New Trading Post HQ. Nice looking building.
New Trading Post HQ. Nice looking building.
I agree, very nice looking building. Moving the TP headquarters so that they can use that land to upgrade the intersection at FIR/IB & 5?
Which is why I may very well be wrong.That sort of makes sense.
Which is why I may very well be wrong.
New Trading Post HQ. Nice looking building.
I heard it is the same home decorating store that was in the old Friendly Tavern.
Noticed they are gutting the old Perkins in Wildewood. Wonder what is goin there?
Grapevine says an ice cream "parlor" going into the old Reynold's Pharmacy on the Leonardtown Square, near the newly renovated area of the old Bailey's Hotel/Pet Store, and says also an Italian place may be going in the newly renovated building.
The menu for the new place in Café Des Artises looks a little light.
The menu for the new place in Café Des Artises looks a little light.
thanks for posting! I can't wait to try it!
I've already made my menu selections.