So are they just going to keep making up charges to file against Trump?


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I think there are many in the GOP that are pushing and organizing "Harvest the Ballot" operations.
And that's fine with me. I don't like it - because it seems like there's no way to ensure that votes aren't tampered with - but if they're going to do it, the Republicans should do it.


PREMO Member
I DO believe that the Dems so strongly believe in their issues, that they don't give a crap if they're not voted upon in their favor. Again - they don't CARE if the people don't want it, they believe it should happen and the choice of the people can go climb a tree. But since it isn't selling well, they DO have to rely on - stunts. Manipulating the courts; changing election laws AFTER election day; ballot harvesting - anything to push them over the edge.

You are too stupid or selfish to make the right choice

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
And that's fine with me. I don't like it - because it seems like there's no way to ensure that votes aren't tampered with - but if they're going to do it, the Republicans should do it.
I don't like it either, but then I am all in for a single day of voting (allowing for those that truly require an absentee ballot). No more of these month long voting windows or allowing for ballots received after election day. They made Juneteenth a holiday, make election day a national holiday.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I don't like it either, but then I am all in for a single day of voting (allowing for those that truly require an absentee ballot). No more of these month long voting windows or allowing for ballots received after election day. They made Juneteenth a holiday, make election day a national holiday.
I'm still not sure that's going to change anything. There's already this huge groundswell of people who don't want to HAVE to haul ass to a voting precinct and submit a ballot. What do you do? I guess - allow mail-in ballots. What if they arrive late? What if - as was noticed A LOT in 2020 - the ballots don't look at all to be legitimate.

Admittedly, it really grates on my nerves that we accepted showing up at the polls for well over a hundred plus years - and suddenly within a dozen or so years - all sorts of conveniences have become VITAL to our elections. Why is that?

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
I'm still not sure that's going to change anything. There's already this huge groundswell of people who don't want to HAVE to haul ass to a voting precinct and submit a ballot. What do you do? I guess - allow mail-in ballots. What if they arrive late? What if - as was noticed A LOT in 2020 - the ballots don't look at all to be legitimate.
Currently 22 states accept ballots after election day, anywhere from 3 to 14 days after (state dependent). Ballots are sent to be received with anywhere from 18 to 90 days prior to the election (again varies by state). If you can't return it so that it arrives prior to the end of election day it shouldn't count. If it takes a week for the Post Office to deliver it then get it there a week ahead of time. Send the ballots out to arrive 4 weeks before election day and they must be returned to reach the election supervisors office/precinct/drop box prior to the close of polls on election day.

If they don't look right, reject them. No dangling chads, no trying to figure the intent of the voter, none of that.
Admittedly, it really grates on my nerves that we accepted showing up at the polls for well over a hundred plus years - and suddenly within a dozen or so years - all sorts of conveniences have become VITAL to our elections. Why is that?
Because people are lazy and won't participate in what was once considered a civic duty, many seem annoyed at the process. If one cares about what is happening within our government they'll get it done. For those that don't care, do we need to jump through hoops to get their vote?

Not helping is that our representative won't fix a problem they could solve. While the States have the authority to establish their own rules as to time, places and manner of voting, the Constitution allows for Congress to make or alter such regulations, except as to the places of voting. And how that would look is certainly open for debate, but that is for another day.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
They made Juneteenth a holiday, make election day a national holiday.

Then they'll whine that people who work in fields that don't get national holidays off can't vote. :drama:

I have worked in many occupations AND traveled full time for 5 years and have not missed one single election since the day I was eligible to vote. Not one. No matter what was going on with me, I managed to squeeze out a few minutes to cast my vote. It's not like the polling places aren't open all day and into the evening, and it's not like you don't have plenty of time to do an absentee vote. There's no excuse for having "election week" or "election month" or however long it takes cheating ass Democrats to drum up enough bullshit fake votes to "win".

And notice that it's ONLY Democrats who have this problem? Republicans manage to register and get their vote in on time. It's only Democrats who register at the last second and need weeks to get their worthless asses to a polling station. If it were up to me I'd make it harder to vote, not easier. Who wants those burnt out slackers deciding anything about this country? I'll bet you money right now that over half of those last minute tards don't even know who's running - some Democrat shitbag gives them a rock or bottle of Mad Dog and tells them who to vote for.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Then they'll whine that people who work in fields that don't get national holidays off can't vote. :drama:

I have worked in many occupations AND traveled full time for 5 years and have not missed one single election since the day I was eligible to vote. Not one. No matter what was going on with me, I managed to squeeze out a few minutes to cast my vote. It's not like the polling places aren't open all day and into the evening, and it's not like you don't have plenty of time to do an absentee vote. There's no excuse for having "election week" or "election month" or however long it takes cheating ass Democrats to drum up enough bullshit fake votes to "win".

And notice that it's ONLY Democrats who have this problem? Republicans manage to register and get their vote in on time. It's only Democrats who register at the last second and need weeks to get their worthless asses to a polling station. If it were up to me I'd make it harder to vote, not easier. Who wants those burnt out slackers deciding anything about this country? I'll bet you money right now that over half of those last minute tards don't even know who's running - some PAID Democrat shitbag gives them a rock or bottle of Mad Dog and tells them who to vote for.
Agreed, shouldn't be any easier. They already register them when the interact with most government agencies. Oh, and I fixed it for you, those ballot harvestor are making money doing it. And they hit the housing projects, assisted living facilities, nursing homes and probably hospice facilities to help them fill out their ballots or maybe just sign it and fill it out for them later. Hell, it wouldn't surprise me if they hit the mortuaries,


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
simple, don't go to vote, you are giving up your vote
Exactly my thoughts. If you can't put out the effort to get there, it's not very important to you. Mail in voting should be very restricted and if you're not smart enough to figure it out on your own, you shouldn't have a voice. This is how we get people like John Foddermind elected to office.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
if you are out of the country ....

