Agree with Spoiled
I have to agree with Spoiled on this matter. I do agree that smoking a joint is harmful to one's health. So is smoking a cigar, doing a pinch of snuff, smoking a cig, drinking a beer or doing a shot...
But then again, going to McD's and eating three Big Macs three times a day will eventually kill you. Anything done without moderation or self control is hazardous.
Legalizing MJ makes sense. If you can control the distribution, the product etc. (as is done with tobacco and liquor) it will be taxed, create revenue and become inherently "safer: than it is now.
I don't think it is a reasonable argument that legalizing MJ would allow people to "shot-up on the beach" as vrai mentions. Last time I saw them on TV, a legal MJ joint looked just like an unfiltered camel.
I also don't think that smoking a joint turns you into some type of drug fiend or monster who will do anything for their next high. It's no different than beer or tobacco. If you drink a couple or beers a week, does that make you a drunk or an alcoholic? I think not.
Will legalizing it have its repercussions? Sure, what decision doesn’t have some circumstance, it’s unavoidable. But I do believe that the facts surrounding the troubles that evolve around the use of alcohol and tobacco are very much the same as those of MJ. Furthermore, what positives will come from legalizing it? I think those have pretty much been talked about in my message and the other’s.
I do also have to disagree with the person who said that us talking about legalizing it on the boards isn’t going to matter, as it is the politicians who make the rules… (I’m paraphrasing). If the public doesn’t voice their opinion, than we are left to be lead by the politicians w/o a voice. Sounds like Berlin, or some other third world country…