Rate The Last Film You Watched

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Afleck the Accountant.

Very different and much better than the trailer. I hate trailers that basically give you the whole freaking movie. So, that's a plus. Not an Afleck fan.

Good movie. Maybe an 8?


Nothing to see here
The Wall

I did not expect much from the film and just wanted to be entertained with an action flick. The movie was good.

I give it 3.5 stars.


Well-Known Member
Hidden figures 5/5 :yay:

ditto! :yay:

Being somewhat of a :nerd: I can totally appreciate the kind of "trajectory calculations" the characters of the file were involved with and to perform by hand, wow! Enjoyed how the plot weaved the Government procurement/ test/operation process of the new IBM mainframe (circa 1962) into the movie (hurry-up and wait).

Amazing woman! Surprised it took so long for this story to spring into the public eye...

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Star Trek Beyond - Being a Trekkie (watching the original series right now...) I liked this one more than the previous, the characters and plot more believable. But I kind of lost interest when Kirk resurrects an ancient motorcycle from a crashed StarShip and uses it to create a diversion by riding it around and around in circles. Nope.

Finally got to watch this. Glad I wasn't the only one who thought the whole motorcycle thing was pretty contrived and stupid. :lol:

Other than that, I thoroughly enjoyed it and my inner geek got a fix. :nerd:


Well-Known Member
Afleck the Accountant.

Very different and much better than the trailer. I hate trailers that basically give you the whole freaking movie. So, that's a plus. Not an Afleck fan.

Good movie. Maybe an 8?

Watched it last night, pretty good flick. I wasn't expecting the end, I mean, I kept wondering what happened to his sibling.