Election 2024 Issues


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Northern Virginia will be the death of the state.

Too much sub-human garbage, aka Leftists, took over that area.


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What That Shocking NYT Poll REALLY Tells Us — and Why Biden’s 2024 Strategy Could Work

The poll’s findings scared Democrats and Sunday morning talk show bloviators, but the real news is, per usual, buried deep in the crosstabs of the poll’s results – and offers a blueprint of Democrats’ 2024 strategy.

Among Trump’s supporters, a critical number of them told the pollsters they would switch to support Joe Biden if Trump were convicted of offenses like the one being tried in Georgia now, which alleges he tried to interfere with the state’s elections in 2020.

“The Democrats see this” – prosecuting Trump – “as a winning strategy for 2024,” Schweizer said. Eggers explained that when the poll asked Georgia voters: “If Trump were convicted, would you still vote for him?” Trump’s current 6-point lead there among likely Georgia voters flipped to a 12-point advantage for Joe Biden.

But there’s more. The poll also showed a second key issue — that wide majorities of voters, even including Democrats, believe that Joe Biden profited personally from his son Hunter’s business dealings in China, Ukraine, and elsewhere while Joe was Vice President, and afterward.


PREMO Member


If Democrats re-nominate Joe Biden, the 2024 election could resemble the 1980 contest between Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan. Why? Because a large majority of Americans are worse off today than they were before Joe Biden took office. This CBS News poll illustrates the point.
There is a lot of interesting information at the link, but let’s focus on what I think are the most important points. First, how are things going in America today?

Generally speaking, do you feel things in America today are going…
Very well: 5%
Somewhat well: 22%
Somewhat badly: 36%
Very badly: 37%

These are absolutely brutal numbers for an incumbent president.

If Joe Biden wins in 2024, do you think his policies in a second term would make you…
Financially better off: 18%
Financially worse off: 48%
Stay about the same: 34%


If Donald Trump wins in 2024, do you think his policies in a second term would make you…
Financially better off: 45%
Financially worse off: 32%
Stay about the same: 23%


PREMO Member

Hillary Drops Hitler Card on Trump, Waxes Histrionic About 'End of Our Country' if He Wins in 2024

In the segment below, Stage 4 TDS-riddled Sunny Hostin kicked off the festivities by blathering:

I think your loss to Trump in 2016 will go down as one of the most pivotal times in our country — one of the most pivotal moments in our country. And it's still reeling from Trump's policies, I think, and the deep divisions that he sowed, in this country. What, in your view, would happen if he were to be reelected?

Yes, nonsensical — with zero examples to back up Hostin's silly charges. And, of course, Hillary jumped all over it like a pig on an acorn, as shrill as she could be.

Well, I can't even think that because I think it would be the end of our country as we know it. And I don't say that lightly ... I hated losing, and I especially hated losing to him because I had seen so many warning signals during the campaign.
But I immediately said, 'Look, we have to give him a chance, we've got to support, you know, the president we have,' and I meant it. I tried really hard.

Do you remember anything supportive Hillary said about Trump after she lost? Me, neither.

After then launching into a laundry list of all of the terrible things Trump did after he was inaugurated, Hillary declared: "I think he'd be even worse, now," further explaining:

He was somewhat restrained — believe it or not — in the first term, by people that he hired because he thought they go along with him, and they stood up to him.
And so now he's going to — if he were ever near the Oval Office again — [he will] find people who have no principles, no conscience, who are totally tied to his fortunes, literally. Therefore, [they] would do whatever he said.

Classic Hillary Clinton — making up crock-of-crap stuff, with zero factual basis offered.


PREMO Member

Envelopes With Fentanyl Sent To Election Offices In Georgia And Washington

Envelopes with fentanyl were sent to election offices in Georgia and Washington state, according to officials, during a week in which voters went to the polls throughout the country to cast their ballots for Election Day 2023.

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger announced on Thursday that officials are working to intercept an envelope making its way through the mail to Fulton County, which includes Atlanta, that had tested positive for fentanyl.

This followed evacuations at multiple locations in Washington state where a suspicious powder was found in four envelopes, including at least one in King County and another in Spokane County that authorities said they tested and found some fentanyl.



PREMO Member

Trump blasts 'confused' Biden for 'walking into walls' - as it's revealed ex-President is planning sweeping roundups of illegal aliens in immigration crackdown

  • Donald Trump held a campaign rally in Claremont, New Hampshire on Saturday just days after he skipped the third 2024 GOP presidential primary debate
  • He poked fun at Joe Biden and said: 'We have a guy in the White House who can't put two sentences together and who could not find his way off this stage'
  • Trump's comments came hours after Biden, 80, suffered an embarrassing moment of confusion as he stumbled at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier


PREMO Member

Ronna McDaniel Has Train Wreck Interview on Laura Ingraham After Republicans Suffer More Election Losses (VIDEO)

Fox News host Laura Ingraham confronted RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel about her abysmal record after Democrats had another successful election night earlier this week.

Republicans have suffered losses under Ronna McDaniel’s leadership. Republicans got crushed in 2018, 2020, 2022, and 2023.

Earlier this week, Ronna McDaniel was confronted about the RNC’s lack of involvement in Virginia’s election. Virginia Democrats retained control of the state senate and flipped the House of Delegates from red to blue.

Things were so bad on Tuesday night that Susanna Gibson, a porn star who performed online sex acts for ‘tokens’ narrowly lost her election to Republican David Owen.

An amateur porn star almost won a seat in Virginia’s House of Delegates!

“The RNC had no involvement in these elections in Virginia, per Governor Youngkin’s request?!” Larry O’Connor said.

“Well, we were told…they didn’t need us, that they had all they money and they were good, so that was a conversation…” Ronna McDaniel said.



PREMO Member

Election Fraud Is Real — And It Needs To Be Fixed Before 2024

Democrats claim election fraud is a myth. But videos don’t lie.

Roll the tapes:

On Nov. 1, Connecticut Judge William Clark overturned the results of the Bridgeport mayoral primary, calling video evidence of potential fraud “shocking.” Wanda Geter-Pataky, the vice chair of the Bridgeport Democratic Town Committee, appears to have been caught on video stuffing handfuls of ballots into a drop box outside City Hall.

On Oct. 25, in Paterson, New Jersey, the sitting president of the City Council, Alex Mendez, was charged with personally collecting large numbers of mail-in ballots in his district, destroying ballots that did not favor him and replacing them with ballots that falsely chose him. New Jersey’s Attorney General Matthew Platkin states that Mendez “personally observed from his wife’s vehicle as a large, heavy bag, completely filled with ballots, was emptied into the Haledon postal box prior to the election.”

On Nov. 2, in Springfield, Massachusetts, mayoral candidate Justin Hurst was nailed by city election officials for allegedly buying votes during early voting. Videotape shows individuals being dropped off in black Suburbans and Expeditions, and entering City Hall to vote. When they exited, a man “takes out what appears to be a large bundle of cash” and peels off a bill for each individual, according to an affidavit by election commissioner Gladys Oyola-Lopez.



PREMO Member

Virginia Dems Could Lose Control Of State Senate Because Member May Have Lied About Residence

Virginia Senate candidates are required to live in the district they are running for, and Hashmi filed candidacy paperwork saying she lived in an apartment on Boulder Lake Drive in North Chesterfield in Senate District 15.

But four neighbors filed a complaint saying she actually lives outside the district on Bosham Lane in Midlothian, and they provided a spreadsheet saying they had driven by the house 62 times during the month of October to document her residency. The notes include her car being there late at night and early in the morning, and her leaving the house shortly after 8 a.m. It also includes photographic evidence.

Putting Hashmi in a particular bind, if she did live in the Chesterfield apartment, then she may have committed a felony by concealing her ownership of the Midlothian home on sworn election forms.

The Certificate of Candidacy Qualification, which she signed March 14, 2023, says, “I now reside at the address shown below in the district in which I seek office,” under which she listed the North Chesterfield apartment.

The form also asks, “Do you or a member of your immediately family, separately or together, hold an interest valued at more than $5,000 in real property? DO NOT INCLUDE your principal residence.” She checked “no,” and did not list the Midlothian home. Real estate records show that she and her husband have owned that — worth nearly $600,000 — since 1999.


Mostly settled in...
Ad Free Experience
On Nov. 2, in Springfield, Massachusetts, mayoral candidate Justin Hurst was nailed by city election officials for allegedly buying votes during early voting. Videotape shows individuals being dropped off in black Suburbans and Expeditions, and entering City Hall to vote. When they exited, a man “takes out what appears to be a large bundle of cash” and peels off a bill for each individual, according to an affidavit by election commissioner Gladys Oyola-Lopez.
Nah, not in Springfield, all the politicos there have lily white souls.


PREMO Member
Ignore Any Poll Showing Trump Beating Biden

The commentariat has made much of recent surveys showing Trump ahead of Biden in swing states that probably will decide the outcome of the 2024 presidential election. A Bloomberg/MorningConsult poll released Friday, for example, shows Trump with modest leads among registered voters in Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Emerson also released a survey on Friday indicating that Trump enjoys leads in the same states. The one that created the most buzz was a New York Times/Siena poll showing Trump ahead by even larger margins in Arizona (+5), Georgia (+6), Michigan (+5), Nevada (+10), and Pennsylvania (+4).

This poll led to a lot of handwringing among Democrats, and more than a few calls for Biden to abandon his reelection campaign. Former Obama advisor David Axelrod, for example, suggested on X (formerly Twitter) that Biden may want to reconsider running again: “If he continues to run, he will be the nominee of the Democratic Party. What he needs to decide is whether that is wise; whether it’s in HIS best interest or the country’s.” Before Republicans break out the champagne, however, they would be wise to look below the top-line numbers. As Kim Strassel notes during the Wall Street Journal’s Potomac Watch podcast, the survey says much more about voter aversion to Biden than affection for Trump:


PREMO Member

Illegal Aliens Being Deported a ‘Horrifying Reality’ If Donald Trump Is Elected

As Breitbart News reported, Trump’s immigration agenda was detailed in the New York Times over the weekend. The plan includes:

  • Mass deportations of illegal aliens
  • An end to birthright citizenship for the U.S.-born children of illegal aliens
  • A large-scale increase in immigration detention space
  • The end of former President Obama’s DACA program for illegal aliens
  • A travel ban for countries with a history of exporting terrorism
  • Safe Third Country Agreements to end asylum shopping
  • The reinstatement of the Remain in Mexico policy
  • The reimposition of Title 42 to better control the southern border

In response, Biden campaign spokesman Ammar Moussa told Politico the plan is a “horrifying reality that awaits the American people” if Trump is elected president in 2024.

“Mass detention camps, attempts to deny children born here citizenship, uprooting families with mass deportations — this is the horrifying reality that awaits the American people if Donald Trump is allowed anywhere near the Oval Office again,” Moussa said:

These extreme, racist, cruel policies dreamed up by him and his henchman Stephen Miller are meant to stoke fear and divide us, betting a scared and divided nation is how he wins this election. [Emphasis added]

The American people chose unity over division and hope over fear in 2020 when they elected Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and sent Donald Trump packing, and they’ll do it again next year. [Emphasis added]

Today, there are at least 1.2 million fugitive illegal aliens living across the U.S. who have final orders for deportation whom Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has not deported.

Last month, a House Judiciary Committee report from Reps. Jim Jordan (R-OH) and Tom McClintock (R-CA) suggests that Biden’s DHS is failing to deport about 99 percent of illegal aliens arriving to the U.S.


PREMO Member

Black Democrats CRY RACIST Voter Ballot Fraud Over Republican Governor Winning State Election!​



PREMO Member

Democrats' Big Bucks County School Board Sweep Should Unnerve Republicans Everywhere

At issue for these voters, known for swinging back and forth between Republicans and Democrats, was the restriction of political advocacy that the Democratic candidates called "harmful policies" against sexual minorities.

The Democrats began plotting their messaging and raising money two years ago after the board passed "Policy 321," which details that employees should not advocate to students on "partisan, political, or social policy matters." They are also not to display any "flag, banner, poster, sign, sticker, pin, button, insignia, paraphernalia, photograph, or other similar material that advocates concerning any partisan, political, or social policy issue."

Democrat Rick Haring, who defeated Republican candidate Aarati P. Martino in Region 6, ran on reinstating "compassion and common sense" after the school board passed a policy last January that bans teachers from "advocacy activities" that he and the other Democrats who ran and won said would marginalize LGBT students.

Apparently, a majority of voters rebelled against the involvement of the national Moms for Liberty, portrayed by the media as extreme, and which was thought by many centrist voters, even those who usually lean Republican, to use rhetoric that was a bridge too far.

Bucks County voters are telling Republicans to stop with the overreach. They are also telling the Democrats, "We didn't exactly vote for you as much as we voted against the Republicans."

If Democrats remember why voters placed them on the school board and hold to that promise, then Republican candidates running in Bucks County are wise to look at why the other team has power and they do not. If not, they will lose in this county as well, which could cost the Republicans the White House and the majority in the House and Senate.


PREMO Member

When Citizens Have Better Computer Technology Than Their Government – Minnesota Investigation finds 172,000+ Voter Issues

For the first time in history, citizens have better computer technology than their government.

Today’s video of Minnesota voter rolls shows, using Fractal technology, that citizens can identify anomalies in government voter rolls that existed for over 100 years – eluding all the obsolete technology Minnesota could bring to bear.


Minnesota as at least 172,000 voter issues , via Omega4America

Particularly ERIC!

Voters living in UPS offices. Voters living in convenience stores. Voters living in an 800 square foot house with 15 other adult voters – which the health regulations would never allow – we show these in video after video.

In 2021, voter integrity teams in 12 states started using Fractal – and as you can see in today’s video – Minnesota – Fractal makes a mockery of the Minnesota voter rolls.

We now have in our grasp, the first example of citizens with far better technology – than their government.

We are embarking on a journey where in state after state, the Fractal team, joined by legislator groups – is showing the dreadful official voter roll pollution – with Fractal technology.

Mr. Secretary of State, you have 2,400 year old voters on your voter roll. Everyone knows it is dirty data or fraud. And when Fractal uncovers it, you lose your credibility if you continue to claim that you do not have dirty data.

If you, Ms. Secretary of State, deliver official records claiming active, registered voters voting from warehouses, convenience stores and vacant lots – you lose your credibility.

You cannot claim there is not fraud in your system – because you are blind to what your voters are discovering with Fractal.

Election integrity is a key issue for 2024.

Fractal and its friends are showing – beyond any doubt – in real-time analyses – voter rolls in every state are so open to fraud, the narrative of clean elections is no longer a credible position for a leader to cling to.

Before Fractal, “not knowing” was plausible. But that was 2020. Now, “pretending not to know” no longer works.

Fractal is causing that paradigm shift.

The Gartner Group, the world’s most prestigious technology analysis company, said the current tech stack – relational technology, SQL – is obsolete in 2025.

Fractal is showing – in video after video – that relational technology is obsolete now.

Obsolete technology – like obsolete security systems – becomes the playground for activists to manipulate voter rolls for their benefit.

Real-time monitoring – as we show with Fractal – shuts that down!

For the first time in history – a technology exists that can STOP VOTER ROLL FRAUD BEFORE

Secretaries of State all use relational technology – which is 1980s compute technology.