New Businesses Coming to Southern Maryland


Power with Control
I agree, very nice looking building. Moving the TP headquarters so that they can use that land to upgrade the intersection at FIR/IB & 5?

That sort of makes sense. Part of the larger plan to widen 5 in there from GMR going north. Of course, that bridge is the choke point.


New Trading Post HQ. Nice looking building.

I don't think this is correct.

The store that is in the old Friendly Tavern building is moving into one half of the new building and then they are demolishing the old Friendly Tavern to expand the parking lot.

I believe the other half is going to be the Salt Cycle Studio. If you look at their facebook page they show the new building.


Active Member
Grapevine says an ice cream "parlor" going into the old Reynold's Pharmacy on the Leonardtown Square, near the newly renovated area of the old Bailey's Hotel/Pet Store, and says also an Italian place may be going in the newly renovated building.


Well-Known Member
Grapevine says an ice cream "parlor" going into the old Reynold's Pharmacy on the Leonardtown Square, near the newly renovated area of the old Bailey's Hotel/Pet Store, and says also an Italian place may be going in the newly renovated building.

OMG!!! I would love to have an Italian restaurant in Leonardtown!!!!! Hope its not going to be a chain restaurant though.