Active Member
On to the 5 month limit you've set. Some years ago a baby could not survive outside the womb if it was born before, let's say, 32 weeks. Advances in medical technology have that down to about 23 weeks now. Will your five month limit change if advances in science and medicine make it possible for an 18 week preborn baby to survive? How many weeks along is your limit?
I am a viability person as well and the answer, IMO, is yes. Personally I think if a person chooses abortion it should be done in the first trimester but that is not my decision to make. I do not think our government should be involved in abortion issues at all but I do not have problems with post viability limits. And yes as medical science advances that viability age will be lower and lower. As long as the 'baby/fetus" no longer needs the woman's body, and her body alone, to survive it is no longer her choice to make. Again just my opinion.