Illegal Immigrants Plan Nationwide Boycott


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Here are some more historical references confirming that the sentiment over the years since the founding was you are either coming here to be one of us or don't come here.
Theodore Roosevelt's ideas on Immigrants and being an AMERICAN in 1907.

"In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person's becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American...There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag... We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language... and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people."

Theodore Roosevelt 1907
"I am not a Virginian, but an American." --Patrick Henry
"The name of American...must always exalt the just pride of Patriotism, more than any appellation derived from local discriminations." --George Washington
Get the gist? Be an American, not an African-American, Hispanic-American, Euro-American, Asian-American, not some other hyphenated American. Be an American, or get out.
2ndAmendment said:
Get the gist? Be an American, not an African-American, Hispanic-American, Euro-American, Asian-American, not some other hyphenated American. Be an American, or get out.



Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
SamSpade said:
I take it my point wasn't lost on you, however. Perhaps it might have been more clear had I selected a country where that wasn't the case? Maybe Russia? France?

There's a difference between offering a guest a drink, and your guest demanding one.

And then insulting you because the drink isn't as good as the one from his country.

After you GAVE it to him.
Bru is pro illegal, because he doesn't want the cost of his vegetables to go up.


Dancing Up A Storm
2ndAmendment said:
Get the gist? Be an American, not an African-American, Hispanic-American, Euro-American, Asian-American, not some other hyphenated American. Be an American, or get out.

Amen to that ! :patriot:


Lem Putt
SamSpade said:
I take it my point wasn't lost on you, however. Perhaps it might have been more clear had I selected a country where that wasn't the case? Maybe Russia? France?

There's a difference between offering a guest a drink, and your guest demanding one.

And then insulting you because the drink isn't as good as the one from his country.

After you GAVE it to him.
Actually, using English as the comparison is the problem. English is the International language of business, commerce, trade, and transportation. Almost anywhere an english speaking person goes, they will find some level of accomodation.

Did you ever see a sign in Japan with a Spanish translation? Why not? They don't care if spanish speaking people understand or not.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
MMDad said:
Actually, using English as the comparison is the problem. English is the International language of business, commerce, trade, and transportation. Almost anywhere an english speaking person goes, they will find some level of accomodation.

Did you ever see a sign in Japan with a Spanish translation? Why not? They don't care if spanish speaking people understand or not.
Can you say dollar? I knew you could. Americans were the only nation of the world with general affluence to allow for widespread travel to other nations.

Italians got tired of "I want a spoona." and other statements with an a on the end and learned English because they wanted the tourist dollars. The Japanese learned English to communicate with their conquerers and now with their trading partners. Americans, in general, don't learn other languages.

Sharon and I are thinking about learning Spanish not to speak with Hispanics but to know what they are saying behind our backs. :lmao: Then we can verbally :smack: . Did that once to an Amish guy who was speaking German to the woman in front of me in line. Two different price structures; one for Amish and one for everyone else. I asked about the same item that the woman in front of me had asked about in German. They did not know that I understand "food" German. She had gotten a price significantly lower than I did. I told him, "Kein danke" and left.


New Member
SamSpade said:
Says you. Everywhere else this kind of 'multiculturalism' has been implemented has eventually eroded away.

We're not talking 'conformity' or dismissing cultural heritage. Every other culture represented in this country thrives without rejecting *American* culture. That's the other part of the illegal immigration debate that p!sses people off - and it centers largely on language. If I were to become a Japanese citizen, I wouldn't arrive with 12 million of my English speaking brethren and demand that the Japanese government and the surrounding culture to provide services only in my language; sneer at the prospect of actually learning anything more than rudimentary Japanese; and create American versions of all of Japanese culture (or, alternatively, refuse to participate or recongnize any of it, in my community).

Presumably, you go to a new nation, because you want to be a part of it. If you just want to be a parasite and enjoy its freedoms and benefits but altogether refuse to be a part of it, then I'm cool with saying please, just get the hell out.

If you're a guest in my house, I suppose it's ok if you ignore my other guests, talk only to your friends in your own language, and pretend like every one else doesn't exist; I won't like it, but you're a guest, and you're leaving eventually. However, if you choose to be a part of my house, I expect you to participate in it, minimally; carry your share of the burdens and reap the rewards of the benefits. If that's ok with you, mi casa es tu casa. Bienvenidos. Welcome to America. If you come here to mock us, just go back home, because we really don't need you THAT badly here.

Of course, if YOU BREAK INTO MY HOUSE, don't be surprised if you feel a boot in your behind, repeatedly.

First let me say that I'm against illegal immigration in principal, I just don't know how we can tackle the enormity of the issue, or if we're prepared take on the consequences of such action.

Since when is there a guidebook on how to be an American? I think it is presumptuous to think that immigrants should and will be a part of your culture. Immigrants come here for religious freedom, jobs, the ability to advance economically, not for our McDonald's on every corner, Budweiser drinking, Git 'R Done culture. If legal immigrants want to hold on to their cultural heritage there shouldn't be anything to stop them from doing that. The only thing they have to do is to obey the laws (migrate legally) and pay their taxes.

If someone wants to be a part of 'your' house, legally, and they go through with it, they are now a member of 'our' house, and they get to follow the same rules that we do. In fact, they also get to vote to change the rules of the house, as equally as you do.

As far as language issues go, aside from the government doing it, most of it is corporate American trying to cater to a new market and trying to expand their business.
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Well-Known Member
dck4shrt said:
First let me say that I'm against illegal immigration in principal, I just don't know how we can tackle the enormity of the issue, or if we're prepared take on the consequences of such action.

Since when is there a guidebook on how to be an American? I think it is presumptuous to think that immigrants should and will be a part of your culture. Immigrants come here for religious freedom, jobs, the ability to advance economically, not for our McDonald's on every corner, Budweiser drinking, Git 'R Done culture. If legal immigrants want to hold on to their cultural heritage there shouldn't be anything to stop them from doing that. The only thing they have to do is to obey the laws (migrate legally) and pay their taxes.

If someone wants to be a part of 'your' house, legally, and they go through with it, they are now a member of 'our' house, and they get to follow the same rules that we do. In fact, they also get to vote to change the rules of the house, as equally as you do.

As far as language issues go, aside from the government doing it, most of it is corporate American trying to cater to a new market and trying to expand their business.

You know, we do actually agree on most things. I just hate the slant on things people take, especially when I try very hard to very explicit in my meaning.

One of my most favorite commercials is that one that aired after 9/11, where people of every nationality and ethnicity were saying "I ... am an American". Because the greatest thing about being an American is that it's based on an idea. Anyone can be an American. I can't be Japanese. I can become a Japanese citizen, but I will never BE Japanese. And that really goes for most anywhere else I can think of. You don't shake the hands of some Chinese or Indian person, and they tell you that they're proud of their German or Italian heritage. But you can DO that, in the United States, because it's not based on your race.

And people come here, and have Chinese New Year, and St Patties Day, and Cinco de Mayo, and Bastille Day. And I've had neighbors and friends invite me in on those days when it means something to them. It's great.

But everyone of those persons was also an American. And mostly, very proud to be one, and glad to be here.

Fast forward to 9/11.

We had a bunch of terrorists here - remained in our country for as much as eight years. As much as what they wanted to do was DIE *killing* as many Americans as possible, and praise be to Allah, perhaps destroy our way of life - they enjoyed the benefits of this nation. Hell, some of them, good Muslims that they are, drank in our bars and frequented our strip joints - while at the same time condemning the same way of life. And then they did the unthinkable.

Now illegals aren't the same as all that - but I have known several illegals, and a handful of 'potential' LEGALS whose aim was to come here strictly to take advantage of our tax situation, salary, benefits, all the while DESPISING the American way of life, and publicly proclaiming it - and if given the opportunity, to injure it as much as they could. They hate this place, but they don't mind a little cherry-picking here and there. It would be as though you invited someone to live in your house, and they wiped their hands on your curtains, and put their cigarettes out on your counters.

The language thing is a tirvial albeit important one. Every other ethnic group doesn't seem to mind the idea of learning English. For pete's sake, not only is it NOT "American" - but "English" (the language of ANOTHER country) but even linguo-phobes like the FRENCH come here and learn our language. What's so friggin' special about SPANISH that everyone else comes here and gives up Hindi, and Arabic, and Vietnamese etc - but Spanish speakers must have everything in their language? To the extent that you can be BORN HERE and still not know English?

There's a similar situation arising in Europe - Arabs, in Europe, who have formed their onw little communities and for what it's worth - have re-created versions of their homeland in the new nation with NO INTENTION of assimilating. It's causing trouble already. They've declared the intent of remaining separate, and I gotta ask - if it's so great to have this culture - why did you have to move 1000 miles from your homeland, where it obviously didn't do YOU any good?


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
dck4shrt said:
So if GW was around today, how would he describe that national character that we needed to support?
I don't think he would like hyphenated Americans and certainly not those that got here illegally protesting in our streets. Heck, before the 60s, if they had been protesting in the streets, it would have not been for long. INS would have cordoned off the streets and started checking documentation. Oh, you forgot your wallet? Take a seat in the bus. Bus is full. We have another one just around the corner.


