Election 2024 Issues


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Liberal Billionaire Takes Red Pill On Trump Admitting Liberal Media Lied About EVERYTHING!​



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Shocker in Louisiana as Republican Jeff Landry Smokes Democrat to Flip Governor’s Mansion Without Runoff

Landry defeated Democrat Shawn Wilson and the rest of the field in Louisiana’s gubernatorial election, winning about 52 percent of the vote. In Louisiana, governor elections are first open to a full field of all candidates from either party in what is known as a jungle primary—and then the two top vote-getters generally advance to a runoff a month later. But if a candidate gets more than 50 percent of the vote, as Landry did here, they can win outright on jungle primary day.

Many were expecting Landry, the clear and convincing frontrunner who has been the Attorney General of Louisiana for many years after a stint in Congress, to easily advance to the runoff and face Wilson in November. But his overwhelmingly strong performance on Saturday put him above majority support as the Associated Press called the race with him easily north of the 50 percent mark, meaning Landry will be the next governor of Louisiana.


Mostly settled in...
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^Which could mean Louisiana becomes the next Constitutional Carry state as Edwards had vetoed the bill.


PREMO Member

Jeff Landry’s Shock Victory ‘Spells Catastrophe for Democrats on the National Level’

The Times-Picayune/New Orleans Advocate reports a significant factor in Landry’s victory was a low turnout, the likes of which had not been seen in a decade, as well as an unenthusiastic Democrat base for his top Democrat opponent, Shawn Wilson, who took 26 percent of the vote. Moreover, the outlet notes that turnout among black voters was low, but Landry performed strongly for a Republican with black voters who hit the polls.

Grassroots Republican activist Debbie Dooley, who co-founded the Atlanta, Georgia, chapter of the Tea Party, spoke with Breitbart News about the trends and what she believes they mean for Democrats and Republicans heading into 2024. Dooley sees Landry’s victory as a strong sign for Republicans and said President Joe Biden “and their company have to be quaking in their boots now.”

“You got to look – the lack of enthusiasm of black voters, and the fact that Landry got a higher than expected percentage of the black vote, he got a minimum of 12%, that’s unprecedented in Louisiana for a Republican,” Dooley, a native of Washington Parish, Louisiana explained.

Dooley pointed to Biden’s policies as being catastrophic to working-class Americans and questioned why voters would turn out for a Democrat given Biden’s economy, which has seen 40-year-high inflation that substantially wounded their buying power.


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The Most Expensive Judicial Race in US History Is Raising Questions

The complaint is based on a computer analysis of state and federal databases conducted by Election Watch.

The filing against Justice Protasiewicz is part of a broader nationwide investigation into how both Democrats and Republicans benefit from lax campaign finance rules that may result in violations of contribution limits.

Peter Bernegger, a data analyst with Election Watch, which filed the complaint, told The Epoch Times that the group’s research found that the Protasiewicz campaign has received a myriad of repetitive small contributions purportedly from the same individuals totaling at least $6 million.

According to the complaint, the official reports from the Wisconsin Campaign Finance Information System reveal that 234 of Justice Protasiewicz’s 38,169 contributors donated more than 10 times.

Election Watch has dubbed the observed repetition of thousands of small donations being made under the same name as “smurfing.” It’s occurring nationwide and has been detected down to the municipal election level.

Justice Protasiewicz didn't respond to a request for comment.

Red Flags

A spreadsheet accompanying the Election Watch complaint details a number of questionable contribution patterns. To ensure the privacy of the contributors mentioned in this article, their names have been changed.

Wisconsin voter Mike K., a disabled 66-year-old, has supposedly contributed to various campaigns 6,812 times for a total of $97,021, according to the Federal Election Commission (FEC) database.

In an interview conducted by a licensed private investigator working for Election Watch, Mr. K. denied making that many donations, as well as the dollar amount.

The report of the interview reads: "The subject scoffed at the amount and stated, 'Look where I am living!' The subject was referring to the modest, run-down apartment on the second floor of a converted home.

"He stated he donates $5 at times but could never afford to donate over $90,000 in the last seven years."


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Biden admin's proposed menthol cigarette ban could become liability in 2024: 'Unintended consequences'

"Finalizing these two product standards remains a top priority for the FDA," Brian King, the director of the FDA's Center for Tobacco Products, told Fox News Digital. "The posting of both rules on the [White House's Office of Management and Budget] website means they have reached the final step of review for regulatory documents."

