Ladies: Your on a date, the check comes...


PREMO Member
migtig said:
Actually I tend to pay on the first date for different reasons.
I pay so that my date has no right to ##### about shelling out x amount of dollars on me. I pay so that he knows right off the bat that I am independent. I pay so that if I don't want to see him again, I am under no obligation to do so. I also pay because odds are I have more money than him anyway.
Did Gumbo pay for your ticket to the races?


aka Mrs. Giant
LordStanley said:
Or do you pay so you dont feel obligated to put out? :whistle:

Sorry had to go there. That was the first thing that popped into my head.

No disrespect I swear :biggrin:

No seriously, I was raised so Southern sugar wouldn't melt in my mouth. In the course of that Southern upbringing I was told I was under no obligation to any man other than to smile sweetly and thank him for a lovely time. :diva:

And I'll put out if I want to, regardless of who pays. :biggrin:

As a woman who knows her mind, I pay for the first date, more or less to make it clear, that I am definitely in control, unless of course I don't want to be. :wink:


aka Mrs. Giant
mainman said:
So, you're gonna argue with me at the end of the meal as to who pays for it? :really:
Odds are, I would have already discreetly paid for arguement is necessary. And if my date wants to argue over it :buttkick: bye bye.


Set Trippin
migtig said:
Odds are, I would have already discreetly paid for arguement is necessary. And if my date wants to argue over it :buttkick: bye bye.
How would you have already paid for it? :confused:


Set Trippin
migtig said:
:lmao: Guess you don't like a woman on top...
I never said that....

We will just have to agree to disagree here, you insist on paying for the first meal and so do I...:shrug:


PREMO Member
Originally Posted by migtig
Actually I tend to pay on the first date for different reasons.
I pay so that my date has no right to ##### about shelling out x amount of dollars on me. I pay so that he knows right off the bat that I am independent. I pay so that if I don't want to see him again, I am under no obligation to do so. I also pay because odds are I have more money than him anyway.

DoWhat said:
Did Gumbo pay for your ticket to the races?


migtig said:
Is it the first date? I usually pay on the first date anyway. This is after all a modern day and age.
Just a cotton pickin minute. I paid for all 3 meals we have shared. Even the turbo hot fudge sundae's with nuts and bananas for dessert.


aka Mrs. Giant
Pete said:
Just a cotton pickin minute. I paid for all 3 meals we have shared. Even the turbo hot fudge sundae's with nuts and bananas for dessert.
I did post "unless I don't want to be in charge". I was gonna let you be Patton and everything. But nooooo... :buttkick:


aka Mrs. Giant
Pete said:
uh huh, You just wanted me for my okra. :drama:

Actually it was for your sweet tea. :love:

If I didn't think I'd scare the boy, I'd try to charm ya out of your sweet tea again. :lol: