Election 2024 Issues


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Poll: 56 Percent Of Voters Believe Cheating Is Likely To Happen In 2024 Election

More than half of American voters expect the highly consequential 2024 presidential election to be marred with cheating and fraud and believe mail-in voting impedes election integrity, according to a recently conducted survey.

“How likely is it that the outcome of the 2024 presidential election will be affected by cheating?” Rasmussen Reports asked 1,029 voters on Nov. 13 to Nov. 15.

Fifty-six percent of respondents believe cheating is likely to affect the election results while 31 percent anticipate election fraud is “very likely” to skew the outcome.

Additionally, the survey found a majority of voters believe mail-in ballots facilitate voter fraud.

Fifty-one percent believe efforts by Biden and congressional Democrats to expand COVID-era voting will “lead to more cheating elections.”

Thirty-seven percent say election cheating is unlikely to affect the 2024 outcome while 16 percent consider it “Not At All Likely.”

The survey confirms partisans remain divided on the 2020 election results, however, 95 percent agree with the vague goal of ending election cheating.


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Legalizing Ballot Fraud in Pennsylvania

By David Lanza

On November 22, 2023 it was reported that a federal court in Pennsylvania changed the legal requirements for counting mail-in ballots by county boards of elections. When no-excuse mail-in balloting was permitted in Pennsylvania and elsewhere, we were told that such voting was secure and that safeguards would prohibit fraud. Doubters and skeptics are forcefully reminded that the 2020 election was the “most secure in history.” Last week’s court decision is one more example of the alleged safeguards being eroded.

One year earlier the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled that all mail-in ballots must be dated and must be rejected by county boards of election if the date is invalid. This week’s ruling would change that requirement so that undated and misdated mail-in ballots must be counted. Groups pushing for that change claim that the date on the ballot envelope is trivial. Those claims are amplified by a compliant media that obscures the issue.
Few issues are more important than election integrity. That this proposition needs to be repeated is in itself revealing. We all have witnessed crucial contests somehow change winners in the early morning hours following election day. It has become a cliché and a joke. The election law changes that have allowed this to happen have sown widespread suspicion and disillusionment throughout the country.

Fraudulent mail-in ballots are difficult to detect. They are not obvious. Only through safeguards like the date on the envelope can we hope to catch and prevent a small portion of the fraud. Throughout Pennsylvania and beyond, voter registration offices send mail-in ballots to voters who request them beginning more than one month in advance of election day. The voters return those ballots inside one envelope that is contained in an outer envelope. The outer envelope contains a space for a signature and a date. As long as the date falls between the first date that the registration office mails ballots and election day, the ballot is considered valid. In one typical Pennsylvania county, absentee ballots were mailed starting October 4, 2023. Election day was November 7th. The voters had a range of 35 permissible dates with which to date their envelopes. Using one of those dates is not difficult. Ballots dated after election day or before the date of first mailing were not counted.


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Alarming Election Interference! Big Tech Censors Biden Opponents 162 Times

Big Tech manipulated the message of all 2024 presidential candidates at least once, but far and away, Big Tech chose to focus its ire on incumbent Democrat President Joe Biden’s opponents. MRC researchers recorded a total of 169 cases of censorship against the 2024 presidential primary candidates to date in MRC’s exclusive CensorTrack.org database. A total of 162 of those cases of censorship were against Biden’s opponents. From censoring candidates’ campaign websites, to fact checks, to removing content and accounts altogether, social media platforms have been hard at work interfering in the upcoming election and silencing the voices of those who seek to represent and lead the United States. Big Tech censorship impacted the accounts of all 23 candidates that MRC has been tracking regardless of party affiliation, but it has been particularly harmful for Biden’s opponents.

