Election 2024 Issues


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Trump gaining ground among Hispanic voters, poll shows

Among Hispanic Republicans, Trump maintains a strong lead, with 50% responding they would vote for him in the GOP primary, the poll found. Meanwhile, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis follows in second place with 12%, and pharmaceutical businessman Vivek Ramaswamy trails behind at 9%.

Despite four federal indictments, Trump is dominating among Hispanic voters and stands at 36%, a four-point increase from when he left office in January 2021, as per a previous Univision News poll.

Overall, the poll garnered 1,400 registered voters and 759 Republican respondents, making it one of the largest samples of Hispanic voters so far in the election cycle.


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Trump gaining ground among Hispanic voters, poll shows

Among Hispanic Republicans, Trump maintains a strong lead, with 50% responding they would vote for him in the GOP primary, the poll found. Meanwhile, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis follows in second place with 12%, and pharmaceutical businessman Vivek Ramaswamy trails behind at 9%.

Despite four federal indictments, Trump is dominating among Hispanic voters and stands at 36%, a four-point increase from when he left office in January 2021, as per a previous Univision News poll.

Overall, the poll garnered 1,400 registered voters and 759 Republican respondents, making it one of the largest samples of Hispanic voters so far in the election cycle.
Could be enough to swing Arizona in the General. Not sure about the other 3-4 swing states.


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Ya know ? People were pretty dumb to vote for Biden in 2020, but anyone who watches this poor demented old man stumble and mumble around for the last 3 years and would vote for him again are downright stupid beyond belief.


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Republican debate takes bizarre twist over who is 'sleeping' with teachers

The Republican debate took a bizarre turn Wednesday as former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and former Vice President Mike Pence traded comments about "sleeping" with teachers.

The comments were made during a segment that focused on education policy in the United States, with Christie criticizing teachers unions for controlling public education.

"The public school system is no longer run by the public. It is run by the teachers unions," Christie said. "They're taking the worst of their members and defending them rather than advocating for our kids. And when you have the president of the United States sleeping with a member of the teachers union, there is no chance that you can take the stranglehold away from the teachers union."


PREMO Member
🔥 Yesterday, Elon Musk sarcastically announced that he’d fired Twitter’s entire Orwellian Election Integrity team:

image 2.png

Reports vary about how much of the department was let go, but Musk’s tweet seems to confirm it was the whole evil pack. Hilariously, when journalists contacted 𝕏 to comment on the story, reports say they got the reply: "Busy now, please check back later.”

Democrats were hardest hit. Now how is Biden supposed to win?



PREMO Member

Is This The Worst Fact Check From the GOP Debate?

“Being transgender is not a mental health disorder,” Azeen Ghorayshi of the New York Times claims. “Many transgender people experience gender dysphoria, or psychological distress as a result of the incongruence between their sex and their gender identity. Gender dysphoria is a diagnosis in the Psychiatric Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders and can be given to children, adolescents or adults.”

As we’ve covered here at PJ Media before, there is no evidence of any medical benefit to transition kids who claim to be the opposite gender, and the alleged benefits of “gender-affirming care” are “no greater than a placebo effect.”

It’s interesting that this wasn’t mentioned in the fact check.

Nor was it mentioned that a Swedish study on “gender-affirming care” found that cosmetic “transition” does not reduce the likelihood of suicide. The two widely cited studies that claim tremendous benefits to transitioning children are deeply flawed and systematically excluded the experiences of participants who dropped out of the studies over time, creating a bias in favor of participants who reported positive experiences.

European countries have started figuring this out. That’s why, in July of last year, England’s only transgender clinic closed due to concerns that doctors were performing surgeries without considering children’s mental health. Several other European countries, including Sweden, Finland, and France, have all dialed back on pushing transgender “treatments” for children because they have begun to recognize the harm it does to kids.

Another factoid the New York Times doesn’t want you to know is that as many as 90% of young people with gender confusion who are not encouraged to transition (socially or medically) will no longer identify as transgender upon reaching adulthood—supporting the assertion that transgenderism in children is a mental health disorder.


PREMO Member

Search engine optimization or political bias? Biden challengers nearly nonexistent in Google results

“Google is either the most incompetent search engine on the planet, or it is intentional. This is not a coincidence," MRC Free Speech America Vice President Dan Schneider said in the group's analysis of its Sept. 20 and 25 tests, published hours before Wednesday's televised GOP presidential debate.