The proposed ban has faced worries from critics who say it could lead to heightened border problems with Mexican drug cartels saturating the U.S. black market with the prohibited products. Politico reported that it has also divided Black leaders, with some arguing it would lead to over-policing against the community.

Political ad-makers, meanwhile, will look to hit Biden over the issue during the 2024 elections.

"Criminalizing cigarettes as the Biden administration promotes heroin injection sites is bad policy and bad politics," Brian Colas, a Republican operative and former campaign manager to Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton, told Fox News Digital. "Expect to see targeted campaign ads aimed at shop owners, law enforcement and those impacted by the pending ban."

Several politicians have also come out in strong opposition against the proposed ban, including Cotton, who said the Biden administration's policies are riddled with contradictions and misplaced priorities.


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Trump mocks Biden for using the 'children's' stairs to board Air Force One and tears into him for 'sleeping on the beach all day' while 'World War III is going on' - as Jill launches passionate defense at fundraiser at Anna Wintour's $12M townhouse

  • Former President Donald Trump mocked President Joe Biden for more frequently using Air Force One's shorter staircase
  • At a New Hampshire rally Monday, Trump said Biden used the 'children's stairs'
  • The ex-president and 2024 contender also picked on Biden for pictures of him sleeping on the beach


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Scarborough Hits Panic Button: Biden Getting No Credit, Trump On a Path to Win Again in '24!

Joe Scarborough did stop short of stamping his feet . . .

Poor Joe. The guy touted the 4.9 percent economic growth rate that came out and was so upset that Biden is not getting the credit for the economy that Scarborough thinks he deserves, that the Morning Joe host banged his hands on the desk in frustration today.

It got even worse for poor Joe. Scarborough lamented that unless the Biden campaign can inspire young, black, and Latino voters to turn out in record numbers:

"Donald Trump, if things keep going, is going to be the next President of the United States."


PREMO Member

Betrayal: It's Biden's Turn to Learn Just How Loyal the Left Is

Joe Biden's administration has courted some of the most extreme leftism our nation has ever seen and has even lent the power of Washington to various organizations and individuals who raise the bar as to what radicalism actually is.

But apparently, there was a line that even Biden's administration wouldn't cross for fear that it would anger too great a chunk of the voting populace in America. When the Israel/Hamas war kicked off, Biden's administration likely looked at the pre-2024 landscape and found that sympathizing with Hamas was only going to get them destroyed in the upcoming election. As such, they sided with Israel.

As Sister Toldjah reported, this immediately saw a drop in his approval rating, with many a Democrat marking the admin's sympathy for Israel a bad thing:

Early this year, Gallup found that for the first time in the U.S., Democrats’ sympathies for the Palestinians outpaced those for the Israelis. Although the survey is not designed to allow for statistically reliable estimates for any subset of the three-week polling period, the daily results strongly suggest that Democrats’ approval of Biden fell sharply in the aftermath of the Oct. 7 attacks by Hamas and Biden’s promise of full support for Israel on the same day. Biden’s current 75% approval rating among Democrats is well below the 86% average from his own party throughout his presidency.

As the Daily Caller reported, a solid chunk of this disapproval comes from the very group the Democrats continuously try to brainwash and court, the youth:

“I feel very betrayed by Biden,” Angela Balya, a 28-year-old who was attending a pro-Palestine protest in Manhattan, told The NYT. “I definitely will not be voting for him again.”
The Sunrise Movement, a climate activist group that worked to garner support for Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign, is “raising questions” about whether the organization and other young voters will back the president in his reelection bid, the group’s political director told The NYT.
“If the Democratic Party and President Biden continue to send weapons and military support to Israel, it threatens to lose our generation, and that’s a very dangerous choice to make ahead of a critical election year,” Michele Weindling, the Sunrise Movement’s political director, told the outlet.


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PREMO Member
Wife and I was having dinner at my brother's house last evening. He had WUSA9 on the TV. It must be election year in VA, because every commercial was a campaign ad expressing how abortion is the biggest issue NoVA is facing this year.