  • Big Tech companies censored Biden opponents a whopping 162 times combined. Meanwhile, Biden was censored only 7 times. These numbers do not include community notes. Of Biden’s opponents, Big Tech censored political newcomer and Strive Asset Management co-founder Vivek Ramaswamy the most (18 times). The candidates are ordered below by number of times censored:

  • Every major Big Tech social media company participated in the election-interfering censorship. Google, YouTube, Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), Instagram, LinkedIn and TikTok each censored at least one candidate one or more times. Google was the worst offender as it censored every candidate except Biden a combined total of 112 times. Below are the total number of times each platform censored a presidential candidate:


  • Big Tech managed to censor former President Donald Trump nine times despite his continued absence from most major social media platforms. “Trump created his own platform Truth Social and isn't on the other platforms. And yet, he’s still the fifth-most censored candidate,” joked MRC President Brent Bozell. Big Tech platforms censored Trump a total of nine times with the biggest offenders being Google’s Search and YouTube. Google has repeatedly suppressed Trump’s campaign website and YouTube left context labels under his YouTube videos asserting that Trump did not win the 2020 election even when he did not mention the previous election in the actual video.

  • Big Tech repeatedly silenced Biden’s biggest threat to the Democratic nomination. Biden’s chief in-party rival Robert F. Kennedy Jr. received the brunt of the censorship on the Democratic side. Big Tech blistered Kennedy Jr. with censorship 15 times before he reclassified as an independent presidential candidate. YouTube has been particularly harsh to Kennedy Jr., as it deleted seven videos featuring interviews with the now-Independent candidate when he spoke on the COVID-19 pandemic, vaccines or the assassination of his father. After making the switch, Kennedy Jr. was censored one time by Google and once by YouTube. Big Tech has also censored each of Biden’s other Democratic opponents: Dean Phillips four times, Marianne Williamson three times and Cenk Uygur twice. The Big Tech censorship offenders included: Google Search, Google’s AI chatbot Bard, Google-owned YouTube, Meta, X and YouTube.

  • Elon Musk’s X platform tampered with presidential candidates’ messages at least 115 times through Community Notes. The X platform tacked a total of 115 Community Notes onto numerous presidential candidate’s posts. President Biden’s content received fifty-four of these notes attached to his often wildly inaccurate posts, making him the most censored presidential candidate on the platform. Former President Trump was next in line as the second most censored candidate on X. While Trump has made only one post on X since returning to the platform, his campaign runs several X accounts. X’s Community Notes censored those accounts at least 33 times.

  • Big Tech censorship has harmed users of social media accounts 1,462,404,739 times through secondhand censorship of presidential candidates. When Big Tech censors a candidate it doesn’t simply impact that candidate’s account but also everyone who follows that candidate's account. The 169 cases of censorship, sans Community Notes, amount to 54,234,791 times Big Tech harmed users through secondhand censorship. However, Community Notes on X account for the vast majority of times users were affected by secondhand censorship, totaling 1,408,169,948 times X harmed users with its fact-checking system. After X, YouTube censorship impacted the most users through secondhand censorship, amounting to 30,993,922 times users were harmed by Big Tech’s meddling.


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Team Biden's great double quarter pounder 'misinformation' campaign

TEAM BIDEN'S GREAT DOUBLE QUARTER POUNDER 'MISINFORMATION' CAMPAIGN. On Sept. 20, Politico published an article headlined "Biden's campaign set to counterpunch on misinformation." The story reported that President Joe Biden's 2024 reelection campaign is "overhauling" its strategy to fight "misinformation" on social media. The new effort includes "recruiting hundreds of staffers and volunteers to monitor platforms." To supervise the work, the campaign hired a former Biden White House staffer named Rob Flaherty, who was described as a "bulldog" and a "controversial figure" whose "combative emails to social media firms have become part of a Republican-led federal court case and a congressional investigation."


An important fact to remember is that Flaherty and his colleagues weren't just targeting misinformation. Many of the postings they sought to ban were "scientifically debatable," in the Wall Street Journal's words. What Flaherty and the Biden team really wanted to do was ban speech that was contrary to or inconvenient for Biden administration policy.

And now Flaherty has a new role
at the Biden 2024 campaign. He moves into the job as his former colleagues at the White House have turned to a new topic, which is what alleged is misinformation about inflation. They believe it is rampant — the misinformation, that is — and they want to stamp it out.

