Ladies: Your on a date, the check comes...


I'm Rick James #####!
This thread is somewhat funny. We have comments ranging from

"Big deal I'll pick up the tab"


"That big effin loser! How can he do this to me? I'm a princess!!!"

I have to admit, I'm impressed that the ratio of these comments seems to be 50/50. I really did expect more of the princess type comments.


I haven't had a card get denied before, but I also like to take cash when I go on a date too. Depending on where you're going there may be things you might like to do that a card just won't work for. Snow cone or hotdog vendor? Taxi? :shrug: Who knows?


migtig said:

Actually it was for your sweet tea. :love:

If I didn't think I'd scare the boy, I'd try to charm ya out of your sweet tea again. :lol:
Boy is fearless......well except for big bugs, he is kinda wussy about big bugs and spiders.


I'd completely feel his embarrassment and pay. Might even love him more for being human.


New Member
dems4me said:
I'm not getting my dates in a gutter or Hell. :lol: I'd think this guy would definately be worth a second date :shrug: And I still think it was thoughtful for him to offer to splurge for dinner :shrug: Lilly, the men earn their money the same way we do, through working our azzes off just to try to get ahead or stay afloat. Its a very nice offer for the guy to pay. :shrug: To me whats more important than paying is, how was the dinner conversation? How was his table manners (did he make more noise than a dog eating? Talk with food in his mouth? Is he someone you can comfortably bring home to eat with parents or coworkers?), was he ogling the prettier watresses? Did he compliment you on how you look for the date? Did he take your coat? Did he offer to pull the seat out for you and push it back in? To me, if he passed all that, a simple oversight in the funds of his card or a bank error wouldn't have phased me much :shrug: Again, it was thoughtful of him to have offered :shrug: It shows good home training and respect for a woman. The thought was definately there and to me as long as the thoughts there, that's allthat counts :shrug: Accidents happen. :smile: What bothers me more I think is if he pays for the date with expectations instead of being a gentleman. If he pays for the date and EXPECTS to cop a feel or something. I have a problem with that. Been there, done that... about just as much as I've had the cheap date experience. :shrug:

Ahhh, I was just kidding! I've paid for many dates in my life. Actually, I feel better if I do that way HE/SHE doesn't think that I owe them anything! I work hard for my money and play hard with it and am glad I can! You're good people and I hope I didn't offend you. :howdy:


This Space for Rent
I've had a card declined once where the bank couldn't even figure out why it got declined then. It worked fine a couple hours later when I tried it somewhere else. :shrug:

I also had Chasey's BOA experience when I used BOA. We had gone on a major shopping spree; then it stopped working. I called, they checked if they were all legitimate charges, and then turned it back on. They said it was an unusual spending pattern for me. Which it was.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
FromTexas said:
I've had a card declined once where the bank couldn't even figure out why it got declined then. It worked fine a couple hours later when I tried it somewhere else. :shrug:

I also had Chasey's BOA experience when I used BOA. We had gone on a major shopping spree; then it stopped working. I called, they checked if they were all legitimate charges, and then turned it back on. They said it was an unusual spending pattern for me. Which it was.

I had a card declined when the bank was compromised. Problem solved later and fortunately I had enough cash to pay the bill.

I also once received a call from my CC company when ex was trying to place a deposit on a new bike. They wouldn't let it go through unless I said it was okay. I could have really effed with him by saying no. :lmao:

Fat Momma

Sharon said:
What are the chances the server erred only on your card? :poorbaby:

If the strip was bad the number can be keyed in. Try again. :razz:

there could be several reasons that it was declined...I don't see what the big deal is if it not a habitual thing...I still would pay it and work it out later.

Fat Momma

lillymay said:
Good God! Who in the hell are you dating and what gutter are you finding them in! Never ever pay for anything ever! I don't care if it's the first or 21st date. And you'd gladly lend him your card and hope for a 2nd date! That's pathetic, really and it's not the thought that counted! Didn't your momma teach you anything! :wench:

Are you nuts? why do you think they guy should pay for everything?

