Election 2024 Issues


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Michigan Judge Rules to Keep Trump on the Ballot

A Michigan judge echoed the Minnesota Supreme Court's recent decision that 14th Amendment challenges to keep former President Donald Trump off the state primary ballot as he seeks reelection are premature.

Michigan Court of Claims Judge James Robert Redford wrote on Tuesday that "plaintiffs cannot show that they are entitled to a declaratory judgment," because Michigan state law requires the secretary of state to put major candidates identified in the media on the primary ballot. Yesterday, Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson did just that, including President Trump on the list.

The judge's new order addresses three separate cases—one brought by a local advocate, another by Free Speech for People representing a handful of local voters, and one brought by President Trump. All three were petitions against Ms. Benson, arguing over whether her office had the authority to disqualify candidates from presidential primary ballots, and whether President Trump was disqualified under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment.


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Democrats' Big Bucks County School Board Sweep Should Unnerve Republicans Everywhere

At issue for these voters, known for swinging back and forth between Republicans and Democrats, was the restriction of political advocacy that the Democratic candidates called "harmful policies" against sexual minorities.

The Democrats began plotting their messaging and raising money two years ago after the board passed "Policy 321," which details that employees should not advocate to students on "partisan, political, or social policy matters." They are also not to display any "flag, banner, poster, sign, sticker, pin, button, insignia, paraphernalia, photograph, or other similar material that advocates concerning any partisan, political, or social policy issue."

Democrat Rick Haring, who defeated Republican candidate Aarati P. Martino in Region 6, ran on reinstating "compassion and common sense" after the school board passed a policy last January that bans teachers from "advocacy activities" that he and the other Democrats who ran and won said would marginalize LGBT students.

Apparently, a majority of voters rebelled against the involvement of the national Moms for Liberty, portrayed by the media as extreme, and which was thought by many centrist voters, even those who usually lean Republican, to use rhetoric that was a bridge too far.

Bucks County voters are telling Republicans to stop with the overreach. They are also telling the Democrats, "We didn't exactly vote for you as much as we voted against the Republicans."

If Democrats remember why voters placed them on the school board and hold to that promise, then Republican candidates running in Bucks County are wise to look at why the other team has power and they do not. If not, they will lose in this county as well, which could cost the Republicans the White House and the majority in the House and Senate.
SMC... is that you posting this?


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
45 Things Trump Is Promising For His Second Term

3. Confirm the Star Wars sequel trilogy as non-canonical

14. Only allow real boobs on White House lawn

35. Secure the permanent return of the McRib

Far More...



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Battleground States Reject Biden's Border Recklessness | Opinion

An illegal migrant, wanted for terrorism in his home country of Senegal in West Africa, was arrested in New York City last month. This indicted terrorist sauntered into the United States with amazing ease, mingling among the more than 8 million crossings of illegal migrants who form a human tsunami of trespassers into our homeland.

He crossed from Mexico into Arizona, unvetted and unencumbered, where he was processed and cordially served up with legal passage to his requested destination of New York. The only restriction placed upon the accused terrorist was a self-enforcement request to appear in court in New York.

Fortunately, ICE discovered this entry and apprehended the fugitive two weeks into his U.S. stay.

Such risks are never acceptable—particularly not now, given the raging war in the Middle East. Hamas unleashed carnage on Israeli civilians, and it despises America almost as much as it hates Israel.

Voters in key swing states are alert to this danger, and to the other material harms inflicted every day by the recklessness of Biden and the Democrats. My organization, the League of American Workers, commissioned a sweeping survey of 800 voters across the key battleground states of Arizona, Wisconsin, Georgia, and North Carolina.

Citizens in these states firmly reject Biden's weakness on immigration, and signal significant political opportunity for conservative candidates willing to insist on secure borders, deportations, and an overall security agenda of law and order.

Within these four states, polling firm North Star Opinion Research found that the immigration/border issue is the second most important topic on voters' minds, trailing only the economy.


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Battleground States Reject Biden's Border Recklessness | Opinion

An illegal migrant, wanted for terrorism in his home country of Senegal in West Africa, was arrested in New York City last month. This indicted terrorist sauntered into the United States with amazing ease, mingling among the more than 8 million crossings of illegal migrants who form a human tsunami of trespassers into our homeland.

He crossed from Mexico into Arizona, unvetted and unencumbered, where he was processed and cordially served up with legal passage to his requested destination of New York. The only restriction placed upon the accused terrorist was a self-enforcement request to appear in court in New York.

Fortunately, ICE discovered this entry and apprehended the fugitive two weeks into his U.S. stay.

Such risks are never acceptable—particularly not now, given the raging war in the Middle East. Hamas unleashed carnage on Israeli civilians, and it despises America almost as much as it hates Israel.

Voters in key swing states are alert to this danger, and to the other material harms inflicted every day by the recklessness of Biden and the Democrats. My organization, the League of American Workers, commissioned a sweeping survey of 800 voters across the key battleground states of Arizona, Wisconsin, Georgia, and North Carolina.

Citizens in these states firmly reject Biden's weakness on immigration, and signal significant political opportunity for conservative candidates willing to insist on secure borders, deportations, and an overall security agenda of law and order.

Within these four states, polling firm North Star Opinion Research found that the immigration/border issue is the second most important topic on voters' minds, trailing only the economy.
Bah! Abortion restrictions are the real clear and present danger.


PREMO Member

Twin Brother of Alexander Vindman, of Trump Impeachment Fame, Announces Run for Congress in VA

Semafor reported Wednesday that Vindman, a retired U.S. Army colonel, is expected to announce a run for Congress in Virginia’s 7th congressional district to replace Rep. Abigail Spanberger (D-VA), who is running for Virginia governor.

There is a fundraising page for Vindman on the ActBlue website, as well as a social media account, according to the outlet. The social media account on X appears to be defunct as of Thursday evening.

VoteVets, a group supporting progressive veterans posted that they are endorsing him:

Vindman had previously told Axios in October that he was considering a bid and that he is “focused on Ukraine funding” and “war crimes.”

“That’s all I’m focused on,” he said.

Vindman was born in Ukraine before immigrating to the U.S. along with his twin brother Alexander.


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Poll: Donald Trump Leads Biden in Florida, Even Among ‘Non-Binary’ Voters

A closer look at the figures show Trump leading Biden by 23 points among males and coming within striking distance of reaching Biden among female voters, garnering 40 percent to Biden’s 42 percent. This survey also chose to include “non-binary” voters and surprisingly found Trump edging out Biden in this demographic, 44 percent to Biden’s 42 percent. Notably, the survey’s margin of error is +/- 3.2 percent.


PREMO Member
📈 NBC News’ latest national presidential poll made the news this weekend, because it showed President Trump beating the democrat candidate (now, Joe Biden) by for the first time since the network began polling on Trump in 2017. Trump is up +2% over Biden in voter preference (which is within the margin of error). Meet the Press covered the story:

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CLIP: NBC Meet the Press discusses latest national poll showing Trump up +2% (1:45).

To the extent that you can believe any of this, the most interesting development was Biden losing badly among young people and Millennials, who’d solidly supported the Resident in the 2020 election, and shifted just this year (as shown above). NBC blamed their dissatisfaction on Biden’s support for Israel, which seems unlikely, given it’s only been a month or so.

But significantly, NBC’s Meet the Press anchors carefully explained that the poll also showed Trump losing badly, by -6%, to any “generic democrat.”

In other words, NBC was pushing the idea that any other democrat candidate, except Biden, can beat Trump. Get it? The NBC poll and all the wide coverage of the story are more narrative battlespace preparation for democrats. Create the Problem (Biden’s losing to Trump!) — wait for the Reaction (Do Something!) — Deliver the Solution, which is cue up … Candidate Newsom?



PREMO Member

Trump's friendly interview sparks outrage as former president steps up courting Latino voters

Backlash in the Latino community against Univision sparked following the “softball” interview, and members across industries are condemning the network. The View co-host Ana Navarro called the interview “ridiculous” and “embarrassing” in a video statement posted to X, formerly known as Twitter, on Saturday. “It was an interview with no pushback," Navarro, a Republican commentator who was the national Hispanic co-chair for John McCain’s 2008 presidential campaign, said. She called the interview “a love fest.”

“To see the largest network, the most important network in the Latino community, Univision, giving this man a one-hour platform where there was no pushback, there was a ton of smiling faces. There were references by Donald Trump during the interview to his friends who were there from Univision, Univision executives. It's raised a lot of questions," Navarro said.

John Leguizamo, a Colombian actor and producer, posted a video to Instagram on Thursday calling on his fellow entertainers, athletes, activists, and politicians to boycott the network.

“I just found out that Univision canceled all of Biden’s ads and are softballing Trump. They only want to put Trump on, so Univision is becoming MAGAVision,” Leguizamo said. “I’m not asking for them to take off Trump. I’m just asking for parity, for equality and equity.”

Univision ad representatives told the Biden campaign that ads already paid for airing in Nevada, Arizona, Pennsylvania, and Florida during the Trump interview had been canceled, the Washington Post reported.


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November 20, 2023 | Sundance | 254 Comments

In the era of great pretending this letter ranks at the top of the 2023 hubris scale. Having attained her position using ballot manipulation and collection, the fraudulently installed AG in Arizona, Attorney General Kris Mayes, is threatening to arrest anyone who does a hand recount of ballots in Mohave County. [SOURCE]



PREMO Member

If Republicans Want to Win, We Need to Expose Democrats as Pro-Abortion Extremists

“We … have to define ourselves before the Democrats define us,” Ronna explained on NBC. “And this is my number one message. If you’re digging yourself out of a hole, you’re going to lose. But if you go on TV and you say to the American people, ‘Listen, we all are passionate about this issue and it’s confusing right now, but in a time of consensus, can’t we agree on reasonable limitations at 15 weeks when a baby feels pain?’”

She reiterated that position to Perkins, insisting, “We shouldn’t be silent. Listen, we’re proud to be a party that stands for the unborn. And I think coming out of Roe, after 50 years of … people not having to navigate this issue, it’s really important that we define ourselves before the Democrats do. Let’s talk about pregnancy [care] centers. Let’s talk about getting rid of cumbersome regulation to adoption. But let’s also put the Democrats on the defense because they stand for late-term abortion. They stand for gender-selection abortion.”

It’s time to say to them, McDaniel urged, “‘Won’t you agree that when a baby feels pain, when a baby can physically feel its life being taken away from them, that that is a bridge too far?’ And they won’t meet us even there. They are the extreme on this issue. And when you say that to the voters, we win.”

Of course, one of the GOP’s other major shortcomings in the 2023 elections is that the RNC didn’t spend enough on commercials or do enough messaging on the life issue to combat the 24/7 lies on abortion from the Left. But that’s not the RNC’s job, Ronna tried to clarify.

“There’s a miscommunication. The RNC doesn’t do TV [ads]. We’re a ground game. … We are the turnout machine. We’re out there pushing your vote. But we don’t do the messaging for the candidate. [They use] their general consultant and their pollster to determine how they’re going to identify and communicate to voters.
“I say this this way: We build the road. All the cars drive on it, but the cars don’t always take our directions. And so we’re going to give them the best advice. But they need us to be doing things like voter registration and turn out the vote. And if you look at Virginia and even Kentucky this week, more Republicans turned out than Democrats. So I don’t think it’s a turnout issue. I think it’s a messaging issue. And we’ve got to get this right before 2024 — and it’s really going to be up to candidates to be able to define themselves on this issue.”


PREMO Member

100 Pro-Abortion Groups Demand Joe Biden Promote Killing Even More Babies in Abortions

Over 100 leading pro-abortion organizations released an abortion wish list for the Biden-Harris administration. The 2023 Blueprint for Sexual and Reproductive Health, Rights and Justice Policy Agenda presents additional policies and actions the groups want the Biden-Harris administration take to further advance abortion as part of what they call sexual and reproductive health, rights and justice (SRHRJ).

The groups explain their view that abortion is necessary for gender equality and bodily autonomy stating: “There is no gender equality or bodily autonomy for all without meaningful progress in reproductive justice, freedom, and liberty.” Translation: Access to the killing of unborn children is reproductive justice, reproductive freedom, and reproductive liberty.

The NGOs say Dobbs “was an attack on bodily autonomy and is part of an ongoing global assault on human rights to undermine access to contraception, sex education, gender-affirming care, the rights of women, girls, and LGBTQIA+ people, and more.” They believe that as a result of Dobbs there are “escalating efforts to undermine sexual and reproductive health, rights, and justice here and around the world.”

To counter pro-life movements in the U.S. and overseas, they want the Biden-Harris administration to take action on abortion policy, including on funding for abortion in the U.S. and globally. These include:

  • Work with Congress on budgets that reflect “a commitment” to the “sexual and reproductive health and rights and justice” agenda domestically and globally.
  • Eliminate the Hyde Amendment and its abortion funding restrictions and veto legislation that extends, reiterates, or incorporates the Hyde Amendment and related restrictions, including in annual appropriations bills.
  • Modify the Siljander Amendment to only prohibit the use of U.S. funds to lobby against abortion but allow the funds to be used to lobby in favor of abortion. Eliminate the conscience protections of the Weldon Amendment and commit to veto legislation that would expand it or make it permanent.
  • Launch a comprehensive abortion initiative that would integrate, elevate, and prioritize the abortion agenda across foreign policy priorities and global health, development and humanitarian programs. This includes that all U.S. agencies that administer global health programs and U.S. Missions would “provide clear, ongoing and proactive communication that reflects U.S. support for sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR).”
  • Conduct education and outreach to the public on use of abortion pills to “combat widespread misinformation regarding medication abortion”.
The wish list seeks includes leadership actions from the Biden-Harris administration including to:

  • Use the White House bully pulpit to promote access to abortion and de-stigmatize abortion.
  • Nominate individuals who have a proven pro-abortion record for all executive-branch positions.
  • Expand the scope and mandate of HHS’s Reproductive Healthcare Access Task Force and develop a national sexual reproductive health rights justice strategy that can be integrated into all federal processes.
  • Champion sexual and reproductive health and rights in diplomacy and multilateral settings and including in outcome documents, policies at international negotiations, and participation in multilateral bodies and executive boards.

Groups signing onto the abortion wish list include: ACLU, Advocates for Youth, AIDS Alliance for Women, Infants, Children, Youth & Families, AIDS United, Catholics for Choice, Center for Reproductive Rights, EngenderHealth, Fòs Feminista, FP2030, Global Fund for Women, Guttmacher Institute, Human Rights Campaign, Ipas, National Abortion Federation, National Organization for Women, Our Bodies Ourselves, PAI, Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Population Institute, Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice, SIECUS: Sex Ed for Social Change, The Population Council, Universal Access Project, USA for UNFPA, Women Deliver, and Women’s Refugee Commission.


PREMO Member
The good news is voters in purple Louisiana have sent the democrats packing. Florida, formerly purple, also now enjoys a new Republican supermajority — and a new, +700,000 Republican voter registration advantage. Purple North Carolina also achieved a supermajority this year, and has been happily overriding its democrat governor ever since. So, it’s terrific news that purple Louisiana voters have shifted to bright red.

Meanwhile, no purple states have shifted blue.

How good was yesterday’s news? Well, the growing Republican state supermajority advantage is panicking democrats. Here’s a New York Times headline published just one week ago on the 14th:

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According to the NYT article, even though some folks on our side complain that all Republican officials are useless RINOs, the democrats consider them extreme:

“Republicans in these (supermajority) legislatures are not moderate,” Ms. Williams said. “They are governing very extremely, and we need a stopgap, and it is critical that governors have veto power where their legislature and their legislative maps are so gerrymandered.”​

Are we clear? The good news yesterday wasn’t that anybody specific got elected somewhere. The good news was that their elections evidenced the emerging conservative counter-revolution among regular voters. Regular voters are getting more conservative.



Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Prominent Hispanics urge Univision to ‘disregard’ criticism from liberals who object to Trump interview

'We encourage you to disregard the unfair criticism you have received from Hispanic Democrat operatives,' letter said

EXCLUSIVE – Prominent conservative Hispanics have urged Univision to "disregard" liberals who have criticized the Spanish-language network for a recent interview with former President Trump.

Everyone from the ladies on ABC’s "The View" to actor John Leguizamo to the Congressional Hispanic Caucus has expressed outrage that Univision aired an interview journalist Enrique Acevedo conducted with Trump from Mar-a-Lago earlier this month. The interview’s defenders believe liberals simply want Univision to remain a progressive echo chamber after it was hit with swift backlash from the left.

The Washington Post published a story headlined, "Latino backlash grows over Donald Trump’s friendly Univision interview," which reported that "major Latino advocacy groups delivered a letter of protest to the network’s executives and the Congressional Hispanic Caucus prepared to request a meeting with the network."



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Pro-Trump candidate beats moderate Dem in Utah special election to fill last seat in US House

Republican Celeste Maloy beat state Sen. Kathleen Riebe, a self-described moderate, to win Utah's special election Tuesday night, filling the last remaining open seat in the U.S. House of Representatives.

The Associated Press called the race at 8:36 p.m. local time.

The election, which was held in Utah's 2nd Congressional District, was triggered by the resignation of former Republican Rep. Chris Stewart, who left Congress in September due to his wife's unspecified illness.

Maloy, who served as Stewart's chief legal counsel in Congress, won a three-way primary election that month.


PREMO Member

Trump Deranged MSNBC Claims Trump Will Execute Democrats In UNHINGED RANT Over TRUMP Crushing Biden!​
