Then they'll whine that people who work in fields that don't get national holidays off can't vote.
I have worked in many occupations AND traveled full time for 5 years and have not missed one single election since the day I was eligible to vote. Not one. No matter what was going on with me, I managed to squeeze out a few minutes to cast my vote. It's not like the polling places aren't open all day and into the evening, and it's not like you don't have plenty of time to do an absentee vote. There's no excuse for having "election week" or "election month" or however long it takes cheating ass Democrats to drum up enough bullshit fake votes to "win".
And notice that it's ONLY Democrats who have this problem? Republicans manage to register and get their vote in on time. It's only Democrats who register at the last second and need weeks to get their worthless asses to a polling station. If it were up to me I'd make it harder to vote, not easier. Who wants those burnt out slackers deciding anything about this country? I'll bet you money right now that over half of those last minute tards don't even know who's running - some
PAID Democrat shitbag gives them a rock or bottle of Mad Dog and tells them who to vote for.