Election 2024 Issues


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Gov. Josh Shapiro Has Bizarre Theory For Why Trump Is Leading Biden In The Polls

Democratic Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro has a unique explanation for why former President Donald Trump is ahead of President Joe Biden in recent polls.

NBC News interviewed Shapiro for a story published Wednesday and asked him to explain Trump’s polling lead against Biden. Shapiro attributed Trump’s lead to “brain fog” from voters, and he expects it to clear up ahead of the 2024 presidential election.

“I’m not sure folks remember just how chaotic it was, how divisive it was, how he was just in your face in your living room every day,” Shapiro told NBC News. “I don’t think people want to go back to that.”

“As people are reminded of what it was like and they are forced to tune back in and listen to that during the course of a presidential race, they’re going to reject his extremism, his chaos and his danger,” Shapiro added.



PREMO Member

He went on to note that since Univision is the most “relied-upon news sources for Spanish speakers,” the network failed in its responsibility to “report the facts and maintain journalistic integrity.”

Univision reportedly took other actions during the Trump interview that upset liberals.

According to the Washington Post, Univision would not run Joe Biden campaign commercials during the time slot and even refused to take an interview with Biden’s Hispanic media director, Maca Casado.

Leguizamo has been a loud, left-winger for years. In April he blasted the recent Super Mario Brothers film for not casting a Hispanic actor as one of the Italian characters. Leguizamo was in the 1993 adaptation of the video game.



PREMO Member

The Left Conspires to Keep Election Fraud Quiet. Wonder Why?

You can see it with your own eyes. But Democrats and their left-wing media allies call it a "fantasy." What is it?

Election fraud.

A Lawrence, Massachusetts, voter who had been turned away from the polls on Election Day and told he had already voted found out he was the victim of fraud. He checked the footage on the video camera outside his front door and saw that a woman had removed mail-in ballots from his mailbox. He called the police.

It's happening in many places. On Tuesday, Fight Voter Fraud, Inc., a nonprofit voter rights group, appeared in Connecticut Superior Court to demand the arrest of a woman allegedly caught on video committing mail-in ballot fraud in the 2019 Bridgeport Democratic mayoral primary and again in the 2023 primary. The group, protesting that city officials pretend there's no problem, also called on the Connecticut legislature to appoint a special prosecutor.

According to Rasmussen Reports, a staggering 60% of likely voters nationwide consider election cheating a problem. Yet the Left denies it's happening.

The Washington Post calls it a "myth" and a "fantasy offense."

Worst of all, the federal government is suppressing the evidence and censoring anyone who complains about election cheating.

Never-before-seen emails released by the House Judiciary Committee on Nov. 6 reveal that a government-sponsored task force is muzzling public figures, thousands of ordinary Americans, and media outlets like Newsmax and The Babylon Bee when they report election irregularities.

The emails show that officials within the Department of Homeland Security and the State Department -- the deep state -- organized the Election Integrity Partnership in 2020, recruiting academics at Stanford University and the University of Washington to question election honesty and then instruct social media companies such as Google, Facebook, and YouTube to label the postings as "misinformation" or take them down entirely.

Don't be fooled by the name Election Integrity Partnership. This task force does the opposite, silencing concerns about election integrity.


PREMO Member

Biden’s 2024 Border Pitch: Trump Will Make Migration Worse

“He’s promising to make it worse: Rounding up Latinos into mass detention camps, ending birthright citizenship, and shooting people at will,” says a Thanksgiving Day script from the Biden campaign.

The Democrat pitch completely ignores Biden’s border record.

Since 2021, Biden has helped his corporate donors by extracting millions of migrants from poor countries to help flood the U.S. labor and housing markets. Those migrants gravitated toward the major Democrat-run cities, spiked inflation, reduced wages, and drained job-creating investment from heartland states.

When family members say “Trump secured our border!” Democrats are instructed to reply:

No he didn’t.
All he did was separate families, put children in cages, and leave behind a broken immigration system for Joe Biden to clean up.

But Trump did sharply reduce the flow of southern migrants when the arrival of China’s coronavirus disease gave him legal cover to establish the Title 42 legal barrier on the border.

His upgrades to the existing border wall– and his construction of roughly 50 miles of new wall — worked because his deputies wanted to enforce the nation’s border.

But his wall — and his agreements with Central American countries — were nullified once Biden’s pro-migration deputies stopped enforcing the border laws and widened the legal loopholes that allow people to walk through Trump’s wall.


PREMO Member

VILE Soros-Backed Loudoun County Prosecutor Buta Biberaj NOT Handling Her HUGE Loss Well, Like at ALL

One of the highlights of the November 2023 election in Virginia was the foul, nasty, biased, evil, Soros-backed Loudoun County Common Wealth Attorney Buta Biberaj losing her job. While the GOP did lose the House (by a slim margin) and failed to flip the Senate (by one seat), beating the prosecutor who went after the father of a high school girl who was sexually assaulted in a high school bathroom ALMOST made up for all of it.


As you can likely imagine, she's not taking her loss all that well and has turned into the very worst sort of troll.

The bitter, progressive, old lady sort.

Her whole timeline looks like this:



PREMO Member

DeSantis Camp Releases BRUTAL Ad Exposing Nikki Haley’s Ties to Clinton

I actually didn’t know before watching this how many times, and how hard, Nikki Haley has sucked up to Clinton on the public stage. I would never have voted for her at all, but, if it’s possible, I hold her in lower regard now than I did before.

Let’s be honest, though; it wasn’t possible to hold her in lower regard before. That was just rhetorical.

Via NBC News:

The 30-second ad takes past Haley quotes about Clinton out of context. It is the latest instance of pro-DeSantis groups’ targeting Haley, the former United Nations ambassador, who has been rising in both early-state and national polls, threatening DeSantis' long-established second-place standing in the Republican presidential primary campaign.
“Crooked Hillary,” the ad intones, as an animated stone bust of Clinton is introduced on the screen. “But to Nikki Haley, she’s her role model. The reason she ran for office.

The ad features brutal back-to-back clips in Haley’s own voice of the candidate praising Hillary Clinton and honoring her as the reason she got into politics. It concludes with a nail-on-chalkboard sound bite of Clinton’s infamous hyena-like cackle.

Why any Republican, even twenty years ago, would have thought that sucking up to Hillary Clinton, of all people, was a solid political move is beyond me.


PREMO Member

Nancy Pelosi dealt another blow when longtime ally announces retirement

U.S. Rep. Anna Eshoo (D-CA), who represents Silicon Valley, will not seek reelection at the end of her term. At the age of 80, Eschoo is yet another octogenarian who has, in her case, been entrenched in Washington for 30 years.

“As the first woman and the first Democrat to ever represent our district, I’m very proud of the body of bipartisan work I’ve been able to achieve on your behalf in Congress,” Eshoo said in a video she shared online. “As my last year in Congress approaches, I will continue my work with vigor and unswerving commitment to you.”


PREMO Member

'Biden Absolutely Sucks,' the Cognitively-Challenged President's Base Turns On Him Hard

No, what they care about is that the president isn't antisemitic enough. It's both hilarious and pathetic. Out of all the horrible things Biden has done and continues to do, the one thing that kills him with younger voters is his lack of support for a terrorist government that has pledged to commit genocide in order to create an Islamic state that treats women like slaves. You can't make this stuff up. That's how contradictory and insane the modern left is.

They scream about "social justice" and "oppression," yet they take the side of vicious, murderous oppressors because they otherwise might have to defend the Jews, and we can't have that. Younger voters, many indoctrinated in college, believe that skin tone and financial standing dictate oppression, not, you know, actual oppression. That's how you get Muslims being treated as perpetual victims despite Islam's entire history being marked by conquering, enslaving, and colonizing.

In short, young voters tend to be really, really stupid. Perhaps they'll grow out of it, but in the meantime, perhaps they'll at least not show up to vote if they are this angry at Joe Biden.


PREMO Member
The Left is bleeding Hispanic support — and they know it

The Spanish-language network Univision interviewed former President Donald Trump this month and allowed him to respond to questions without interruption or personal attacks. It was like every interview the legacy media have conducted with President Joe Biden or Hillary Clinton . So, of course, leftist Latino groups, terrified this shift reflects the changing political views of Univision’s audience, are throwing a hissy fit.

More than 70 Democratic Party-affiliated groups and some individuals, including the actor John Leguizamo, have signed a letter crying foul. This includes left-of-the-left groups such as La Raza (now going by the name UnidosUS), the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund, and the Congressional Hispanic Caucus.

The Washington Post reported that more than 70 groups sent the letter last Friday to Wade Davis, a Univision executive, and other executives at the media company. Univision, which is formally known as TelevisaUnivision after it was acquired by Mexican media giant Televisa in 2021, is the largest Spanish-language media outfit in the U.S.

“We demand Univision conduct a thorough internal review, take corrective measures, and reaffirm its commitment to unbiased reporting and to keeping the Latino community informed and up-to-date with facts and truth,” the letter said, according to the Washington Post, which also said the letter called the interview “a betrayal of trust.”

“This trust has been betrayed. It is beyond alarming to learn that Univision’s leadership is giving former President Donald Trump — the most anti-Latino and anti-immigrant president in modern American history — unquestioned access and allowed him to spread falsehoods unchecked,” the letter added, according to a separate report by the Messenger.


PREMO Member

Pennsylvania Voters Reach ‘Peak of Mistrust’ After Voting Machines Glitch for Second Time

Election officials are scrambling to ensure trust in the voting system as voters and local leaders alike are sounding the alarm, a Saturday Politico report revealed.

Northampton used Election Systems & Software touchscreen machines for the first time in 2019 and saw a “programming glitch” that caused a significant “undercount” of votes in the local judge’s race, the publication reported. Then, on November 7, 2023, suspicion grew when voters discovered that their printouts meant to confirm their votes on the devices did not match their choices for two down-ballot judges races.

“In 2019, when the issues came up with the touchscreens, we were told, ‘Don’t worry about it. The cards are recording the votes,’” Northampton County Republican Committee chair Glenn Geissinger told the outlet, referring to the previous glitch incident when voters were told to trust the printouts over the touchscreens.

“OK, you’re telling me now, in 2023, ‘Don’t worry about what’s printed on the card’?”

Social media users are sharing similar sentiments, with one Pennsylvania voter posting to X, “Every. Single. Northampton County voter should sue the county for this travesty. This is disgusting, and these machines cannot be used for another election”:



PREMO Member

Michigan Democrats change primary election date, GOP votes may be rendered pointless

The Democratic-party controlled Michigan legislature voted to move the primary date up to Feb. 27, 2024. This in turn violates the Republican National Committee's rule that only South Carolina, Iowa, New Hampshire and Nevada can hold their primaries before March 1.

[ wtf is with these party rules restricting what dates a state can hold it's primary Dems have these rules in place as well ]

If this rule is violated, the RNC may penalize the state by refusing to credential almost all of its delegates to the Republican National Convention.

The primary elections were originally supposed to be held on the second Tuesday of March, and the change was led by Democrat Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, according to a local Michigan outlet.

“The primary this year will be nothing more than a beauty contest,” Lapeer County Commissioner Gary Howell told the Lapeer County Tribune. “Our vote will not be counted by the RNC. It will be of no legal consequence whatsoever.”

Chairwoman of the Michigan Democratic Party Lavora Barnes told The Associated Press that being the fifth state to hold its presidential primary “ensures the voices of Michiganders are heard loud and clear and the primary process is truly representative of what America looks like.”

The vote to change the primary election date was strictly partisan, with every Democrat voting for it and every Republican voting against it.

Republicans argued that the move is undemocratic. “The goal of Democrats is to disenfranchise Republicans from voting in the primary," GOP state Senator Kevin Daley told the Tribune.


PREMO Member

Liberals COPE Over CHEERS ERUPTING For TRUMP During USC Clemson Game As Biden Get's BOO'ED & HECKLED​



PREMO Member
Anyone still wondering why voters trust former President Trump more than President Biden on the economy should read what the White House posted on X about inflation last week: “Ahead of the holiday season, costs are down for everything from airline tickets and car rentals to toys and TVs.” Biden and his underlings continue to believe public disapproval of his disastrous economic performance can be improved with happy talk and cherry picked statistics. It assumes Americans can’t remember how much less the cost of living was when Biden was elected.

This is an insult to the intelligence of the voters and a losing strategy. As the Wall Street Journal pointed out on the same day the above-quoted post appeared, just driving to Grandma’s house for Thanksgiving provided a reality check: “The regular unleaded gasoline they buy to fuel up on the way will be on average 70% more expensive than it was three years ago.” And the food? Turkey costs about 30 percent more than it did the month Biden was elected. Rolls, butter, cranberry sauce, and desserts are up by 27, 25, 23, and 30 percent respectively. Few voters will find much to celebrate here. Yet, after the recent Consumer Price Index (CPI) report was released, Joe Biden took a victory lap:

Today we saw more progress bringing down inflation while maintaining one of the strongest job markets in history. At 3.2%, annual inflation is now down by 65% from the peak. Gas prices are below $3.40 per gallon, reflecting an average decline of $1.65 from the peak after Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. Inflation has come down while the unemployment rate has been below 4% for 21 months in a row — the longest stretch in more than 50 years — while wages, wealth, and the share of working-age Americans with jobs are all higher now than before the pandemic.

This interpretation of the CPI report is profoundly dishonest. The 3.2 percent inflation rate is nearly three times the 1.2 percent rate that Biden inherited. It is down “65 percent” only because the Biden’s administration let it skyrocket to 9.1 percent before attempting to get it under control. That gas is “below $3.40” hardly compares well to the national average of $2.11 that prevailed when Biden was elected. As to wages, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that average hourly earnings (adjusted for inflation) for all employees stood at $11.05 in October, down from $11.10 in March of 2020, when the lockdown lunacy began.
