Relocating - Salary


Poor woman. My apologies. The area is nice. There's pros and cons anywhere. I believe it's a nice place to live. Especially if you like to fish, crab, go out on a boat.
I am an indoor kind a gal, but my husband loves fishing. I am used to crime, we have that here. Savannah has a high rate of crime, so that doesn't scare us. We know it all depends on the area. We like rural, but we want big box stores as well. To not have to grocery shop at WalMart would be a big plus for us! LOL


If it was it would be limited to my little section.
Also it is a documented HR exit interview item. Unfortunately they continue to recruit in places where the culture shock will be so great that there is no chance anyone from there will stay. Best places to recruit from have much lower average salaries. Cant tell you how many I've seen come from north of DC and say "I'll commute" and have a new job up there in a few months. Last one lasted two months, you know how much that costs to hire someone that only stays for a few months?
What is the name of your company? I hope it is not where my husband is interested in. lol He is a navy brat, so relocating is okay with him. He has moved around the US his whole life. Also, I appreciate your honesty. :)


If I may ...

I'm wondering if "kristy" is coming from Houston Texas and not South Georgia? I fear, fellow forumites, with four pages of comments, they appear to be futile, and wasted once again, under the trolls agenda.

Really, how hard is it for anyone today to look at Zillow, or any real estate website, to get an idea on on housing prices? Especially a person ostensibly smart enough to be pulling down a $135K annual salary? Which based upon what they are being paid could easily find a house which could carry a mortgage of $3750 per month? This person could buy a house priced up to about $900,000 based on a 3% mortgage with no down payment, or a higher price, (say a $1,000,000) home, with a down payment. Which means nearly any property in St Mary's County. Let alone any monetary gains they might realize on the sale of their current house, if they have one, from "South Georgia", to assist in their new purchase. Rent? At that income level? What a joke.

So sorry to say. You've been 'hooked' people, and "kristy" is reeling you all in.

Oh. And still no response from "kristy".
Thank you for your comments. As you can see I am not a troll. I appreciate you taking time to respond and so you know I did view Zillow. But as I have learned from many relocations, it is best to ask individuals the information instead of depending on google. Also, my husband pulls that salary, not me. I am just a HS graduate, but happy to put forth honest work when needed. My original question was about salary, not housing. But thank you and I hope you have a wonderful day and week.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
I am an indoor kind a gal, but my husband loves fishing. I am used to crime, we have that here. Savannah has a high rate of crime, so that doesn't scare us. We know it all depends on the area. We like rural, but we want big box stores as well. To not have to grocery shop at WalMart would be a big plus for us! LOL
There is a super Wal-Mart but we have several other grocery stores. Harris Teeter, Giant, Weis, Food Lion, and McKay's (locally owned).


Well-Known Member
What is the name of your company? I hope it is not where my husband is interested in. lol He is a navy brat, so relocating is okay with him. He has moved around the US his whole life. Also, I appreciate your honesty. :)
It's the federal gvt, of the engineers we recruit from around the country, about half leave within 3 years just as they are becoming useful. The contractor support peeps have an even higher turn over rate, most of them are 6 months or less.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
It's the federal gvt, of the engineers we recruit from around the country, about half leave within 3 years just as they are becoming useful. The contractor support peeps have an even higher turn over rate, most of them are 6 months or less.
Most of ours on my project have stayed.


Well-Known Member
Thank you for your comments. As you can see I am not a troll. I appreciate you taking time to respond and so you know I did view Zillow. But as I have learned from many relocations, it is best to ask individuals the information instead of depending on google. Also, my husband pulls that salary, not me. I am just a HS graduate, but happy to put forth honest work when needed. My original question was about salary, not housing. But thank you and I hope you have a wonderful day and week.
Good to see you came back, I wish you luck on your relocation.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
My point is that jobs that rely on bringing people in have high turnover. The folks you work with were they brought in or were they already in SOMD?
Brought here fresh out of college. One switched to another CSS but stayed here.


It's the federal gvt, of the engineers we recruit from around the country, about half leave within 3 years just as they are becoming useful. The contractor support peeps have an even higher turn over rate, most of them are 6 months or less.
At our age we are looking for staying power. Hence the reason for looking so heavily into everything. We are hoping this will be our last move.


Well-Known Member
I've always thought those recomendations were crazy, started by realtors to get house prices higher for higher commissions.

Even crazier now that you can't knock all your interest off your taxes.

Though with inflation and interest rates the way they are, might at well buy as much house as humanly possible with the longest term mortgage. Invest the money you would have paid into some dividend aristocrats since they typically weather inflation incredibly well and you get the lower tax qualified dividends.