For search engine optimization (SEO) researcher Eric Goldman, co-director of Santa Clara University's High Tech Law Institute, "[o]ne of the least likely explanations is that Google is hacking these results to steer the election."

He gave Just the News a handful of benign possibilities to explain the curious results.

"Search engine indexing and ordering is the kind of topic that would benefit from a proper academic study, not an advocacy stunt," Goldman wrote in an email, referring to MRC's tests.

Google told Just the News on Thursday that it couldn't attempt to explain until Friday the puzzling results, which also put Democrats higher than Republicans when searching for the latter.


PREMO Member
Will RFK Jr. Euthanize Biden’s Reelection Bid?

That is, however, precisely what Biden will likely face in 2024. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. appears poised to relaunch his presidential bid on a third-party ticket. Friday afternoon, Mediaite reported that such a run was indeed imminent according to a text received from a Kennedy insider who said, “Bobby feels that the DNC is changing the rules to exclude his candidacy so an independent run is the only way to go.” A few hours later, the Kennedy campaign posted a video to X (formerly Twitter) in which the candidate said, “I’m going to be in Philadelphia on October 9 to make a major announcement at the very birthplace of our nation.” He declined to reveal the precise details but suggested that this would be no ordinary event:

I’ll be speaking about a sea change in American politics and what your part and my part is in that change. A lot of Americans who had previously given up any hope that real change would ever come through the American electoral process have begun to find new hope in my candidacy. And I understand the deeply felt concern that people have about the way corruption has overtaken our government. It’s in the executive branch. It’s in Congress. It’s in the leadership of both political parties. And so, some people feel a kind of cynicism alongside the hope, or they lose hope entirely because they’ve been disappointed so many times.


PREMO Member

Victor Davis Hanson: The Next 12-18 Months Will Be The Most Explosive Since The Great Depression

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: We have no idea about this election because we've never had a president running against an ex-president. Number two, we've never had an incumbent president who is utterly corrupt like Joe Biden, and has lost all or most of his cognitive ability, and is very unpopular. And yet, we've never had a challenger who has been the victim of lawfare and is facing 91 indictments.

Every time people say they wouldn't dare do this, "Fanni Willis wouldn't dare," "Letitia James is an absurd prosecutor, she wouldn't dare," "Alvin Bragg is a buffoon, he wouldn't dare," "Jack Smith is a partisan." Every time people say that they do! And so I don't know if there i a strategy to keep Donald Trump either out of a gag order, or out of confinement at Mar-a-Lago, or out of jail.

You can see where we're headed where Joe Biden isn't really a viable president anymore. He's a construct, he's being used by the hard left, by the Obamas and the Elizabeth Warren/Bernie Sanders "Squad" wing of the Democratic Party. And it is getting to the point of caricature. You put all of those things together and add in a Kamala Harris that frightens everybody because we've never had such an incompetent vice president, I think, and so unfit to be president.

All bets are off! It's like putting all sorts of ingredients of explosives into a kind of device and it is going to blow up I think, somehow. But I don't think we can predict what is going to happen, it is just too volatile. I think the left feels that they want to push the envelope, they want to take the leading Republican candidate and create charges against him, which they know they wouldn't ever lodge if he hadn't run for president. They would have left him alone.

So these are patently political, and they want to destroy him psychologically, financially, and of course politically. and they think they can get away with it without a pushback, and we'll see.


PREMO Member
Less than one year before Americans will begin casting their votes in the 2024 election, the FBI is singling out supporters of Republican frontrunner former President Donald Trump as domestic terrorists, a report from Newsweek shows.

Testimony from more than a “dozen current or former government officials who specialize in terrorism” to Newsweek confirmed that this increase in targeting was born out of the FBI’s decision to lump Trump supporters into its expanded definition of “domestic extremism.”

The nation’s federal law enforcement agency criminalizing opposition to the regime is not new, but it has drastically increased under President Joe Biden. FBI data reviewed by Newsweek indicates “nearly two-thirds of the FBI’s current investigations” center on Trump supporters accused of disregarding “anti-riot” laws.

Despite widespread, leftist-led and encouraged riots during the 2020 summer of rage, FBI data says that spikes in domestic violent extremism and domestic terrorism investigations in 2020 and 2021 “show clearly that the main targets of the investigations and cases open were of Trump supporters,” not the people who wreaked billions of dollars of damage on American cities.

Similarly, “assessments,” a shadowy tool used by the FBI to spy on Americans who have political or ideological associations deemed unfavorable by the agency, “more than doubled from 2019 to 2021.”

