Settle a fight


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
crabcake said:
Your "telling her straight" pertains to how you see her treating your ex; not to how she decided to fold the towels this go-around.
Thank you - someone gets it! :flowers:

Larry gets an idea in his head and clings to it like the Holy Grail. If someone expresses a different opinion, they are "in denial" and "can't handle honesty". Then he insists that "the majority of people" or "anyone hearing/seeing this" would agree with him.

I just thought I'd put that to the test.


crabcake said:
No chit! :high5:

I'm trying to think of a polite, non-confrontational way to tell my b/f that this noise he makes (when he wants some "boom-chickie-bow-wow") is grating my nerves like fingernails on a chalk-board. Other than that, he's great ... but damn does that annoy the piss outta me! :burning:
Take a pause during the next hummer and tell him. :yay:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
bresamil said:
If this is all you have to argue about you are truly blessed.
Mmmm...I think it's rather significant when a spouse chooses to draw his sword and go to war over something as silly as this. It could have simply been a minor difference of opinion.

But it had to go to the next level because some people just like to up the ante, sling accusations and provoke a fight. :smile:


wandering aimlessly
vraiblonde said:
Mmmm...I think it's rather significant when a spouse chooses to draw his sword and go to war over something as silly as this. It could have simply been a minor difference of opinion.

But it had to go to the next level because some people just like to up the ante, sling accusations and provoke a fight. :smile:
Don't take advice from me, I'm divorced. :lmao:


wandering aimlessly
crabcake said:
Those of us who are divorced offer a wealth of experience in the matter. :coffee:
Well, I just figured since all my marital disagreements centered on alcoholism, violence, misappropriation of household funds, etc..the definition of "rude" just didn't rate. Then again maybe our early fights were about that type of thing and life escalated because we didn't address the little problems. Hard to remember that far back. :lol:


Cleopatra Jones
KNowing how Vrai feels about her mother I think it speaks volumes about the type of person the ex is and just how hurt/angered Vrai is over the ex's previous actions. She has no obligation at all to not be rude to the ex wife. Her actions may have been rude if she treated Larry's sister like that or even a neighbor but she didn't; she treated someone who had wronged her like she did. You can't generalize behavior so loosely.


24/7 Single Dad
bresamil said:
Well, I just figured since all my marital disagreements centered on alcoholism, violence, misappropriation of household funds, etc..the definition of "rude" just didn't rate. Then again maybe our early fights were about that type of thing and life escalated because we didn't address the little problems. Hard to remember that far back. :lol:
alcohol will do that :huggy:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
bresamil said:
Well, I just figured since all my marital disagreements centered on alcoholism, violence, misappropriation of household funds, etc..
Maybe if I was drunk all the time, slapped him around and stole his money, Larry would have something more tangible to ##### about and wouldn't have to cast about for silly things like whether I was rude to his ex or not.

So who wants to get hammered and kick some ass with me? Larry's treat! :jet:


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
Larry and I are having a disagreement... :blahblah:
I couldn't possibly read this whole thread w/o going bonkers myself. :jameo:

After skimming thru a few pages, I think I got it. You two argued over the same cupcake even though it's a stale, two month old crumb that obviously didn't get tossed around enough the first time.

Vrai had me going until Larry came in and stomped on her version. So, then you both spent 4 hours online doing what you've been doing for months. :lol:

See...this is why you guys have problems. :whistle: