Election 2024 Issues


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ADL Chief MELTS DOWN Over WOKE Gen Z Extremists As Democrats Continue To DESTROY THEMSELVES!​



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the lie is Antisemitism is coming from the right, the viper Jews have been cuddling to their breast has been a bubbling pot on college campus movement supporting Palestine for years, tolerating the BDS Movement

You'd have to be Stevie Wonder not to see this coming


PREMO Member

Colorado Prosecutors Caught in Major Lie in Court Case to Remove President Trump from Ballot – With Video Evidence

Democrats were up to their old tricks again on Monday.

The Democrat Party’s radical far-left attorneys in Colorado delivered their opening statement to toss President Trump from the ballot in the state.

During their opening remarks, the Trump-hating attorneys shared two clips of President Trump’s speech at the Ellipse to a million supporters on January 6, 2021.

They insist President Trump started a violent riot. But they refused to play video of his statement calling on his supporters to peacefully march to the US Capitol.

But that’s not all.

The prosecuting attorneys also lied about their timeline of events they showed the court on Monday.

The attorneys misrepresented the time stamps on the videos they played in court – not be minutes but by hours!

The prosecutors claimed the speech by Treniss Evans on the US Capitol Steps took place at 2:24 PM on Jan. 6.

The speech by J6 defendant Treniss Evans actually took place at 4:22 PM not at 2:24 PM! — TWO FULL HOURS LATER!


The Democrats are trying everything to get President Trump thrown off of the ballot in Colorado.

They are even falsifying video footage and timestamps!

This is perjury – and it took place in their opening statements!


PREMO Member

Delusional Stacey Abrams Admits Americans Are Doing Badly But None Of It Is Joe Biden's Fault​



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Knowing They Will Lose At The Ballot Box, Soros-Funded Leftists Turn To Lawfare To Defeat Trump

If leftists have their way, the 2024 presidential election will be decided in courtrooms by liberal judges — not by Americans at ballot boxes across the country. With President Biden’s poll numbers at all-time lows and public polling showing former President Trump consistently leading in 2024, Democrats are scrambling not to win the support of voters but to simply disqualify their opponent through Democrat operatives, attorneys, and judges.

This strategy is especially rich coming from the “democracy is on the ballot” crowd. Apparently, “democracy is on the ballot” means only Joe Biden is on the ballot.

I’ve been in Denver this week witnessing the latest use of lawfare to defeat Trump in front of Democrat judges instead of American voters. Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) is behind the irresponsible and left-wing billionaire-funded lawsuit. CREW, which received funding from George Soros’ Open Society Foundations, has a history of frivolous lawsuits targeting Donald Trump.

The left-wing organization exists to abuse the legal system to harm Republicans, and they might get lucky this time with their Hail Mary attempt to take out Trump. The judge presiding over their case is Sarah Wallace, a Democrat donor who was appointed just last year by Democrat Colorado Gov. Jared Polis.

CREW’s lawsuit wants Wallace to order Democrat Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold — who’s pretending to be neutral — to remove Trump from the state’s ballot next year. The lawsuit argues Trump is guilty of “insurrection” and is ineligible due to the 14th Amendment’s Disqualification Clause used to chase out of office Confederate insurrectionists who fought against the Union in the Civil War. The precedent set by this case could be used by liberal activists to force Trump off of the ballot in key states such as Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Arizona.


PREMO Member

Kentucky Democrats Go Full Racist Against Daniel Cameron

Black conservatives become the targets of disrespect and outright racism from the left. Just ask Clarence Thomas, Tim Scott, and Condoleezza Rice. The latest example of this phenomenon is taking place in Kentucky, where Democrats are going full racist in attacking GOP gubernatorial candidate Daniel Cameron, who is black.

Cameron has trailed incumbent Gov. Andy Beshear until recently. According to RealClearPolitics, the latest Emerson poll shows Cameron with a narrow one-point lead over Beshear, while a poll from the same outlet from the beginning of October showed Beshear with a 16-point lead.

Cameron's surge must have the Democrats scared because a new ad is using racism to target Cameron as insufficiently black.

Fox News reports:

Black Voters Matter Action PAC, which FEC filings show received millions from [George] Soros' super-PAC, has been running the radio ad on a local R&B station based in Jeffersontown, Kentucky, describing Cameron as "Uncle Daniel Cameron," and accusing him of betraying his race by declaring "all skinfolk ain't kinfolk."
"What's up Kentucky? It's election time, and all skinfolk ain't kinfolk. Over the past few years, we've taken to the streets to demand racial justice, to demand healthcare, and the right to make decisions about our body. And now, Uncle Daniel Cameron is threatening to take us backwards, the same man who refused to seek justice for Breonna Taylor now wants to run our whole state," the ad says.

Let that sink in. It's so racist that it is wilder than parody.


PREMO Member

If Dems Win In Virginia On Tuesday, Speaker Of House Poised To Be Felon Who Wants To Release Murderers

Since the Democrats last controlled the chamber two years ago, moderate Democrats like former House Speaker Eileen Filler-Corn have been pushed out and replaced with insurgents like Don Scott, who was apprehended by federal agents in a Denny’s restaurant in 1994 after running into the bathroom and attempting to flush thousands of dollars in drug money. He was sentenced to 10 years in prison and served seven and a half.

His voting rights were restored by former Gov. Bob McDonnell, a Republican, leading him to credit the opposition for his current political standing. “The Republicans caused me to be here,” he told the Washington Post.

In 2019, he won a seat in the legislature representing Portsmouth, the same year Democrats took over from Republicans who long controlled it. Now Scott has risen the ranks to be the Minority Leader in the House of Delegates, and is poised to take the top slot in the majority should his party prevail on Election Day.

Scott after he was first elected introduced a bill that would release inmates at age 60 if they had served at least 10 years of their sentence, or age 65 if they had served at least five. It would apply to nearly all felonies, except “class one” felonies such as murders like the killing of a police officer, lawyer Hans Bader wrote at the time.

The Parole Board already had the ability to grant “geriatric release,” but Scott wanted to make it automatic, releasing the inmates even if the Parole Board’s review of the individual circumstances found that the inmate posed a continuing threat. It would mean that someone could murder someone at age 60 with the assurance that they would be out five years later.


PREMO Member

ABC Panel Openly Discusses Throwing Biden in the Garbage and Replacing Him with Another Democrat After NYT Poll Shows Trump Landslide

It turns out Americans aren’t happy with persistent inflation, high gas prices (Bidenomics) and wars/rumors of wars, military-aged males invading the southern border.

The New York Times poll shows Trump leading by ten points in Nevada, six in Georgia, five in Arizona, five in Michigan, and four in Pennsylvania. Only in Wisconsin does Biden seem to maintain support, holding a slim 2-point lead.


ABC’s “This Week” host George Stephanopoulos said of the new poll: “This is probably going to lead to a lot of Democrats increasing chatter that Joe Biden should step aside and make room for another Democrat.”

“Voters are just plain frustrated across the board — 76% of adults in this poll say the country is headed in the wrong direction,” Stephanopoulos said.

Associated Press executive director Julie Pace chimed in: “They don’t know who that Democrat would be right now — I don’t think that people look at Kamala Harris and feel like she is ready…”



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EXCLUSIVE: Kari Lake is 'open' to challenging Gavin Newsom to a debate to show how his 'communist' and 'disastrous' policies have sparked 143,000 Californians to flee to Arizona in two years

  • 'I mean, this is the guy who destroyed California almost single handedly,' Lake told DailyMail.com about Newsom
  • According to the U.S. Census, Californians are fleeing to Arizona in large numbers
  • Lake has also been floated as a potential vice presidential running mate for Trump, and she says they speak 'regularly'


PREMO Member

Election fraud cases break out in 3 Democrat states, new voting ordered in one

Democrats in Connecticut, Massachusetts, and New Jersey are facing various allegations of election fraud, as two instances are related to this year's elections while two more are with regard to prior elections.

On Wednesday, Bridgeport Superior Court Judge William Clark overturned the results of a Democratic mayoral primary and ordered a new election in connection to allegations of absentee ballot abuse.

The judge made the decision after a video was posted online that appeared to show a supporter of incumbent Democrat Mayor Joe Ganim stuffing stacks of papers into a ballot drop box, according to WNPR Connecticut Public Radio.

The general election for mayor was set for Nov. 7. A new primary date has yet to be set, but the judge told lawyers that they had 10 days to work with city and state election officials to determine a potential date for the new election, the Associated Press reported.

Judge Clark determined the allegations of possible malfeasance were sufficient to toss out the results of the Sept. 12 primary, which incumbent Ganim won by 251 votes out of 8,173 cast. Absentee ballots secured Ganim's margin of victory, WNPR Connecticut Public Radio also reported. Judge Clark said, "the videos are shocking to the court and should be shocking to all the parties.”

Meanwhile, in neighboring Massachusetts, a Democratic mayoral candidate is accused of bribing residents to vote.


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PREMO Member

Election fraud cases break out in 3 Democrat states, new voting ordered in one

Democrats in Connecticut, Massachusetts, and New Jersey are facing various allegations of election fraud, as two instances are related to this year's elections while two more are with regard to prior elections.

On Wednesday, Bridgeport Superior Court Judge William Clark overturned the results of a Democratic mayoral primary and ordered a new election in connection to allegations of absentee ballot abuse.

The judge made the decision after a video was posted online that appeared to show a supporter of incumbent Democrat Mayor Joe Ganim stuffing stacks of papers into a ballot drop box, according to WNPR Connecticut Public Radio.

The general election for mayor was set for Nov. 7. A new primary date has yet to be set, but the judge told lawyers that they had 10 days to work with city and state election officials to determine a potential date for the new election, the Associated Press reported.

Judge Clark determined the allegations of possible malfeasance were sufficient to toss out the results of the Sept. 12 primary, which incumbent Ganim won by 251 votes out of 8,173 cast. Absentee ballots secured Ganim's margin of victory, WNPR Connecticut Public Radio also reported. Judge Clark said, "the videos are shocking to the court and should be shocking to all the parties.”

Meanwhile, in neighboring Massachusetts, a Democratic mayoral candidate is accused of bribing residents to vote.
Hometown paper reported on an audit of the 2020 Election in MD where 134 persons voted more than once and 1,371 persons attempted to vote more than once.


PREMO Member

WOKE SNL Comedian EMBARRASSES Herself On The View Then DEMANDS Trump Supporters Go To College!​

[ Liberals the fuking clueless offering political commentary and voting ]



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Trump DESTROYS Kamala Harris As Democrats Cry RACISM And Misogyny Over Her DISASTEROUS Poll Numbers!​



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Joe Scarborough MELTS DOWN Over Biden White House Advisors Telling Him To Stop Attacking TRUMP!​



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Trump Deranged DEMOCRAT LOSES HIS MIND On Republican Greeter In UNHINGED RANT After Voting!​



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Houston mayor’s race heads to runoff between John Whitmire, Sheila Jackson Lee

State Senator John Whitmire and Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee ranked as the top two candidates in Houston's mayoral election, with Whitmire ahead by about 8% as of Tuesday night. Since neither cleared the threshold of 50% of the votes cast plus one, the contest will now go to a second round. The runoff election is scheduled for Saturday, December 9.

Whitmire and Jackson Lee both stood out in a crowded field for their high levels of name recognition, decades of public service, and in Whitmire's case, a prodigious campaign war chest that enabled him to blanket the airwaves with commercials.


PREMO Member
🔥 Yesterday’s state election results were mostly unsurprising, although democrats are spinning the results as a national referendum on ‘a woman’s right to choose’ what gets injected into her body. Oops! Sorry! She only gets to choose what goes into her body if democrats give her permission first.

Anyway, the Wall Street Journal ran an ‘election roundup’ story this morning headlined, “Democratic Gov. Andy Beshear Re-Elected in Kentucky, and Democrats Have Big Night in Virginia.


Governor Beshear’s re-election, even in red Kentucky, did not shock anyone. Had Cameron won, it would have been an “upset.” In like manner, Mississippi’s Republican Governor Tate Reeves defeated democrat Brandon Presley (distant cousin to Elvis Presley). No gubernatorial upsets were reported.

The “Big Night” narrative in Virginia was that voters somehow “rebuked” Governor Glenn Younkin by failing to elect more Republicans, but the fact is, Virginia Republicans probably did as well as they could have hoped in the endless ocean of liberalism that is Virginia. The rebuke happened two years ago, when Younkin was elected along with new Republican gains in the state house, as voters’ pandemic message to woke school board policies, lockdowns, and mandates.

You could say Republicans failed to take advantage of voter’s frustrations, and I’d agree. Establishment Media is framing yesterday’s results as a referendum on abortion.

The ‘abortion’ narrative came together because Ohio voters roundly approved a pro-abortion constitutional amendment, Lord forgive them, and because democrats in various states never shut up about abortion during the campaigns. Democratic political consultant Ben Tribbett told the Wall Street Journal’s reporter, “This was an election about choice.”

Choice? The reporter didn’t ask Mr. Tribbett his position on choice about vaccine mandates.

Les McCorkle of Williamsburg, 61, a self-described ‘independent voter’ who votes for democrats without thinking, ignorantly said abortion access was his top issue. Even though he can’t get one. You know, just in case. “It should be a woman’s right. It’s her body,” gushed McCorkle.

One suspects that two years ago, Mr. McCorkle thought unvaccinated women should be herded into wood chippers.

Republicans failed to properly deploy democrats’ heinous history on vaccine mandates whenever against abortion rights arguments. I’m dumbfounded that Republicans let democrats get away with all their insincere “right to choose” nonsense. What are Republicans afraid of? The tide has turned against jab mandates. People hate the jabs now; fewer than 3% bought into the boosters despite the CDC retooling itself into the world’s largest pharmaceutical marketing firm.

image 2.png

If the ‘abortion issue’ proves anything, it’s that Republicans must overcome their irrational fear about criticizing the CDC’s magic snake oil, and jam coercive vaccine and mask mandates down democrat throats whenever they start hypocritically chirping about bodily integrity. The vaccines didn’t work! The mandates were for nothing!

Even though last night’s election results weren’t particularly surprising, it still feels like a wasted opportunity.