I'm not sure about old folks in nursing homes, if you sit around in a chair drooling all day long ... should you really be voting
Absolutely agree.

If you aren't in complete control of your own finances, you aren't competent enough to vote on anything that effects others.


PREMO Member
Absolutely agree.

If you aren't in complete control of your own finances, you aren't competent enough to vote on anything that effects others.

My MIL was in a nursing home for about 5 yrs, half the time she was talking to people who were not in the room


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Agreed, shouldn't be any easier.
I guess the problem is, there's this massive sentiment that voting should be continually made easier so as to not disenfranchise anyone.
Doing otherwise is always cast as a move toward racism.

To you and me, to even suggest that it's racist IS racist. It suggests - it outright DECLARES - that POCs need hand holding and coddling and assistance to exercise their most basic voting rights.

I don't know how to appeal to anyone, otherwise. Obviously the elderly in homes and the sick have a right to vote; it's not their fault they cannot drive or have easy access to transportation. I have family like that. But once that genie is let out of the bottle it opens the door for all sorts of voting mechanisms which are far less secure.

We already have a means of voting in person which has repeatedly proven to be insecure, because people have broken it and few have been caught. As more and more methods keep being added, I can't believe there exists ANYONE who has the balls to say it's 100% secure.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
My MIL was in a nursing home for about 5 yrs, half the time she was talking to people who were not in the room
Still can't bring myself to state they deserve to have their votes taken away.
There are fully sane people who vote having no idea who or what they are voting for.

This has been shown by repeated man in the street interviews(I realize, not scientific, but demonstrative of reality) who do not know who their House representative is, who their Senator is (or any of them, at any time in the past), clearly have no idea who the VP candidate is for either party - and yet - they can vote.

I don't see it as right to withhold a vote from someone mentally incapacitated but allow untold numbers of persons clearly too willfully stupod to vote.


PREMO Member
Obviously the elderly in homes and the sick have a right to vote; it's not their fault they cannot drive or have easy access to transportation.

are they mentally competent to vote, do they really understand whats is happening ....

I don't see it as right to withhold a vote from someone mentally incapacitated but allow untold numbers of persons clearly too willfully stupod to vote.

yeah and the willfully stoopid are led to vote by feelings and rage, driven by progressive / news media rage bait .... just look at Sapids

trump said you assault women by grabbing them by the pussy, or agrees Nazi's are very fine people


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
are they mentally competent to vote, do they really understand whats is happening ....
Once this ability to quash votes is unleashed, there's no putting it back.
Last time we ignored "literacy tests" and other means to determine someone's competency to vote, it led to outrageous abuse and racism.
I remember those days - some of those "tests" could not be passed by reporters commenting on them - because they were designed to cause the selected voter to fail, and were not administered to everyone.

We already have millions of lefties who regard everyone who doesn't agree with them as simply too stupid to participate in elections, too racist or homophobic or whatever the latest cause is to be allowed to discuss and promote their ideas online and believe that people who disagree with them must be silenced by whatever means is at their disposal.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Still can't bring myself to state they deserve to have their votes taken away.

And yet we wouldn't allow them to do anything else that requires cognitive clarity. They can't drive, or enter into a contract, or live on their own....yet somehow our voting system should be upended so they can have a say.


My idea is that if you don't know who's on the ballot without someone helping you, you can't vote. In fact I'd do away with names on the ballot altogether. It's all fill-in with no Party designation - you just write the name of whoever you want. AND you have to spell it correctly.

Also if you get caught tampering with or coaching a voter, you get beheaded immediately. AND your whole family gets beheaded first so you can watch and see what you caused. Cartel style, baby.

I'm a huge fan of representative government, but I loathe cheating and corruption and would punish it harshly.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Also if you get caught tampering with or coaching a voter, you get beheaded immediately.
Yeah, yeah. They get away with "coaching" RIGHT IN THE VOTING AREA, even though it is explicitly forbidden.

I don't know that anyone HONESTLY believes there's no cheating going on. I wish the Dems were more candid about it, because they will first DENY it, then say it's not much, THEN say it doesn't affect the outcome of an election - EVER escalating an event they initially declare never happens.

It is precisely the behavior you get from a compulsive liar, if you've ever interacted with one, although the more common response is complete total denial even if you have them on film, with the smoking gun above the dead body - with witnesses. I used to have a roommate who would deny he was smoking, even when we all saw him and could point to the still smoking butt on the ground where we saw him throw it.

I must admit though, I'm becoming increasingly concerned that this great nation may be under some form of total authoritarian rule before long. We have at least one party that believes the best thing for people is what they believe, even if the people do not choose it. We had a man lose an election because he was stupid enough to suggest that schools had more rights over children, than parents. This is evolving into party position, and the trans issue is making the case that doing other than what the state wants with your children - is ABUSE, and tantamount to losing parental rights.

You may find yourself living in a nation where the basic Communist premise - the state knows best - will be the law of the land.