24/7 Single Dad
2ndAmendment said:
it would have not been for long. INS would have cordoned off the streets and started checking documentation. Oh, you forgot your wallet? Take a seat in the bus. Bus is full. We have another one just around the corner.
I don't understand why INS didn't do that today. It would have pared down the numbers of the illegal alien problem considerably.


New Member
SamSpade said:
You know, we do actually agree on most things. I just hate the slant on things people take, especially when I try very hard to very explicit in my meaning.

One of my most favorite commercials is that one that aired after 9/11, where people of every nationality and ethnicity were saying "I ... am an American". Because the greatest thing about being an American is that it's based on an idea. Anyone can be an American. I can't be Japanese. I can become a Japanese citizen, but I will never BE Japanese. And that really goes for most anywhere else I can think of. You don't shake the hands of some Chinese or Indian person, and they tell you that they're proud of their German or Italian heritage. But you can DO that, in the United States, because it's not based on your race.

And people come here, and have Chinese New Year, and St Patties Day, and Cinco de Mayo, and Bastille Day. And I've had neighbors and friends invite me in on those days when it means something to them. It's great.

But everyone of those persons was also an American. And mostly, very proud to be one, and glad to be here.

Fast forward to 9/11.

We had a bunch of terrorists here - remained in our country for as much as eight years. As much as what they wanted to do was DIE *killing* as many Americans as possible, and praise be to Allah, perhaps destroy our way of life - they enjoyed the benefits of this nation. Hell, some of them, good Muslims that they are, drank in our bars and frequented our strip joints - while at the same time condemning the same way of life. And then they did the unthinkable.

Now illegals aren't the same as all that - but I have known several illegals, and a handful of 'potential' LEGALS whose aim was to come here strictly to take advantage of our tax situation, salary, benefits, all the while DESPISING the American way of life, and publicly proclaiming it - and if given the opportunity, to injure it as much as they could. They hate this place, but they don't mind a little cherry-picking here and there. It would be as though you invited someone to live in your house, and they wiped their hands on your curtains, and put their cigarettes out on your counters.

The language thing is a tirvial albeit important one. Every other ethnic group doesn't seem to mind the idea of learning English. For pete's sake, not only is it NOT "American" - but "English" (the language of ANOTHER country) but even linguo-phobes like the FRENCH come here and learn our language. What's so friggin' special about SPANISH that everyone else comes here and gives up Hindi, and Arabic, and Vietnamese etc - but Spanish speakers must have everything in their language? To the extent that you can be BORN HERE and still not know English?

There's a similar situation arising in Europe - Arabs, in Europe, who have formed their onw little communities and for what it's worth - have re-created versions of their homeland in the new nation with NO INTENTION of assimilating. It's causing trouble already. They've declared the intent of remaining separate, and I gotta ask - if it's so great to have this culture - why did you have to move 1000 miles from your homeland, where it obviously didn't do YOU any good?

Exactly, my point was that the only thing that maintains us all as Americans are just a few little tenets that we have to agree on. The rest of the story is up to each individual to choose as they please, just as long as you don't interfere with others. If you don't want to contribute to our society by not learning our language, I think that sucks for you because you won't learn about us and I won't give you the time of day, but you have that freedom...


Dancing Up A Storm
aps45819 said:
I don't understand why INS didn't do that today. It would have pared down the numbers of the illegal alien problem considerably.

The INS would have processed them, and then told them to come back for their court date. :sarcasm:


New Member
2ndAmendment said:
Especially not those.

No Spanish spoken here. Not because I can't; because I refuse.

So do you call Rosh Hashanah the "Jewish New Year", Ramadan the "The Fasting Month", Bastille Day "French Independence Day", because you don't want to speak those languages as well?


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
dck4shrt said:
So do you call Rosh Hashanah the "Jewish New Year", Ramadan the "The Fasting Month", Bastille Day "French Independence Day", because you don't want to speak those languages as well?
No, because people from those cultures have by and large assimilated into and added to the culture of the United States. There is a big difference between the new Hispanic immigrants, legal and illegal. They may not even like being here at all. They are here to take advantage of the system and not add to the culture. Obviously, this is a broad stroke and does not apply to all Hispanic immigrants, but it does apply to many. It certainly applies to the ones that fly the American flag upside down or below the Mexican flag and the ones that refuse to learn English.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
aps45819 said:
I don't understand why INS didn't do that today. It would have pared down the numbers of the illegal alien problem considerably.
It is not politically correct. We are "politically correcting" ourselves right out of existence.