Give me a break.

Fat Momma

Mikeinsmd said:
If I ask you out, I expect to pay and have no problem with it. Now if you came off like Lilymay, it'd be your last date with me.

I have no tolerance for moochers who EXPECT him to always pay. You want equal rights baby, it works both ways. :yay:

no not moocher the name for women like that is GOLD DIGGER

Fat Momma

dems4me said:
I'm not getting my dates in a gutter or Hell. :lol: I'd think this guy would definately be worth a second date :shrug: And I still think it was thoughtful for him to offer to splurge for dinner :shrug: Lilly, the men earn their money the same way we do, through working our azzes off just to try to get ahead or stay afloat. Its a very nice offer for the guy to pay. :shrug: To me whats more important than paying is, how was the dinner conversation? How was his table manners (did he make more noise than a dog eating? Talk with food in his mouth? Is he someone you can comfortably bring home to eat with parents or coworkers?), was he ogling the prettier watresses? Did he compliment you on how you look for the date? Did he take your coat? Did he offer to pull the seat out for you and push it back in? To me, if he passed all that, a simple oversight in the funds of his card or a bank error wouldn't have phased me much :shrug: Again, it was thoughtful of him to have offered :shrug: It shows good home training and respect for a woman. The thought was definately there and to me as long as the thoughts there, that's allthat counts :shrug: Accidents happen. :smile: What bothers me more I think is if he pays for the date with expectations instead of being a gentleman. If he pays for the date and EXPECTS to cop a feel or something. I have a problem with that. Been there, done that... about just as much as I've had the cheap date experience. :shrug:

You got that right! Awesome post dems!!!!!!!!!!

Fat Momma

Christy said:
That is totally tacky. You have the worst luck. :poorbaby: :flowers:

You may have already been asked that..I am not that far into the post yet but why is it tacky for the woman to offer up half the bill?

Fat Momma

Qurious said:
If Im interested in the guy I ALWAYZ pay for the bill...I've never went on a date where it was split...either he pays or I pay.

How else do u show your interested in someone? Making them pay their 1/2 isn't the way.

Really, why is that? I don't see how splitting the bill would negate any interest in one another.

Maybe it is just me....but I know how tough times are and I know and respect that he had to work for his money just as I do.

I guess it is up to the persons involved but I would not want to take advantage of him meeting half way seems fair and we both enjoy dinner.
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How you like me now?
Qurious said:
....and his credit card is declined - he has no cash on him.

What do u do? :popcorn:

I do not see any reason why a woman cannot offer to pay half of the dinner bill.
As a woman I do not expect a man to flip for everything on a date.

I offer and if the gentleman declines then so be it. I treat my dates with the same respect that I would expect to be treated. Times have changed and if we as women demand equal rights then we need to be prepared for equal rights.

If the guy is famous for not having money on a numerous amount of outings then before I agree to go out we would have to settle things up front.

The guy is not a loser just based off his card being declined.


How you like me now?
Lugnut said:
This thread is somewhat funny. We have comments ranging from

"Big deal I'll pick up the tab"


"That big effin loser! How can he do this to me? I'm a princess!!!"

I have to admit, I'm impressed that the ratio of these comments seems to be 50/50. I really did expect more of the princess type comments.


I haven't had a card get denied before, but I also like to take cash when I go on a date too. Depending on where you're going there may be things you might like to do that a card just won't work for. Snow cone or hotdog vendor? Taxi? :shrug: Who knows?

Those princess types give us other gals a bad rap. I hate princess types or much worse their DIVA sisters. Get real. Your Pu$$y is not made of gold, you are not a celebrity, you are not from a royal family and you are not priceless.

Nothing wrong with having pride but being conceited and expecting to be treated like that is so lame.


Nicole_in_somd said:
Those princess types give us other gals a bad rap. I hate princess types or much worse their DIVA sisters. Get real. Your Pu$$y is not made of gold, you are not a celebrity, you are not from a royal family and you are not priceless.

Nothing wrong with having pride but being conceited and expecting to be treated like that is so lame.