon yesterday. I was having trouble getting away from hosting President Hu. I hope I get a chance to see you again soon with Hunter. I hope you enjoyed lunch. Thanks for coming," the letter read.

Biden then reportedly included a handwritten footnote, "Happy you guys are together," at the bottom of the letter, which was addressed to Hunter's and Archer's joint venture at an address on Wisconsin Avenue in the Georgetown area of Washington, D.C.

Archer Biden Letter

A graphic from "The Story" shows an excerpt from a letter from Joe Biden to Devon Archer, obtained by the New York Post. (Fox News)
MacCallum reported that Archer and Hunter Biden were, at the time, trying to put together a business that dealt with government regulatory measures and were working to create a private equity fund.

Jordan said the letter is just the latest piece of evidence that the current president did indeed have knowledge of and "connections" with his son's dealings.


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Burisma Was Told To Remove Picture Of Joe Biden And Devon Archer From Its Website, Emails Show

“Hey, guys,” Schwerin said in a May 13, 2014 email to Hunter Biden and Archer. “There is apparently a photo of Devon and the VP on Burisma’s website (I can’t see it – the website isn’t working very well right now) but Demetra (VP Counsel) called and asked that we tell Burisma they need to take it down (legally they aren’t comfortable with the VP’s picture being up on the site as what seems like an endorsement).”

Schwerin was referencing then-VP Biden’s counsel Demetra Lambros, whom President Biden appointed in June 2021 to serve as Chair of the President’s Commission on White House fellowships. She previously worked with Biden in 1996 as General Counsel of the Senate Judiciary Committee under then-Democratic Delaware Sen. Joe Biden’s chairmanship.


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Is Schwerin testifying before Congress this week. I remember hearing that it was coming up, and that it could be bigger than Archer's testimony. Supposedly Schwerin was the "money guy" in the operation.


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House Oversight Committee Releases Bank Records Showing Foreign Payments to Biden Family From Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan​

August 10, 2023 | Sundance | 275 Comments

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer has released details of the banking transfers from foreign businesses into the Biden family while Joe Biden was in office. [House Oversight Link] – Bank Detail Link HERE.

The payments flowed into companies set up by Hunter Biden and Devon Archer, the witness who testified to congress. Those companies then distributed the money (laundered) into subsidiary companies of Rosemont Seneca, and then the money was distributed to the Biden group. One of the transactions, traced through bank records by the House investigators, was the payment of $3.5 million from Yelena Baturina, wife of the Mayor of Moscow.

Below is a summary of the third bank records memorandum. The full memorandum can be found here.

Committee Staff is Releasing Payments from Russia, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine that Occurred During Joe Biden’s Vice Presidency: The Committee has now identified over $20 million in payments from foreign sources to the Biden family and their business associates.

♦ Hunter Biden and Devon Archer Used Rosemont Seneca Entities to Bring in Millions from Oligarchs in Europe and Asia: Using accounts nominally tied to Devon Archer (but using the familiar “Rosemont Seneca” branding), Hunter Biden received incremental payments originating from foreign sources, attempting to hide the source and size of the payments.

♦ In February 2014, a Russian Oligarch Sent $3.5 Million to a Shell Company Associated with Hunter Biden and Devon Archer: Russian billionaire Yelena Baturina transferred $3.5 million to Rosemont Seneca Thornton, a shell company. Approximately $1 million was transferred to Devon Archer, and the remainder was used to initially fund a new company account, Rosemont Seneca Bohai, which Devon Archer and Hunter Biden used to receive other foreign wires.

♦ In Spring 2014, a Ukrainian Oligarch Placed Archer and Biden on the Burisma Board of Directors and Agreed to Pay them $1 Million Each per Year: Burisma Holdings’ (Burisma) corporate secretary, Vadym Pozharsky, worked on behalf of the Ukrainian oligarch and owner of Burisma, Mykola Zlochevsky. Hunter Biden was initially hired by Burisma to work as counsel for the company, and Pozharsky and Zlochevsky met with Hunter Biden at a conference in Lake Como in Italy where they decided Hunter Biden would work on the board of directors with Devon Archer. Then-Vice President Joe Biden visited Ukraine soon after their first payments. Payments from Burisma for both Devon Archer and Hunter Biden were wired to Rosemont Seneca Bohai. Payments were transmitted in incremental amounts to Hunter Biden’s different bank accounts.

♦ In April 2014, a Kazakhstani Oligarch Wired the Exact Price of Biden’s Sportscar to a Bank Account Used by Archer and Biden: In February 2014, Hunter Biden met with Kenes Rakishev at a Washington, D.C. hotel. Rakishev worked closely with the prime minister of Kazakhstan, Karim Massimov. In April, Rakishev, a Kazakhstani oligarch, wired $142,300 to Rosemont Seneca Bohai. The next day, a payment was made from Rosemont Seneca Bohai for a sportscar for Hunter Biden in the amount of $142,300. Archer and Biden then arranged for Burisma executives to visit Kazakhstan in June 2014 to evaluate a three-way deal among Burisma, a Chinese state-owned company, and the government of Kazakhstan.

