

Stubborn and opinionated
Everyone asks me if I mix beef/pork fat in with the deer burger when I make it. They look at me like I'm stupid when I say no. Why take the leanest burger on the planet and ruin it by adding fat to it? I never felt that it tasted any better and adding fat ruins any health benefits it may bring.

I'll save the pork fat for when I make sausage, thank you!
We will be heading down to California tonight, most likely, so if anyone wants to meet down that way to do a pickup, rather than driving to our house, PM me your phone number and I will call you to set up a time. Most likely be about 7:00 in the WalMart parking lot, or something along those lines.
Does anyone want a deer? I am making a list, have 4 orders from co-workers and 1 order from a person who got one last year from another board. Anyone else?
Still have lots of Slim Jims btw.

I wrote a check (without the funds to cover it) to the butcher for everything I picked up on monday and he told me he would hold it till FRIDAY. I deposited everybody's checks yesterday. Talked to the butcher right before doing so and told him that I was depositing the money that I had collected and that by the time he deposited the check on FRIDAY the checks I was about to deposit would have cleared, and the check would be covered by a combination of my personal savings and collected monies. Unfortunately, he deposited the check YESTERDAY. It cleared TODAY. The checks I deposited yesterday have NOT cleared. The bank covered the check, but charged me $25.00 to do so. As a result, I am now in debt to this deal. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN AGAIN. If you want venison, you have to pay in advance, I refuse to count on the butcher to hold a check until I have your money in my account. Also, I will not be taking any more orders for ANYTHING until the slim jims I have in my fridge are sold.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Sorry huntr1. I could have given you cash. No deposit wait time on cash. Sounds like the butcher screwed you.
2ndAmendment said:
Sorry huntr1. I could have given you cash. No deposit wait time on cash. Sounds like the butcher screwed you.
I could have deposited your check on Tuesday. It would have cleared this morning. Held it so I would only have to make 1 deposit. Getting checks is not the problem, the problem is that he said he would hold the check till friday, and I even told him again to deposit it on friday, and he went ahead and deposited yesterday. So yep, he Ned Beatty'd me.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
You know, there are butchers down here too. One on St.John's road outside of Leonardtown.

Now I understand that this guy has turned you onto some deer, but you have been a better than average customer. I would go into him and tell him straight out that he messed you over. That you appreciate his service, but if he cannot honor a request to hold a check until a specific date or day, he should tell you up front. You then have the option to take your business elsewhere. I don't think he would prefer to keep the deer.

That is what I would do. I'd even tell him that you think he should reimburse you for the overdraft fee since he caused it by violating your agreement.
2ndAmendment said:
I'd even tell him that you think he should reimburse you for the overdraft fee since he caused it by violating your agreement.
I plan to, once I cool down. Right now I think I'd verbally rip his head off.


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
In all fairness, the man is running a business and shouldn't have to be holding the check. But he should have said that up front. We had the money, it just wasn't in the correct account. You could have put off picking up the deer a day or two and transferred the funds.


But wait, there's more...
Huntr ... what date did you put on the check? If it was for Friday, I'd think (considering a check is something of a 'legal agreement' is it not?) that the bank shouldn't have cashed it. :confused:


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
crabcake said:
Huntr ... what date did you put on the check? If it was for Friday, I'd think (considering a check is something of a 'legal agreement' is it not?) that the bank shouldn't have cashed it. :confused:
It is illegal to postdate checks. The bank can still cash it and if they feel like it, can refer you to the authorities. (not likely, but if you do it often enough...)


But wait, there's more...
Dymphna said:
It is illegal to postdate checks. The bank can still cash it and if they feel like it, can refer you to the authorities. (not likely, but if you do it often enough...)

Really? I didn't know that. :confused: Learn sumthin new every day! :lightbulb: