SMO: Giving men Ultimatums...

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Dixie said:
If memory serves the X comes from something to do with the Greek language X being the first letter of Christ and therefore Greek religious shorthand for Christ i.e Xmas shorthand for Christmas. Clear as mud.
You are correct.


Well-Known Member
Tigerlily said:
just scammin'- no slammin'

besides, this is the one who thinks sex is overrated, i'm guessing that it has a lot to do with her skills/enthusiasm
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Pea Brain
PREMO Member
I agree with Kain. 10 years! :faint:

I sort of gave C_Jo an ultimatum. I didn't think of it that way, but he did. Anyway, we had been together two years when he said, "I don't know if I'll ever be ready to get married," so I said, "OK, then there's no reason for me to be here" -- because I can HEAR my ovaries are shriveling -- and started packing. Next thing I know, there's a gigantic diamond ring on my finger! :jet:

Ultimatums work, but only if he/she really loves you and is ready to make the commitment. :yay:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
K_Jo said:
Anyway, we had been together two years when he said, "I don't know if I'll ever be ready to get married," so I said, "OK, then there's no reason for me to be here" -- because I can HEAR my ovaries are shriveling -- and started packing. Next thing I know, there's a gigantic diamond ring on my finger!
Larry and I had a similar conversation - not about getting married but about seeing each other exclusively.

Him: I'm not sure if I want to get tied down to one person.
Me: Thanks for letting me know. I appreciate honesty. :packsbags:
Him: Wait! Wait!!

But it has to be HONEST and not just some silly mind game. I was in loooove and didn't want to date anyone else. So I definitely wasn't interested in being part of a harem, gnashing my teeth while he was out with some other skeezer and waiting my turn. Can you imagine? :twitch:


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
But it has to be HONEST and not just some silly mind game.
Exactly. I thought it was OVER. I was crying my eyes out while I packed, hoping he'd let me have Boy Kitty and wondering what I was gonna do with all that potato salad! :bawl:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
jazz lady said:
Giving ANYONE an ultimatum in fact. Not a good move.
Why? I mean, if you're not going to follow through with your end of it, yeah - bad move. But what's wrong with saying, "Here's what I need out of a relationship. Can you provide it or not?"



jazz lady said:
Giving ANYONE an ultimatum in fact. Not a good move.
I disagree, unltimatums are where you separate the shiat from shinola. You say your piece, make your stand and say what you are expecting they agree or not. It cuts to the chase without the goofy dancing and posturing. :shrug:

It is the most direct form of communication, both parties know exactly what the score is and where it is going.


wandering aimlessly
vraiblonde said:
Why? I mean, if you're not going to follow through with your end of it, yeah - bad move. But what's wrong with saying, "Here's what I need out of a relationship. Can you provide it or not?"

I don't consider that an ultimatum. That's a conversation.
An ultimatum is "You will marry me by blahblah date or...." "We need to live together by blahblah date or...."
The problem with an ultimatum is it makes the person defensive so that they'll do exactly the opposite of the ultimatum (even if its not what they want) just to show they are still in charge of their own lives.


bresamil said:
I don't consider that an ultimatum. That's a conversation.
An ultimatum is "You will marry me by blahblah date or...." "We need to live together by blahblah date or...."
The problem with an ultimatum is it makes the person defensive so that they'll do exactly the opposite of the ultimatum (even if its not what they want) just to show they are still in charge of their own lives.
Ah but here is the rub, if they are so childish and illogical that they would do that out of spite I don't want them anyway. The ultimatum once again did it's job.


wandering aimlessly
Pete said:
Ah but here is the rub, if they are so childish and illogical that they would do that out of spite I don't want them anyway. The ultimatum once again did it's job.
I thought we were talking about men. In most cases women are the ones issuing the ultimatum.