♦ Hunter Biden received millions of dollars in payments from Yelena Baturina, Burisma, and Kenes Rakishev. Vice President Biden had dinner with them in the spring of 2014 and 2015 in Washington, D.C. (source)



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Hunter Biden’s ‘Sugar Brother’ Attorney Could Be On The Hook Next

According to the Post’s report, Morris earned a reputation as Hunter’s “Sugar Brother” — in addition to allegedly acting as a “fixer” for the president’s son, Morris may have assisted in marketing and selling some of his paintings and reportedly loaned him the money when he needed to pay back $2 million in federal tax debt.

But his relationship with the younger Biden could potentially get him into trouble with the California State Bar.

The trouble stems from an accusation made in 2022 by Irish filmmaker Phelim McAleer — who claimed that Morris used false pretenses to infiltrate the set of his Hunter Biden exposé film “My Son Hunter.”

According to McAleer, Morris and two others arrived on the film’s set in Serbia via private jet and claimed to be working on a documentary of their own. Based on that information, McAleer said he gave them access to the set and even allowed them to interview him and others connected with the project.

But later, upon learning that Morris was actually working as an “attorney and trusted advisor” for Hunter Biden, McAleer said certain instances began to make more sense.


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'We Are Going to Subpoena' Bidens: Comer Previews What's Next With Investigations

Especially since there's been such a mainstream media blackout on such corruption, as Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) has discussed on his "Verdict" podcast, and as NewsBusters has been regularly covering, Bartiromo was eager for answers as to if Comer was going to request answers from the president, to issue subpoenas if need be.

"This is always going to end with the Bidens coming in front of the committee," Comer reassured Bartiromo. "We are going to subpoena the family." However, Comer also explained, it is going to be a process that will also involve the courts, especially with pushback from the Biden family, and so they have to get it right.



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IRS Whistleblower Shapley Explains How Garland's Latest Move in Biden Probe Contradicts His Prior Testimony

“Yesterday’s announcement was an admission by Attorney General Garland that they have not been truthful — the Department of Justice hasn’t been truthful with the American people,” Shapley said. He said it vindicated everything the whistleblowers have said on the matter, confirming that “he [Weiss] did not have the authority to make the decisions” as “he said in the October 7th, 2022, meeting.”



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Raskin Finally Forced to Admit a Little Reality About the Biden Scandal

Raskin tried to deflect to former President Donald Trump, claiming that Trump had made the office about personal enrichment. Now that was a pretty funny deflection given everything the Bidens have done, including the new bank records that came in this past week that showed they got more than $20 million from foreign nationals for what the House Oversight Committee Chair termed no real businesses. Unlike Trump. People staying at a Trump hotel aren’t the same as getting millions from a Russian oligarch who then goes sanction free from Joe Biden. You can’t compare legitimate businesses to alleged influence peddling. But that’s what Democrats are going to try, to get around the accumulating evidence against the Bidens, with Raskin promising to produce a “report” on Trump.

Even if Trump had done something wrong (which he didn’t), how would that excuse Biden? It’s a ridiculous answer.

But ultimately, Raskin was forced to admit there was a problem, even though he downplayed it as much as he could.

Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.), ranking member on the Oversight panel, argued politicians should let the “justice system run its course” — conceding Hunter Biden did “wrong things.”
“It does seem clear that this guy was addicted to drugs and did a lot of really unlawful and wrong things,” Raskin told ABC’s “This Week.”

It’s funny they use “addicted to drugs” like that’s an excuse, not more potentially illegal action splayed out all over the laptop. But it’s a big thing to get Raskin to acknowledge that — and contradict Joe Biden, who repeatedly said his son did nothing wrong.


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Timeline Of Ukrainian Pay-To-Play Scheme Confirms Bidens’ Corruption

The Biden crime family’s multi-million-dollar bribery and money-laundering operation has more moving parts than an 80-year-old grandfather clock. Even newsaholics find it tough to follow this scandal’s interlocking meetings, phone calls, trade junkets, wire transfers, and shady characters with unpronounceable names. As just-appointed Special Counsel David Weiss soon will learn – unlike “White House aides break into Democrat headquarters” – capturing the Bidens’ shakedowns requires more than one bumper sticker.

Thankfully, the House Government Oversight Committee has ridden to the rescue. The Bidens’ Influence Peddling Timeline vividly illustrates the assorted crooks who paid Hunter Biden, his associates, and eight of his relatives (including Joe Biden’s grandchild, niece, and nephew) at least $21,342,300 for access to “the Big Guy,” the former VP and now POTUS. Indeed, Fox News reports, Joe met with at least 14 of Hunter’s hoodlums.

This online timeline makes it easier to track specific favors purchased from the Bidens with cash from China, Kazakhstan, Romania, and Ukraine. It specifically demonstrates how tightly the gears and springs were connected as Hunter and Joe Biden defended their Ukrainian paymasters.


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Breitbart’s Emma-Jo Morris: Hunter Biden Is Important — He’s a ‘Bag Man’ for Joe Biden

Morris said while Hunter Biden was “important,” he acted on President Joe Biden’s behalf as a “bag man.”

“Emma, you were at this from the start, one of the first reporters to break open that laptop story wide open,” host Maria Bartiromo said. “You were censored. Give us the specifics on what we know now. We are talking about allegations of bribery. What are the most damning stories out of this Hunter Biden-Joe Biden investigation, from your standpoint, based on the evidence?”

“Yes — well, so if you look at my reporting all the way back to 2020, my focus has always only been on Joe Biden. Hunter Biden obviously is important in that just that he’s a bag man for what I think is a family business that leads back to Joe,” Morris replied. And so I’m less concerned about what they’re finding in terms of Hunter and how he’s distributing money. I mean, it’s important as part of a broader picture. But, really, like, I think that the most damning thing that we have seen since my reporting has been the alleged FBI — well, it’s not alleged, actually. It’s been released, the FBI file that shows that Joe Biden accepted a $5 million bribe on Burisma.”


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‘Special Counsel’ Becomes a 2024 Election Joke

By designating David Weiss, Merrick Garland turns the concept inside-out to make sure Joe Biden can run against Donald Trump.

Attorney General Merrick Garland’s Friday’s announcement in the Hunter Biden case is bizarre in a different way when examined against special counsel logic. Mr. Garland said the Hunter investigation had “reached the stage” where such an appointment was appropriate. But the stage the case had reached, after being slow-walked for years, was the stage where Hunter and his prosecutors were caught trying to wave through a plea deal that would end the investigation even as prosecutors told the public the investigation was “ongoing.”

The absurdity of Mr. Garland’s announcement making David Weiss now a special counsel was all the greater because of the other “stage” the probe had reached. This would be the stage where IRS collaborators publicly accused Mr. Weiss and his Justice Department overseers of violating normal procedures to go easier on Hunter than they would on any other alleged offender.

Is Mr. Weiss the special counsel now going to investigate Mr. Weiss the ordinary U.S. attorney’s problematic handling of the case? Again, this handling includes a judge’s discovery in the plea deal of a hidden safe harbor for Hunter Biden that Mr. Weiss was publicly denying existed.

All this has Mr. Garland looking like the most hapless passenger on a hapless version of the Titanic sinking haplessly in the shallowest end of the kiddie pool.


Well-Known Member
‘Special Counsel’ Becomes a 2024 Election Joke

By designating David Weiss, Merrick Garland turns the concept inside-out to make sure Joe Biden can run against Donald Trump.

Attorney General Merrick Garland’s Friday’s announcement in the Hunter Biden case is bizarre in a different way when examined against special counsel logic. Mr. Garland said the Hunter investigation had “reached the stage” where such an appointment was appropriate. But the stage the case had reached, after being slow-walked for years, was the stage where Hunter and his prosecutors were caught trying to wave through a plea deal that would end the investigation even as prosecutors told the public the investigation was “ongoing.”

The absurdity of Mr. Garland’s announcement making David Weiss now a special counsel was all the greater because of the other “stage” the probe had reached. This would be the stage where IRS collaborators publicly accused Mr. Weiss and his Justice Department overseers of violating normal procedures to go easier on Hunter than they would on any other alleged offender.

Is Mr. Weiss the special counsel now going to investigate Mr. Weiss the ordinary U.S. attorney’s problematic handling of the case? Again, this handling includes a judge’s discovery in the plea deal of a hidden safe harbor for Hunter Biden that Mr. Weiss was publicly denying existed.

All this has Mr. Garland looking like the most hapless passenger on a hapless version of the Titanic sinking haplessly in the shallowest end of the kiddie pool.

Really dodged a bullet not having this guy on the SC.


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Ex-FBI Agent Says IRS Whistleblower Was Right, Bidens Were Tipped Off During Investigation

A former FBI agent who worked on the investigation into Hunter Biden has corroborated a major claim made by whistleblower and IRS supervisory special agent Gary Shapley.

The unnamed retired FBI supervisory special agent testified to the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability in a closed-door session on July 17. The committee released the 65-page transcript of that testimony on Monday.

The ex-agent backed up allegations made by Shapley that President Joe Biden’s transition team was tipped off about the FBI’s intent to interview Hunter. The agent said he was notified the evening before the date of the expected interview – planned to be held on December 8, 2020 – that the Biden transition team had been warned.