Election 2024 Issues


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Mitt Romney Says He Will Not Run for Reelection and Will Work to Block Trump in 2024​

September 13, 2023 | Sundance | 467 Comments

The approved Republican, ala a true DeceptiCON and man of lightly held stances, Mitt Romney, has announced he will not seek reelection in 2024.

During a video presentation announcing his decision, the conniving conman used the opportunity to disparage President Trump, and proclaim himself too old to run for reelection. “It’s time for a new generation of leaders to step forward,” the Utah Senator said.


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Someone on TV yesterday was saying that at some point soon the majority of Rep candidates need to start dropping out of the race so the Trump opposition can coalesce around a single candidate. If all of these candidates hang around until Super Tuesday, Trump is 100% the nominee.


Well-Known Member
If they all drop out except one, Trump will still be my candidate.

I haven't seem one of them that could carry his jock.


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More Election Officials Say Efforts to Keep Trump Off the Ballot Are a No-Go

But recently, as the former president and GOP frontrunner continues to lead in the polls, the idea has picked up steam again, and a number of groups are petitioning secretaries of state to pull President Trump from their primary ballots, while legal experts opine in various media outlets.

However, secretaries of state have refuted the idea, insisting they have no jurisdiction over the matter.

In New Hampshire, Michigan, Georgia, Minnesota, and Arizona, election officials have already shot down the idea. In Florida, one such petition was thrown out when the judge said she had no jurisdiction over the matter. Some have pointed to the U.S. Supreme Court as the ultimate arbiter of the matter, while others have dismissed the idea entirely as a longshot bound to fail.

The 14th Amendment, ratified after the Civil War, gave equal protection under the law to all persons born or naturalized in the United States. It added a section that allowed the federal government to punish states that infringed on a citizen's right to vote, and a third section that disqualified those who participated in the rebellion or insurrection against the nation to hold office, unless two-thirds of Congress made an exception for the candidate.


PREMO Member
🔥 The week saw what looked a whole lot like a relentless stealth dump-Biden campaign in Establishment Media:


Look, media, you guys don’t have to tell us. We get it, believe us.

This narrative psyop is obviously aimed at democrat voters.

Over the last two weeks, the media has been uncharacteristically hard on wandering President Peters, running headlines critical of “Bidenomics,” questioning Biden’s mental fitness to serve a second term, and reporting multiple polls showing voters find the sleepy former Vice-President to be deeply unpopular.

Meanwhile, California Governor Gavin Newsom seems to be running a stealthy shadow campaign for the democrat nomination. He’s been stumping in multiple battleground states, building his national profile through a media blitz, and giving interviews this week that seem remarkably candidate-like. Back in November, Newsom challenged Republican presidential candidate Governor DeSantis to a debate on Fox News.

According to several reports, Newsom’s efforts have irritated Biden and Harris advisors, and Newsom was recently politically forced to endorse both Biden and Harris. There appears to be a lot going on inside the tents in the democrat camp.

Gavin Newsom is a deeply-flawed candidate, but I won’t get into those details until and unless he becomes the democrat nominee. There’s no reason to help him get ready.



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Police Launch Investigation into Fraud After Video Evidence Uncovered of Town Clerk Dumping Multiple Illegal Absentee Ballots Into a Drop Box

Mayoral candidate John Gomes’ campaign released a damning video on Saturday showing evidence of election fraud in the recent Bridgeport Democratic primary. The video has prompted an investigation by the Bridgeport Police Department for “possible misconduct.”

The video on the Gomes campaign’s Facebook page shows a woman dropping stacks of ‘illegal’ ballots into an absentee ballot box outside the Bridgeport government center, where the city’s Registrar of Voters office is located, CT Mirror reported.

The Gomes campaign was able to identify the woman in the footage as Wanda Geter-Pataky, the Vice Chairwoman of the Democratic Town Clerk and a vocal supporter of incumbent Mayor Joe Ganim, who is seeking reelection. Gomes’ campaign claims that the video shows Geter-Pataky dropping off stacks of absentee ballots ahead of the September 12th primary.

“Video surveillance proving that the mayoral election was unequivocally stolen through corruption within City Hall by tampering with absentee ballots,” John Gomes said on his Facebook page.


PREMO Member

Why 2024 Could Become the ‘Competency Election’

While each sad example above constitutes incompetence as generally conceived, in truth any manifested lack of efficacy can ensue from various causes, which are not always distinct but rather sit along a continuum. The most obvious (and often assumed) reason for incompetence is insufficient resources or attention, which typically gives rise to calls for “putting more money into x” whenever failure occurs. Ineptitude also can result when resources are adequate but public authorities prioritize other objectives. At the end of the spectrum sits a source usually hidden from view: ideology.

An ideologically-driven approach to service provision places a higher priority on other values or objectives than traditional notions of competent task completion. The primacy of ideology in governmental service delivery is particularly insidious since it is purposefully opaque. Voters assume when making electoral decisions that they are choosing between two approaches for providing a desired public good. No candidate for public office openly campaigns on a platform of “vote for me and you’ll get worse outcomes in policing, garbage pickup, electric reliability, etc.”

A quote frequently attributed to former New York mayor Fiorello LaGuardia — that “there’s not a Democrat or Republican way to pick up the garbage” — assumes that voters prefer competent service provision over ideology for basic functions provided by government. Indeed, tasks ranging from picking up the trash and plowing snow-covered streets, to more significant responsibilities like policing and national defense, were once thought largely above meaningful debate. Performance was easily measured; the service was provided effectively and efficiently, or it wasn’t. Today, however, if picking up trash risks “impacting marginalized communities” or is seen as to “not advance equity,” it risks becoming “problematic.”

The “Defund the Police” movement is a stark example of this. One would think capable policing is valued across the political spectrum. However, for some who assert that our criminal justice system is irredeemably racist, “defunding” the police became a clarion call for advancing racial equity. An obvious, but initially missed, winning political message for rebutting such calls would have made the case that reducing resources for policing can only result in inferior public safety outcomes, while still acknowledging systemic inequities. Criminal justice reform can be advanced without abandoning the public square to anarchy.

That many progressive public officials have now backtracked on calls for defunding the police obscures that rising lawlessness in many Democrat-led jurisdictions was a conscious choice by these officials and one not honestly sold to voters. The subsequent election of New York Mayor Eric Adams over more progressive primary challengers, and the recall of former District Attorney Chesa Boudin in San Francisco, show that when voters understand the consequences of what they are selecting, they will make a choice best suiting their interests.

These more recent electoral outcomes suggest that Dukakis may have been right — even if too early and for the wrong reasons. Competence is more important than ideology, particularly when ideology attempts to stand in the place of competence. And when incompetence and bad ideology are fused, as evidenced almost daily in the Biden administration’s sundry failures, clearly-articulated candidate messaging stating “these are the outcomes I will deliver” and “this is what I mean when I say public safety, border enforcement, energy security, etc.,” expressed in plain language, will have considerable appeal to an impatient and frustrated body politic.


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5 Wrong Predictions Ruining Democrats’ Plan For 2024

Just 10 months ago, Biden and the Democrats had a surprisingly good midterm election. So what has Ignatius — and the deep state apparatus he speaks for — so gloomy?

Quite simply, 2023 has not gone according to plan.

Democrats were never planning to run on Joe Biden’s accomplishments in 2024. They know those accomplishments don’t exist. The border is a mess, and everyone knows it. Foreign policy is a mess, and everyone knows it. They can massage the economic stats all they want, but they can’t convince Americans struggling with exploding prices that the economy is actually good.

So what was their plan for 2024? Simple: Make the actual issues irrelevant.

2023, for the D.C. regime, was supposed to be about locking up 2024 far in advance of any ballots being cast. In their vision, this was going to be the one where they permanently destroyed Donald Trump and then took a yearlong victory lap into a triumphant 2025 and beyond. This was going to be a triumph of political machinery over political accomplishment.

But the machine is breaking down. Five core assumptions that were at the heart of Democrat plans have all gone up in smoke — or rather, exploded right in their faces.

1. The Indictments Backfired​

The criminal indictment of Trump was supposed to send him into a downward spiral. The Democrats’ reasoning was that “no future, sitting, or former president has ever been indicted for a felony.” Tag Trump with the mark of a criminal, they figured, and his followers would abandon him. Trump would collapse inward, obsessing entirely over his personal legal drama and forgetting about national issues and Biden’s mismanagement of the country.

In short, the left thought their indictments would shatter Trump and his base psychologically. In fact, they did the precise opposite. Instead of delegitimizing Trump, the Democrats have instead discredited the very idea that being indicted is disqualifying for the presidency. By bringing such coordinated, obviously political prosecutions, they have only sent the message that Donald Trump is the one candidate the D.C. regime authentically fears.

2. The Hunter Biden Inside Job Got Blown Up​

3. There Was No Competitive GOP Primary

4. Cornel West​

5. No Labels​



PREMO Member

Progressive groups are in a panic because donors aren't giving

NY Times opinion columnist Michelle Goldberg reports that all of this is leading to a level of heightened panic as progressive organizations realize donors just aren’t giving they way they used to give.

As we stumble toward another existential election, panic is setting in among some progressive groups because the donors who buoyed them throughout the Trump years are disengaging. “Donations to progressive organizations are way down in 2023 across the board,” said a recent memo from Billy Wimsatt, executive director of the Movement Voter Project, an organization founded in 2016 that channels funds to community organizers, mostly in swing states, who engage and galvanize voters. He added, “Groups need money to make sure we have a good outcome next November. But. People. Are. Not. Donating.”

The memo that Goldberg cites was just a cover letter to a much larger document. Rather than skip over this, let’s take a look at more of what Wimsatt had to say:

A few weeks ago, I got off the phone with an Executive Director from a well-respected organization in a battleground state. The organization, which has a very strong track record, had hit an unexpected funding shortfall, and was in danger of having to lay off its entire staff in the coming month unless they raised over a hundred thousand dollars.
This is one of more than a dozen calls I’ve gotten in recent weeks from leaders describing desperate financial situations: painful layoffs, tapping reserves, cutting impactful programs, Executive Directors going without pay or needing to step away from the work entirely, due to extreme stress.
2022 saw an historic drop in US charitable giving — 10.5% after inflation — and it appears to have continued in 2023, especially for political organizations.
An especially concerning indicator: The Movement Cooperative (TMC) just put out a memo with anonymized stats on financially-driven cutbacks of its member groups. TMC, a backbone institution for the entire progressive ecosystem that provides more than 1,000 organizations with data infrastructure, support staff, and tech tools including access to the voter file, is itself facing a multi-million dollar shortfall.


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“There’s a very interesting editorial on Breitbart, which is a great news site,” Kudlow said. “The editor Marlow is saying, you know, with respect to Joe Biden that we should switch gears. We shouldn’t be so obsessed with his age or his infirmity or even his gaffes. What we should be focusing on is the Biden corruption and the Biden policy mistakes.”

“I think Marlow is right,” Kudlow stated. “It’s not age. It’s a) the failure of Bidenomics and the rest of his policies and b) the corruption. That’s where the GOP should aim its fire.”

For his part, the Texas senator agreed but reasoned that this is not “an either-or” issue.

“There’s no doubt Biden has had enough mental deterioration that he’s not up to the job and that our enemies are emboldened by a weak and infirm president,” Cruz said. “But you’re absolutely right. The corruption from the Biden White House is massive. The evidence is growing.”

In his Breitbart editorial on Wednesday, Marlow wrote:

[Biden] does have a vast rolodex that he has developed over 50(!) years in Washington. This includes a network of billionaires, some of whom will be unfamiliar to you, who bankroll his grassroots. You’ll meet many of them in Breaking Biden. All of them ought to be exposed for who they are and what they’ve done, but the buck stops with Joe.
Americans have always underestimated Joe Biden, conservatives in particular, and we have done so at our own peril. He was lousy in school and got busted plagiarizing multiple times, his absentmindedness is legendary, and his stumbles and bumbles instantly go viral online, giving his haters many a self-satisfied laugh. (I’m not above this, and I do break down many of my favorite Biden brain freezes in the book.)
And yet, he’s in the White House. They are in the White House. And they may be there for quite some time.
Unless, of course, the Right figures out how to break Joe Biden. I think it’s clear by this point that declaring him old and stupid ain’t gonna cut it.



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Majority Say Virginia Porn Candidate Should Drop Out, Including Democrats And Women

The poll shows that core constituencies Virginia Democrats count on to turn out in elections — women, black, and young voters — signaled they may go in the opposite direction when it comes to Gibson. Women were significantly more likely than men to think she should drop out, with 60% of women saying she should quit.

Another group that Democrats bank firmly on, black voters, felt strongly that she must leave the race, with 62% saying she should drop out and only 18% saying she should stay in. And young people were not as open to the idea of a porn star as a candidate as Democrats might have hoped: 18 to 34-year-olds thought she should drop out by a 50%-40% margin, an even more negative view of the scandal than 35 to 44-year-olds.

Self-described moderates and independents also wanted her to drop out. Among the only demographic groups who said she should stay in the race were self-described liberals, 35 to 44-year-olds, and those who had not voted in any of the last four general elections.

Early voting begins Friday in Virginia’s pivotal 2023 elections, including the one in a swing district outside of Richmond that pits Democrat Susanna Gibson against Republican David Owen.

The poll surveyed 894 people between September 14 and September 18 and asked: “Recently, the Washington Post covered a story about a female candidate for the Virginia House of Delegates of live-streamed having sex with her husband while asking for money to perform other sex acts. Do you believe this disqualifies the candidate from running for office?”


PREMO Member
This woman is seriously tripping .....

WTF is an Anti Black Criminal Bill


this woman sees racists everywhere

Lineage Reparations ?


PREMO Member

Democrats’ No-Excuse Absentee Voting Law Violates New York Constitution

Filed on Wednesday by the Republican National Committee and other Republican-affiliated groups, the suit contends that a law signed by Democrat Gov. Kathy Hochul “allow[ing] any registered voter in the state to cast an early ballot by mail” breaches the New York Constitution. Under New York’s top legal document, absentee voting is strictly reserved for qualified voters who may be “absent from the county of their residence” or “unable to appear personally at the polling place because of illness or physical disability.”

The RNC alleges that New York’s new voting law ignores this provision by permitting “qualified voters to vote by mail rather than in person, even if they do not satisfy either of the two limited exceptions set forth” in the state constitution.

“The Mail-Voting Law was enacted by the Legislature in open and knowing defiance of Article II, § 2, ignoring and subverting the will of the People whom the Legislature is supposed to represent,” the lawsuit reads. The suit’s plaintiffs — who were brought together with the assistance of Restoring Integrity and Trust in Elections (RITE) — include Republican Reps. Elise Stefanik and Claudia Tenney, among others.


PREMO Member

Presumed Rigged Until Further Notice

By Mark Andrew Dwyer

As I indicated in my previous column, the so-called mass media continues to emphasize that there is no proof the 2020 presidential election was “stolen” despite the fact that various individuals and groups have produced what appear to be credible evidence of wide-spread election fraud, cheating, and other “irregularities.” On the other hand, none of said media has ever applied the same standard to itself; the media even went so far as to assert the 2020 elections was the “most secure in American history,” there was no “outcome-determinative fraud” (a quote from President Trump’s third indictment), and that claims made by President Trump and others that the 2020 presidential election was “stolen” were false, despite failing to present factual and publicly verified proof of those claims.

For example, The Guardian writes “Governor Brian Kemp tells Trump Georgia’s 2020 election ‘was not stolen’” without indicating that Governor Kemp’s claim was unproven. This constitutes, undeniably, a double standard, and the logical conclusion given the lack of proof means that until proven otherwise, the 2020 election was not not stolen.

Let’s bring some logical precision to this heated debate.

Under given circumstances and at a certain point in time, claim “x” could be either true or false. It can only be true if, under the hypothetical circumstances and at the hypothetical time, it correctly describes part of the reality to which it pertains; otherwise, it is false.

Therein lies a dilemma—the same claim is sometimes true and sometimes untrue? This is why, while in doubt, supporting proof of “x” is expected. If such proof is provided and verified as a valid (logically and factually correct, that is) proof then “x” is settled as true. If a proof that the negation of “x” is provided and verified as valid, then “x” is settled as false. If none of the above is the case then it remains unknown whether the “x” is true or false, and it possibly can be either one (but not both at the same time and under the same circumstances).


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UAW Files Complaint After Sen. Tim Scott's 'You're Fired' Remarks

United Auto Workers (UAW) President Shawn Fain has filed a complaint with the National Labor Relations Board against Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.), alleging violations of federal labor law.

Mr. Fain's complaint centers on remarks made by Mr. Scott concerning striking workers, which the union boss argues encroached upon workers' rights.

The dispute comes after Mr. Scott, a contender for the 2024 GOP presidential nomination, was questioned about the ongoing UAW strike during a campaign event in Iowa earlier this week.


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Federal Court Chides Dem Activists: There’s Nothing Racist About Election Integrity Laws Like Florida’s

“What are the supposedly racist provisions that the district judge enjoined officials from enforcing?” Chief Judge William Pryor wrote of the court’s Thursday decision. “They are unremarkable, race-neutral policies designed to bolster election security, maintain order at the polls and ensure that voter-registration forms are delivered on time.”

Signed into law in May 2021, SB 90 includes numerous provisions heavily supported by election integrity activists and American voters. According to a DeSantis press release, the statute “strengthens existing voter ID laws, bans ballot harvesting, prohibits unsolicited mass mailing of ballots, increases election transparency, and prohibits private money from administering elections.”

In his March 2022 decision, Walker claimed that Florida lawmakers demonstrated “intent to discriminate against Black voters” and that the statute is “the stark result[] of a political system that, for well over a century, has overrepresented White Floridians and underrepresented Black and Latino Floridians.” The majority of the 11th Circuit’s three-judge panel disagreed, writing in April that Walker’s allegations of “intentional racial discrimination rest on both legal errors and clearly erroneous findings of fact.”


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WaPo Disavows Its Own Poll Showing Trump Up By 10 Over Biden

Trump leads Biden 52% to 42% in a hypothetical general election matchup, according to the Post. The outlet suggested that, given other polling showing a closer race, its own poll is “probably an outlier” and appeared to cast doubt on the sample.

“The Post-ABC poll shows Biden trailing Trump by 10 percentage points at this early stage in the election cycle, although the sizable margin of Trump’s lead in this survey is significantly at odds with other public polls that show the general election contest a virtual dead heat,” the Post wrote. “The difference between this poll and others, as well as the unusual makeup of Trump’s and Biden’s coalitions in this survey, suggest it is probably an outlier.”

Trump is up 3 points and Biden down 2 points from an ABC/Post poll conducted in February, ABC reported. Based on these incremental shifts, ABC concluded that the change in the most recent poll is “not statistically significant.”



Well-Known Member
Let’s bring some logical precision to this heated debate.
Pfff. You can forget logic - from 2016 onward, it's been clear enough that when the Democrats use the word "debunk" - you know, a word that means widely proven to be false - what it really means is - "denied". As in, Joe Biden says nope, laptop is fake, not real. Hence - "debunked".

PROOF and LOGIC do not enter the picture. All Bill Clinton has to say is "I did not have sex with that woman" - and poof, it is "debunked".

"Denial" means debunked to a Democrat.

Proof of fraud? I disprove it THUS!