Grown Men Livin Wit Mommy....


24/7 Single Dad
Pete said:
:smack: 3 bdrm rambler
Used to have one after I first got divorced. WHen the home equity telemarketers would call, I'd ask if I could get enough for chrome wheels.
They'd hang up rather quickly :lol:
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
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:lmao: especially at that last one.


Routinely Derailed
We encouraged both kids to leave home by the time they were 21. We told them that if things didn't work out, they could come back. Neither of them has done so, I'm proud to say.

I left home soon after graduating from High School. I went back for a short time (like maybe three months) just before I joined the Navy at 21. It was hard to make it on my own, but it was harder to put up with the parents and the little brother. So honestly, I took the path of least resistance; it could just as easily have been a decision to stay at home, had the parents and sibling been different.

It takes guts to be independent, but it also takes a certain amount of rebellion. The latter is as negative a quality as the former is positive.

On the other hand, by 21, one should be trying to sustain oneself and take responsibility for oneself without the aid of the parents. The thought of needing parental aid should be repugnant, so repugnant that one would work 2 jobs before resorting to it.

In the case of both of our kids, (now 25 and 23) they won't even let us buy textbooks for their college courses, and they're putting themselves through college while working and paying rent. I'm VERY proud of them both!


Well-Known Member
migtig said:
There can be several legit explanations as to why somebody lives with their parents as an adult, i.e. financial, ill health of parent, caretaking concerns, etc. Perhaps before dismissing all men who live with their parents from your life, you should take the time to get to know them and find out why they choose to live at home. You might find a very admirable honest caring person.

Mostly, I agree. But it doesn't look good, because we're all familiar with loser-types who really ARE just a buncha deadbeats.

My sister used to date this guy who still lived at home.

However....he was a *very* well paid Washington lawyer -- his father was an extremely wealthy neurosurgeon - and they lived in a mansion near Chevy Chase. In addition, his culture wasn't fond of sons moving out until they were married, and since he was a bit of a player - that wasn't going to happen anytime soon. As much as I'd like to ride him for still living with Mom and Dad - his section of the mansion was bigger than my *home*. He'd have been *CRAZY* to give it up.


Happy Camper!
mrweb said:
Grown Men Livin Wit Mom... 12-21-2005 05:06 PM

yep, gray and unsigned, oh my brave distractor.

I got 2 of them. Does that make me extra special:confused:


My mommy wont let me move back home :frown: Should I take my laundry home for her to do since we are going there tonight? :confused:


This is too funny. I loaned my motor home to someone last night cause he lived with his mommy and the girl would not take him home cause her boyfriend was there. :killingme


New Member
angel_lex21 said:
Sorry forgot to mention my daughter is 8..... but yeah not a real good role model for her I don't think

She forgot to mention that her daughter is eight.......AND.......

1. THEY ALL (her him and the daughter) lived with his father, until she ran off with his best friend....

2. Said Baby's Daddy JUST started his own company approx. a month ago, and is getting on his feet, but DEFINATELY pays child support....AND buys the kiddo everything she could ever need on top of his child support.

3. Said baby's daddy gets his daughter EVERY weekend, and any other time that he can, and treats her wonderfully.....that little girl is his life...

Shall I continue????


wandering aimlessly
Pete said:
My mommy wont let me move back home :frown: Should I take my laundry home for her to do since we are going there tonight? :confused:
She admires your independence and would like you to keep it. Don't take the laundry, the last thing she needs is another man asking her where the socks are.


bresamil said:
She admires your independence and would like you to keep it. Don't take the laundry, the last thing she needs is another man asking her where the socks are.
Actually I think my mother has a thing about laundry. Whenever Boy and I go she cannot wait for us to change clothes so she can grab the old clothes and wash them. :confused: I think it is some strange "mother duty" thing. If I took her a load of underwear she would be very happy..........hey......nevermind.


Salt Life
Tina2001aniT said:
She forgot to mention that her daughter is eight.......AND.......

1. THEY ALL (her him and the daughter) lived with his father, until she ran off with his best friend....

2. Said Baby's Daddy JUST started his own company approx. a month ago, and is getting on his feet, but DEFINATELY pays child support....AND buys the kiddo everything she could ever need on top of his child support.

3. Said baby's daddy gets his daughter EVERY weekend, and any other time that he can, and treats her wonderfully.....that little girl is his life...

Shall I continue????
Who you talkin' bout? :confused:


New Member
Chasey_Lane said:
Who you talkin' bout? :confused:

angel_lex21 said:
Sorry forgot to mention my daughter is 8..... but yeah not a real good role model for her I don't think
I just so happen to know her and know the story......She is talkin trash about someone very close to me, and I just figured I would clear a few things up....


Im On 1.
Tina2001aniT said:
I just so happen to know her and know the story......She is talkin trash about someone very close to me, and I just figured I would clear a few things up....

WOW...did you really have to put her personal bizness out there like that?