Feminists Reality On Dating


Well-Known Member

I'm gaining on 7 decades on this planet, and I'm today years old, just now hearing about a so-called "girlfriend zone."

"Friend zone," I've heard about for at least 5 of those decades. I've been in so many friend zones, I gave up in my mid-20s. Women would call my land line on a wrong number and want to friend zone me, since we were on the phone anyway.

I did have a Mexican guy friend zone me - and then ghosted me. He kept calling about Rosario....over, and over, and over. I finally had enough and told him that she and Rodrigo were in the bedroom and I hated to bother them.

Suddenly, his English was much improved. He asked me name, and promised to call me; said we could do lunch or something.

He never called. Bastard.

It was only through the miracle of the internet and the divinely-inspired mission of AOL and Prodigy that I managed to trick a woman into marrying me. 20 years later, she couldn't take it anymore, and she died on me.

If you're a man and you're friend-zoning a woman, she's either your sister, or you're gay. And you don't have to pick just one.


Well-Known Member
I think a lot of women (and men) aim too high. The person who's their peer in terms of looks, intelligence, lifestyle - basically their opposite sex counterpart - that person isn't good enough for them. They want someone several stations above them and that only happens in movies. Some ghetto tramp with inch long fake eyelashes and 6 bebe daddies, yeah Idris Elba doesn't want you. Big Drunk Wanda in the trailer park on welfare, Ryan Gosling doesn't want you.

And all you upper middle aged dumpy men, those hot chicks you slobber over don't want you.

So if you're all like, "I'm not settling for anyone less than perfection!" - yeah, you're going to be single for awhile.

When you're trying to run cover for hypergamous modern women by putting the same motivations on men.

The old saying "women marry up; men marry down" is way more true than not.

Hot chicks will slobber over a dumpy, middle-aged man - fully intending to walk away with cash and prizes in favor of a so-called "sixes" guy - almost invariably a guy who only wants to pump and dump.


Well-Known Member
Hmm, makes one wonder.
I knew that was coming ,I laughed when I read it. But it's a fact that men and women enjoy the company of people of their own sex, it's more comfortable than having to watch what you say when the opposite sex is around and they have mutual interests, but when it comes to doing the nasty there is nothing like the attractions of the opposite sex.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
(her friends are grossed out and embarrassed for her) on the outside maybe, on the inside they are thinking damn she is going to have a great night!

Not true. You're thinking like a guy, not a woman, and clearly have no clue what women want in relationships.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Obviously you don't read the news about High School female teachers and their love trysts with students.

Those are aberrant Democrat groomers and you don't see normal women going, "Damn, I'll bet that sex was hot!" They're not even privately thinking it.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
When you're trying to run cover for hypergamous modern women by putting the same motivations on men.

The old saying "women marry up; men marry down" is way more true than not.

Hot chicks will slobber over a dumpy, middle-aged man - fully intending to walk away with cash and prizes in favor of a so-called "sixes" guy - almost invariably a guy who only wants to pump and dump.

I bolded the pertinent part. Also add in fame. Young women will put out for an old guy with money and/or fame. I give you pretty much every male billionaire and celebrity ever created as proof.

I think "women marry up, men marry down" is about right. Occasionally you get young guys who'll romance some old broad for money or to further their career. Female hustlers/hookers are way more prevalent than male hustlers, and that's because pretty much every old man will pay for a hot young chick on his arm and very few women want to deal with some kid who can't even buy dinner. Gigolos are embarrassing for women; guys aren't embarrassed by like-omigod girls.

That's why modern young career-minded city women can't find a guy to marry them - the guys they want don't want them.


PREMO Member

The US cities with the most women seeking an age-gap relationship

  • Three cities in Florida made it to the list of top 10 hottest age-gap cities in the US
  • Other places that made the rankings were Las Vegas, Atlanta and Cincinnati
  • Older lovers are sought because same-aged companions 'lack desired qualities'

Looking to spice up your love life this winter?

Perhaps it's time to head to these US cities to seek out an older woman.

Cougar Life, the dating app that was created for 'modern mature women,' has compiled a list of the top 10 hottest age-gap cities, just in time for cuffing season — the moniker given to the phenomenon that sees more people get into relationships because of the colder climate.

The rankings were predicted by measuring per capita based on population data per city and Cougar Life signups from October 2022 to February 2023.



Well-Known Member
Not true. You're thinking like a guy, not a woman, and clearly have no clue what women want in relationships.
Bullshit! I see older women all the time hitting on younger guys at bars, weddings not to mention vacation resorts and other functions and quite a few times I've watched them leave with them. Your one size fits all approach is not only wrong but extremely naive. However, I will agree that a relationship between a 60 year old woman and 25 year old man is most likely not gonna last since she is most likely gonna check out 1st or one is going to dump the other.


Well-Known Member
I think it really depends on the individual. I dated a guy in Savannah GA that was twenty years younger than me. And he did the pursuing, not me. He was really good looking but he was also really mature, intelligent, curious, funny, well-read, interesting, talkative, and well-versed on a lot of different subjects. We went out all the time, dinner, star gazing, movies, bowling, pool, swimming. He looked a little older, I looked a little younger so neither of us was terribly uncomfortable. We both knew it was temporary relationship in that way, but to this date, we are still friends and up until just the last year or so; he was the man who set the standard for every man that followed.


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