Well-Known Member
Wife and I was having dinner at my brother's house last evening. He had WUSA9 on the TV. It must be election year in VA, because every commercial was a campaign ad expressing how abortion is the biggest issue NoVA is facing this year.
LOL I already voted


PREMO Member
🔥 An October surprise! Politico ran a freaky pre-Halloween story yesterday that you probably never heard about, headlined “Joe Biden’s Big New Hampshire Blunder.

image 4.png

Like the famous Tennyson poem explained, somebody, somewhere had blundered.

The short version is, Biden — apparently personally — ordered Iowa and New Hampshire to stand down as the historic first two states holding democrat primaries, to make South Carolina first. The backstory is in 2020 Biden did poorly in Iowa and New Hampshire but South Carolina put him over the top. So it was supposed to be a little political reward, like a candy treat dropped into South Carolina’s bag.

The “trick” was, the DNC said it would strip Iowa and New Hampshire of delegates if they didn’t go along. But Biden’s plan backfired. I bet you never saw that plot twist coming.

In a cowardly fashion, Iowa backed down. But the Granite State remained immovable. Live Free or Die! New Hampshire is steaming ahead with its early primary anyway, delegates or no, and leaving Joe Biden off the ballot.


It got even worse. Alert democrat from Minnesota, Representative Dean Phillips (D-Minn.), saw some kind of an opportunity and grabbed hold of it with both hands. He paid his $1,000 filing fee in New Hampshire, and is now running for the democrat nomination for President on New Hampshire’s ballot. He’s campaigning, too. Phillips has already held several town halls and intends to blanket the state.

Biden is mostly running another basement campaign.

Not one to leave a political weapon laying right in front of him, Phillips is campaigning on a razor-sharp political issue: returning New Hampshire to its place at the start of the democrat primary lineup. Needless to say, that’s an effective appeal to stoney Granite Staters.

According to Politico, at this point Biden — who’s not even running in New Hampshire — cannot afford to lose. “If he ignores New Hampshire or half-asses it, he loses,” said Steve Duprey, former chair of the N.H. GOP. Steve said at this point Biden has “got to win now.”

Politico says Democrat “insiders” are scrambling to organize a high-stakes write-in campaign. Good luck with that.

It’s fair to say the Biden campaign is off to a rocky start. Granite rocks.



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‘Epitome Of Racism’: Tim Scott Blasts ‘Despicable’ Racist Attack On Kentucky’s Daniel Cameron

The ads from a liberal Super PAC funded by billionaire George Soros call into question whether Cameron, the first black attorney general in Kentucky history, is truly a friend of the black community. The ad from Black Voters Matters PAC refers to Cameron as “Uncle Daniel Cameron,” and uses the saying, “Skinfolk ain’t kinfolk” — a refrain used by black liberals to suggest that anyone who disagrees with them politically is a race traitor.

Scott, who in 2014 became the first black senator elected in the south since reconstruction, said Beshear, Kentucky’s sitting governor, has a duty to stand up to the overt racism in his state.

“Why in the world would the governor of a state with the type of diversity he has, with the mantle the people have given him, remain silent?” Scott said in an interview with The Daily Wire. “For one reason: Power. Unless it’s that he just authentically believes it all.”

“The simplest way to state what these yoyos are doing is race-baiting, and feeding the fire for the purpose of power,” he explained. “They feel like they can do whatever it takes to divide the state of Kentucky, to fan the flames of racism, to be small and to be so addicted to power that you will call that man, Uncle Tom.”


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Connecticut Judge Throws Out Election Results and Orders New Primary After “Shocking” Evidence of Democrat Ballot Fraud​

November 1, 2023 | Sundance | 170 Comments

In Bridgeport, Connecticut, State Judge William Clark has thrown out the results of the September Democrat primary election and ordered a new primary to be scheduled and conducted [Court Order Here]. The issue was ballot harvesting and ballot fraud – both violations of state law.

The Judge reviewed CCTV footage showing Wanda Geter-Pataky, vice chair of the Bridgeport Democratic Town Committee and operations specialist for the city, and Eneida Martinez, a former City Council member, working to support the party approved candidate. Both Ms Geter-Pataky and Ms Martinez participated in absentee ballot fraud, ballot harvesting and ballot stuffing at drop boxes. Both women invoked the Fifth Amendment when confronted as witnesses by the judge.