You might think you are paying crazy high prices
at the grocery store, at restaurants, and at the gas pump. You might also think you can't afford to buy a house because of rising prices and high mortgage interest rates. You might think it's also expensive not to buy a house, with rents going up and up. And you might have spent a lot, if not all, of your savings and have higher credit card balances than you used to.

From your personal experience, you might conclude that the economy is not doing well. What Rob Flaherty at the Biden campaign and the misinformation team at the White House want you to believe is that the economy, the Biden economy, is actually doing quite well. You've got it wrong. "The campaign is going to have to be more aggressive pushing back on misinformation," Flaherty told Politico.

One of the first vehicles for this campaign is,
of all things, a McDonald's Smoky BLT Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese. This is what happened: In December of last year, a man ordered the sandwich, which was available only for a limited time, along with large fries and a large Sprite, at a McDonald's in Post Falls, Idaho. The cost was $15.19, which, along with a 91-cent tax, made a final bill of $16.10. The man, Topher Olive, was unhappy and made a TikTok video to complain. "So I get there's a labor shortage," Olive said on the brief video. "I get there's wage increases and a number of other things. But $16? $16 for a burger, a large fry, and a drink? It's just crazy."

The video went viral.
It became the source of stories in some conservative media outlets. "These stories soon reached the White House office of Digital Strategy, which tracked the meme as one of many exaggerated examples of the nation's economic woes," wrote the controversial and oft-corrected Washington Post reporter Taylor Lorenz. "In reality, inflation has been steadily subsiding." (Actually, in reality, it is more accurate to say that inflation "steadily subsiding" means that prices are still rising but at a slower rate than earlier.) And yet, amid what the White House sees as good news on the economy, "one anomalous price from one store in Idaho 11 months ago was ripping through people's social media feeds as if it explained the entire economy," Lorenz wrote.

The White House and Biden campaign
want to push back against complaints like Olive's. It's important to note that the White House did not accuse Olive of misrepresenting the price of his meal. Olive included the receipt in the video, and he really did pay $16.10 for his Smoky BLT Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese, plus fries and a drink. But the Biden team worried about other people learning about the high-priced dinner, as if they somehow didn't already know things are terribly expensive. (The Commerce Department recently reported that meals in limited-service restaurants were up 6.2% in October from the year before.) Now, Lorenz reports, the Biden White House is "working with social media platforms to counter misinformation."

Does that sound familiar?
It's precisely how the White House described the work of Flaherty and his colleagues that resulted in Missouri v. Biden. During that time, as Politico reported, evidence showed that Flaherty "harangued employees at Facebook and YouTube when he was at the White House, insisting the companies do more to combat rhetoric against the Covid-19 vaccine. His aggressively worded messages have made him the target of conservative allegations that the White House and other Biden officials wrongly pressured private companies to take down internet speech."


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The Shocking Moment Ron DeSantis Ended Gavin Newsom

Holy crap. They could have just cut to black at that point and played a Hannity re-run because DeSantis effectively ended Newsom. It's one thing to nail someone with facts and figures, and that was certainly done. But it's a whole different level to have Newsom's father-in-law used as a source for how much better Florida is than California. I'm pretty sure Christmas dinner is going to be awkward this year.

That's not to say Newsom didn't desperately try to showcase his patented slickness in the debate. Throughout the night, he did his best to use his slimy demeanor to effortlessly spew falsehoods. DeSantis was ready to nail him in nearly every instance, though. The idea that the Florida governor isn't a good debater has been completely dispelled. Perhaps Newsom was too overconfident, believing he could just walk in and dominate, or perhaps being prepped by Nikki Fried (yes, that happened) wasn't the best decision.


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Here’s How A Wave Of Dem Retirements Could Help The House GOP Grow Its Majority In 2024

House Republicans appear to be in a better position to capitalize off of a wave of congressional retirements, as there are more Democratic-held open seats in swing districts that pose an opportunity for the GOP to flip in 2024.

There are currently 31 House members who are not seeking another term in the lower chamber, including 20 Democrats and 11 Republicans — nearly all of whom hold seats that are considered safe for the GOP. Four Democratic-held open seats in battleground districts in Michigan, Virginia and California are most likely to flip red, while several other seats are also up for grabs by the GOP in 2024, according to political analysts and electoral rankings.
“Swing-seat Democrats are racing for the exits and making their party’s climb out of the minority even steeper. The [National Republican Congressional Committee] is pouncing on each of these open seat opportunities to grow our majority,” Jack Pandol, communications director for the House GOP’s campaign arm, told the Daily Caller News Foundation in a statement.


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DeSantis Flaunts ‘Poop Map,’ Exposing San Francisco Literally Covered in Human Feces — Criticizes City’s Clean Up for Dictators but Not Citizens (VIDEO)

“This is a map of San Francisco,” said DeSantis.

“This is an app where they plot the human feces that are found on the streets of San Francisco. Almost the whole thing is covered except when a communist dictator comes to town. They cleaned everything up. So they’re willing to do it for a communist dictator, but they’re not willing to do it for their own people.”

The Gateway Pundit reported in 2019 that a new map compiled by Open the Books titled “2011-2019 San Francisco Human Waste Reportings” features a little pin (appropriately brown) showing where city residents have reported human feces. From the looks of the map, the entire city has been covered in poop.


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American workers - are YOU happy to pay $1,800 EACH to wipe the student debt of the privileged elite who'll earn $52,000 a year? Because BRAD POLUMBO reveals that's your bill for desperate Joe's naked bribe for votes

That's what President Biden should have said in an email to more than 800,000 student loan borrowers – because his latest scheme to 'forgive' some of their $1.78 trillion in outstanding debts is nothing more than a bribe.

'Your student loan has been forgiven because of actions my Administration took to make sure you receive the relief you earned and deserve,' read the White House message sent to in-boxes on Tuesday.

Gee – Democrats are so generous with other people's money.

What had these lucky few done to 'earn' and 'deserve' this multi-billion dollar 'relief?'

Very little.

In a bit of bureaucratic sleight of hand, Biden and his dutiful ministerial assistants transformed an obscure Education Department repayment program into a brand new entitlement program.

The monthly payments of hundreds of thousands of borrowers will be capped at five percent of discretionary income, and if they pay these tiny installments for 10 to 20 years their entire remaining loan will be wiped away.


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There’s no debating that the DeSantis-vs.-Newsom face-off is a meltdown in the making for the left

Serving only himself​

At 45, DeSantis also is younger than Newsom by 11 years, and better educated, having graduated from Yale and Harvard Law School before joining the Navy and serving in Iraq.

Newsom has a mediocre political science degree and has never served anyone but himself.

Newsom grew up with the Gettys and the Pelosis and swans around as if he owns the world while DeSantis still is the guy who has to work for everything.

After running California into the ground, Newsom’s bumptious self-regard is a laughable contrast to DeSantis’ awkwardly earnest humility.

Homelessness, rampant drug use, and human excrement on sidewalks are the most obvious manifestations of Newsom’s elitist leadership style, but less visible metrics on California’s misery index include woeful student learning outcomes and a yawning gulf between rich and poor.

For his handling of COVID alone, Newsom should be disqualified from public office.

Here the contrast with Florida is epic, as a new book, “The Newsom Nightmare” by former gubernatorial rival John Cox, lays out.

While DeSantis “adopted the Swedish model of allowing society to remain open while protecting those at higher risk,” Newsom instituted the most draconian lockdown in the country.

The strategy paid off for Florida, with a death rate among seniors 20% lower than California’s.


PREMO Member
🔥 Last night saw the long-advertised debate between Republican presidential candidate and standout Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, and some guy named Gavin (if that’s his real name) Newsom. Governor DeSantis came out strong and wasn’t taking any bull-S. Literally. At one point, he even confronted Newsom with a stinky poop map of San Fransisco:


CLIP: Gavin Newsom vs. The Poop Map (0:35).

Like a magician unveiling the missing Ace of Spades, Governor DeSantis whipped out a map from a website that reports sightings of human feces in San Francisco. Gross! But oddly, like a homeless drug addict who just found a half-full two-liter bottle of cherry Ripple, Newsom uncontrollably chortled in weird, inappropriate ways while DeSantis was pointing out “features” on the disgusting sewage map. Worse, even when he wasn’t chuckling maniacally, the California Governor was grinning wider and more unnervingly than an over-caffeinated chimpanzee indulging in alternating bouts of wild self-gratification and feces flinging.

The result was politically devastating for Governor Newsom, who is either blithely unaware or perhaps unexpectedly overjoyed that his political future was incinerated faster than a Los Angeles courthouse after a mostly-peaceful BLM protest. (Or BM protest, you decide.)

In this next clip, behold DeSantis flaying Gavin alive — using a dull flaying knife — over basic dinner-table economic issues. It was Newsom’s own fault; he set DeSantis up perfectly by advancing the buffoonish claim that California offers an inviting, lower tax environment for “working families and the working poor.” DeSantis melted him faster than a plastic toy soldier dissolving in the microwave:

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CLIP: DeSantis rhetorically flays Newsom over relative state economies (1:37).

Outback founder and conservative radio host Clay Travis (who leans DeSantis in the primary), originally thought DeSantis should never have taken the debate, but afterwards called it “a massacre.”

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Claiming the 2023 “Understatement of the Year” award, National Review’s headline bluntly concluded that Gavin Newsom “Is Not Ready for Prime Time”:

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Maybe most telling of all, when I surveyed corporate media headlines this morning, they all declared the debate to be an uninteresting and politically insignificant “tie,” allowing that, if perhaps DeSantis did win by a nose, it was only because conservative host Sean Hannity tipped the scales. For example, Politico ran its story headlined, It was Hannity and DeSantis v. Newsom in messy Fox debate.

Newsom must be regretting asking for this debate. His performance was so frightful it even begs the theory that he purposely took a dive to hurt President Trump. It’s a tempting notion but fails under analysis: Newsom is not a disposable foil. He has ambitions. He’s secretly running for the super-delegates’ presidential vote at the democrat convention. But this underwhelming half-effort may just have scotched the California governor’s nascent crypto-nomination.

Or whatever you want to call it.

It’s still early, but one wonders whether Newsom might have completely ended his political career last night. It seems almost certain to end his presidential ambition, at least. Leftists expected their Golden Boy and recall survivor Newsom to wipe the floor with Ron DeSantis. But — to liberals — if he can’t “even” beat DeSantis, how could he possibly survive against Trump?



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Here’s How A Wave Of Dem Retirements Could Help The House GOP Grow Its Majority In 2024

House Republicans appear to be in a better position to capitalize off of a wave of congressional retirements, as there are more Democratic-held open seats in swing districts that pose an opportunity for the GOP to flip in 2024.

There are currently 31 House members who are not seeking another term in the lower chamber, including 20 Democrats and 11 Republicans — nearly all of whom hold seats that are considered safe for the GOP. Four Democratic-held open seats in battleground districts in Michigan, Virginia and California are most likely to flip red, while several other seats are also up for grabs by the GOP in 2024, according to political analysts and electoral rankings.
“Swing-seat Democrats are racing for the exits and making their party’s climb out of the minority even steeper. The [National Republican Congressional Committee] is pouncing on each of these open seat opportunities to grow our majority,” Jack Pandol, communications director for the House GOP’s campaign arm, told the Daily Caller News Foundation in a statement.
Sorry. If 2022 and 23 has taught me anything, I'll believe it when I see it.


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Roland Martin MELTS DOWN Over BLM Leader ENDORSING TRUMP As More Black Voters Abandon Democrats!​



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Black Chicago Voters DECLARE THEY ARE DONE With Democrats Over Migrant Crisis & SAY THEY WANT TRUMP!​
