I like the LPRS. I wish St Marys had more. Ya'll are real late jumping on this band wagon. The cruiser mounted ones have been out for several years now, and there are alot of stationary LPRS deployed out there to. I think they serve a great purpose. They dont care what sex or race you are. If you, your car, tag, license, insurance, ect. is bad then it sends an alert. Im glad there is a more effective way to get wanted persons, suspended drivers, people with no insurance, ect. ect. off the roads. AAA released a news and safety alert on Sept 29, 2010 that states nearly 1 out of every 5 motorist are uninsured, and the rate is rising. That's just some of the many traffic related benefits. The criminal benefits are great also. If there is a crime in an area they can capture the tags leaving the area. If there is a lookout for a suspect vehicle, stolen vehicle, car jacking, kidnapping, bank robbery, shoplifter (and the list goes on). They can plug in the suspect tag, and if the vehicle goes by it will alert on the tag. I think they are great tools, and everyone has a right to their opinion. I don't post often, but I do love to laugh at the Police/Government hater posts.