A drastic rise in politicized probes of Trump voters follows an avalanche of rhetoric touted by President Joe Biden, his White House, Democrats in Congress, Attorney General Merrick Garland, FBI Director Christopher Wray, and other officials who have named the “domestic extremism” often pinned on Republican voters as the nation’s biggest threat.

The increase also serves as a continuation of the Biden regime’s persecution of its number one political opponent and his popular brand of wrongthink ahead of the 2024 presidential election.

A majority of Americans say the administration’s malfeasance is proof the U.S. has a two-tiered system of justice. After a year of smears and sham felony indictments, more than half of the nation says they want the left’s enforcement arm to be punished for weaponizing its power against the American people to achieve political goals.

Biden's STASI is looking for you


PREMO Member

Yes, Dead Voters Are Real

The Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) has sued in several states to gain access to Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC) data reports concerning possible deceased voters on the states’ rolls. ERIC is an interstate compact that shares voter roll data to check for deceased voters. It’s an important program, but it’s mired in secrecy. ERIC’s membership agreement stipulates that the reports cannot be shared with the public. PILF says the secrecy agreement violates the National Voter Registration Act of 1993, “which gives the public a right to inspect voter rolls and voter list maintenance documents.”

In the most recent action, the U.S. District Court in Colorado denied a motion by Secretary of State Jena Griswold to dismiss PILF’s suit.

The judge in the case ruled that the lawsuit could continue, stating that “NVRA’s disclosure provision should be construed in favor of broad disclosure.”

PILF President J. Christian Adams, who is also a PJ Media contributor, said, “Colorado’s Secretary of State Jena Griswold should stop fighting transparency and hand over these ERIC reports. Other ERIC member states should take notice that under federal law the public has a right to inspect ERIC reports.”

Alabama, Florida, Iowa, Louisiana, Missouri, Ohio, West Virginia, Virginia, and Texas recently left ERIC, citing concerns about partisanship and transparency. They were also unhappy about an ERIC requirement that the states in the compact send voter registration information to all eligible but unregistered adults.

While it’s great that red states like Florida and Ohio are wise to ERIC’s lack of transparency and are diligent about maintaining their voter roles, what about the blue states that don’t really want to purge their voter rolls? In those states—some of which want to send out a ballot to every man, woman, child, dog, and dead person—it can be much easier to cheat.

In the example above with the Florida voter who cast a ballot for his dead father, there’s literally nothing that can stop him from committing voter fraud in a state that isn’t diligent about removing dead voters from their rolls.


PREMO Member
🔥 Newsweek’s newest cover is out. The magazine is running an exclusive headlined, “The FBI targets MAGA as the 2024 election nears.


Somebody leaked. Newsweek said it reviewed “secret” FBI and Department of Homeland Security data that tracks incidents, threats, investigations and cases, and found the vast majority of the FBI’s current domestic terrorism “anti-government" investigations are of, you guessed it, Trump supporters.

An anonymous FBI official who spoke to Newsweek said “domestic terrorists” could number up to THIRTY PERCENT of the entire United States population. "Are we talking just a few thousand Proud Boy types or are we talking 30 percent of the country that are core Trump voters? Are we talking extremists bent on political violence or just a lot of disgruntled and frustrated citizens? I don't know the answer, and I can assure you the answer isn't in any secret intelligence that the government possesses,” he explained.

Even more troubling, Newsweek also reported “enormous growth” in what the FBI calls "assessments," which more than doubled from 2019 to 2021. Assessments are the most speculative of any FBI investigation, where an FBI agent only suspects wrongdoing, because of an association or an encounter, and then further digs into someone's background. So-called assessments are the closest thing to domestic spying that exists in America and are generally not discussed by the Bureau.

The data showed 31% of all current FBI investigations now relate to Trump supporters, and 60% of all its terrorism investigations include cases that are categorized as AGAAVE (a brand-new category of domestic political subversion not requiring a criminal act) as well as loosely-defined civil unrest.”

I’m going to have to talk to Michelle, who is probably on the FBI’s assessment list, because last year she got put in Twitter jail for tweeting that she felt like punching Joe Biden in the throat (note: she was provoked). We’ll need to lawyer up. Good thing she knows a decent lawyer.

One wonders why they don’t just get to the bottom line and investigate the entire Republican Party as domestic terrorists.



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Jemele Hill TRIGGERED Over Sexyy Red Supporting Trump As Black Liberals Continue Freak Out
