Salon in Solomons


New Member
:yahoo: LOL Yay, I knew you could do it!!!!!!!
Man you must have felt pretty guilty, took you a while to respond... What, did you go out with your kids and set the good mommy seen to make yourself feel better....... LOL
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New Member
Kids are out of school today so wanted to be a good mother if its any of your business.

If its none of my business than why is Malice's employment any business of yours????? Hmmmmmm....... It ISN"T!!!! You have done a lot of bashing on this thread and just sounds like you are the kind of person that THRIVES on DRAMA...... Makes for a pretty unhappy person......I feel sorry for people like you because I know of a lot of people like you......


New Member
Its not - she made the comment that i was posting so much. I was simply stating that she had made 33,000 some posts as opposed to my 145 posts. She must have a lot of idle time on her hands. As for me, I work part time as a school teacher and have three little children and a husband who is serving his country. Have a good evening and hope you find a salon that you like in Southern Md.


New Member
I find it funny that you feel the need to explain yourself soo much and tell us everything you are doing. :1bdz:
OH and GOD BLESS AMERICA. My husband serves as well!!!!! OOOH RAH!
Anywho, I don't need a salon, I have my own talents, Thanks.......


New Member
I dont - when questioned I respond - human nature. Glad you have talents of your own and glad your husband also serves. The military never gets the credit it deserves.


New Member
I volunteer with the USO and its really a good feeling welcoming back soldiers when they land at BWI. Hope they end both wars soon.


Red Wings Rule
meow hisss hisssss

Hey Vrai when are you gonna charge Bluewater for advertising her salon all this time? It's pretty obvious (even to me) she works there because no "regular customer" or "friend" would post as much relentless CRAP about one place. I would be embarrassed to work there after reading this junk.

Have to admit it tho...kinda fun to watch the cats fight....

as you were


happy to be living
Hey Vrai when are you gonna charge Bluewater for advertising her salon all this time? It's pretty obvious (even to me) she works there because no "regular customer" or "friend" would post as much relentless CRAP about one place. I would be embarrassed to work there after reading this junk.

Have to admit it tho...kinda fun to watch the cats fight....

as you were



New Member
Hey Vrai when are you gonna charge Bluewater for advertising her salon all this time? It's pretty obvious (even to me) she works there because no "regular customer" or "friend" would post as much relentless CRAP about one place. I would be embarrassed to work there after reading this junk.

Have to admit it tho...kinda fun to watch the cats fight....

as you were
Hey dipstick, I am a part time school teacher and wouldn't know how to cut hair if I tried. I am simply tired of MAlice thinking she knows everything about every business, whether its a salon, pizza place, restaurant or doctor. When someone keeps knocking local businesses, any of them, we should all tell them to get the hell out of Southern Maryland if they think there is someplace better. I simply go there because I love my stylist. If she were to go somewhere else in the future and it was in the area, I would follow her there as well.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Hey dipstick, I am a part time school teacher and wouldn't know how to cut hair if I tried. I am simply tired of MAlice thinking she knows everything about every business, whether its a salon, pizza place, restaurant or doctor. When someone keeps knocking local businesses, any of them, we should all tell them to get the hell out of Southern Maryland if they think there is someplace better. I simply go there because I love my stylist. If she were to go somewhere else in the future and it was in the area, I would follow her there as well.

Yet, here you are.


New Member
ok so let me get this strait...... Malice has bad hair just because she doesn't like the TURN OVER in the salon industry in Somd. She is also a hillbilly and drives a ford...... Everyone in SMD is a SMIB (according to bluewater) ANd Bluewater is obsessed with a woman at Bella named Beverly. LOL this is GREAT!!! I am freakin DYING!!!! :lmao:

Estee, you must not have enough to do during your day! I was born and raised in St. Marys' so no not everyone is a SMIB, I simply told Malice she was acting like one, due to incessant ranting about how she hated every hair salon in southern md. Can't she really find one that she likes out of the 20 or so that are in the county??? Also, not obsessed with my stylist, she has the experience and skills and personality that anyone would find amazing and now that she and a coworker have bought the salon, they will do great things with it. Anybody can go anywhere they want and don't lose sleep over things you don't understand. Have a wonderful day!


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Estee, you must not have enough to do during your day! I was born and raised in St. Marys' so no not everyone is a SMIB, I simply told Malice she was acting like one, due to incessant ranting about how she hated every hair salon in southern md. Can't she really find one that she likes out of the 20 or so that are in the county??? Also, not obsessed with my stylist, she has the experience and skills and personality that anyone would find amazing and now that she and a coworker have bought the salon, they will do great things with it. Anybody can go anywhere they want and don't lose sleep over things you don't understand. Have a wonderful day!
:howdy: Pot!
Rose- I guess you must be another stay at home mom?? I work from noon to 4, so stop being bitter. Have a great day


professional daydreamer
Yet, here you are.

She is obviously plugging for the salon, for whatever reason. I don't believe she's a part time teacher, because reading comprehension is not her strong suit. She knows far too much about this salon to only be a customer.

I've been to the salon several times. Each time I've been, I've had to wait in a dusty corner somewhere because there's no place to sit, and the person I've made an appointment with has been overbooked. There is clutter laying all over the place, and there's always some drama goin' on, whether it's someone being fired, or back biting.